Electron microscope images of mercury atoms bound to DNA filament

1975 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14 ◽  
M. Tanaka ◽  
S. Higashi-Fujime ◽  
R. Uyeda
John Silcox

Several aspects of magnetic and electric effects in electron microscope images are of interest and will be discussed here. Clearly electrons are deflected by magnetic and electric fields and can give rise to image detail. We will review situations in ferromagnetic films in which magnetic image effects are the predominant ones, others in which the magnetic effects give rise to rather subtle changes in diffraction contrast, cases of contrast at specimen edges due to leakage fields in both ferromagnets and superconductors and some effects due to electric fields in insulators.

The three-dimensional structure of the stacked-disk rod of tobacco mosaic virus protein has been reconstructed to a resolution of about 2 nm from electron microscope images. Closed rings of seventeen protein subunits (compared with 16 ⅓ in one turn of the virus helix) are stacked in polar fashion, the stacking being accompanied by an axial perturbation of periodicity 5.3 nm connecting successive pairs of rings into disks. The axial perturbation consists of a movement towards each other of the outer parts of the subunits in the two rings comprising a disk, together with a movement of the inner parts in the opposite direction. This could be explained either by a bending of parts of the subunits in the appropriate directions or by a bodily tilting of the subunits in the two rings in opposite directions.

1982 ◽  
Vol 8 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 65-78 ◽  
Adam Rae Smith ◽  
Le Roy Eyring

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