A non-probabilistic approach to Poisson spaces

Alan L. T. Paterson

SynopsisUsing techniques from probability theory, it has been established that if μ is a probability measure on a separable, locally compact group, then the space of μ-harmonic functions on the group can be identified with C(X) for some compact, Hausdorff space X. The space X is known as the Poisson space of μ. We generalise this result in the context of a measure μ on a locally compact semigroup S, in particular establishing the existence of a Poisson space for non-separable groups. The proof is non-probabilistic, and depends on properties of projections on C(K)(K compact Hausdorff). We then show that if S is compact and the support of μ generates S, then the Poisson space associated with μ, is X, where X×G×Y is the Rees product representing the kernel of S.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-420
Tze-Chien Sun ◽  
N. A. Tserpes

In [6] we announced the following Conjecture: Let S be a locally compact semigroup and let μ be an idempotent regular probability measure on S with support F. Then(a) F is a closed completely simple subsemigroup.(b) F is isomorphic both algebraically and topologically to a paragroup ([2], p.46) X × G × Y where X and Y are locally compact left-zero and right-zero semi-groups respectively and G is a compact group. In X × G × Y the topology is the product topology and the multiplication of any two elements is defined by , x where [y, x′] is continuous mapping from Y × X → G.(c) The induced μ on X × G × Y can be decomposed as a product measure μX × μG× μY where μX and μY are two regular probability measures on X and Y respectively and μG is the normed Haar measure on G.

1994 ◽  
Vol 46 (06) ◽  
pp. 1263-1274 ◽  
Wojciech Jaworski

Abstract Let G be a connected amenable locally compact group with left Haar measure λ. In an earlier work Jenkins claimed that exponential boundedness of G is equivalent to each of the following conditions: (a) every open subsemigroup S ⊆ G is amenable; (b) given and a compact K ⊆ G with nonempty interior there exists an integer n such that (c) given a signed measure of compact support and nonnegative nonzero f ∈ L ∞(G), the condition v * f ≥ 0 implies v(G) ≥ 0. However, Jenkins‚ proof of this equivalence is not complete. We give a complete proof. The crucial part of the argument relies on the following two results: (1) an open σ-compact subsemigroup S ⊆ G is amenable if and only if there exists an absolutely continuous probability measure μ on S such that lim for every s ∈ S; (2) G is exponentially bounded if and only if for every nonempty open subset U ⊆ G.

1987 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-281 ◽  
James C. S. Wong

AbstractThis is a sequel to the author's paper "On the semigroup of probability measures of a locally compact semigroup." We continue to investigate the relationship between amenability of spaces of functions and functionals associated with a locally compact semigroups S and its convolution semigroup MO(S) of probability measures and fixed point properties of actions of S and MO(S) on compact convex sets.

2000 ◽  
Vol 32 (01) ◽  
pp. 86-100 ◽  
Wilfrid S. Kendall

We study the probability theory of countable dense random subsets of (uncountably infinite) Polish spaces. It is shown that if such a set is stationary with respect to a transitive (locally compact) group of symmetries then any event which concerns the random set itself (rather than accidental details of its construction) must have probability zero or one. Indeed the result requires only quasi-stationarity (null-events stay null under the group action). In passing, it is noted that the property of being countable does not correspond to a measurable subset of the space of subsets of an uncountably infinite Polish space.

1964 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-286 ◽  
J. H. Michael

An integral on a locally compact Hausdorff semigroup ς is a non-trivial, positive, linear functional μ on the space of continuous real-valued functions on ς with compact supports. If ς has the property: (A) for each pair of compact sets C, D of S, the set is compact; then, whenever and a ∈ S, the function fa defined by is also in . An integral μ on a locally compact semigroup S with the property (A) is said to be right invariant if for all j ∈ and all a ∈ S.

1980 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-239
Samuel Bourne

A regular Borel measure μ is said to be r*-invariant on a locally compact semigroup if μ(Ba-1) = μ(B) for all Borel sets B and points a of S, where Ba-1 ={xϵS, xaϵB}. In [1] Argabright conjectured that the support of an r*-invariant measure on a locally compact semigroup is a left group, Mukherjea and Tserpes [4] proved this conjecture in the case that the measure is finite; however their method of proof fails when the measure is infinite.

2007 ◽  
Vol 07 (03) ◽  
pp. 273-297 ◽  

Let ν be a probability measure on a semi-simple Lie group G with finite center. Under the hypothesis that the semigroup S generated by ν has non-empty interior, we identify the Poisson space Π = G/MνAN, where bounded (l.u.c.) ν-harmonic functions in G have a one-to-one correspondence with measurable (continuous) functions in Π. This paper extends a classical result (see Furstenberg [7], Azencott [1] and others), where the semigroup generated by ν was assumed to be the whole (connected) group. We present two detailed examples.

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