locally compact group
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2021 ◽  
Jayden Mudge

<p>In this Master’s Thesis, we set up the groundwork for [8], a paper co-written by the author and Hung Pham. We summarise the Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras on both abelian and general locally compact groups. Let Г be a locally compact group. We answer two questions left open in [11] and [13]:  1. When Г is abelian, we prove that if ϰs ∈ B(Г) is an idempotent with norm 1 < ||ϰs|| < 4/3 then S is the union of two cosets of an open subgroup of Г.  2. For general Г, we prove that if ϰs ∈ McbA(Г) is an idempotent with norm ||ϰs||cb < 1+√2/2 , then S is an open coset in Г.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jayden Mudge

<p>In this Master’s Thesis, we set up the groundwork for [8], a paper co-written by the author and Hung Pham. We summarise the Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras on both abelian and general locally compact groups. Let Г be a locally compact group. We answer two questions left open in [11] and [13]:  1. When Г is abelian, we prove that if ϰs ∈ B(Г) is an idempotent with norm 1 < ||ϰs|| < 4/3 then S is the union of two cosets of an open subgroup of Г.  2. For general Г, we prove that if ϰs ∈ McbA(Г) is an idempotent with norm ||ϰs||cb < 1+√2/2 , then S is an open coset in Г.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Wenfei Xi ◽  
Menachem Shlossberg

Abstract In this paper, we study topological groups having all closed subgroups (totally) minimal and we call such groups c-(totally) minimal. We show that a locally compact c-minimal connected group is compact. Using a well-known theorem of [P. Hall and C. R. Kulatilaka, A property of locally finite groups, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 39 1964, 235–239] and a characterization of a certain class of Lie groups, due to [S. K. Grosser and W. N. Herfort, Abelian subgroups of topological groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 283 1984, 1, 211–223], we prove that a c-minimal locally solvable Lie group is compact. It is shown that a topological group G is c-(totally) minimal if and only if G has a compact normal subgroup N such that G / N G/N is c-(totally) minimal. Applying this result, we prove that a locally compact group G is c-totally minimal if and only if its connected component c ⁢ ( G ) c(G) is compact and G / c ⁢ ( G ) G/c(G) is c-totally minimal. Moreover, a c-totally minimal group that is either complete solvable or strongly compactly covered must be compact. Negatively answering [D. Dikranjan and M. Megrelishvili, Minimality conditions in topological groups, Recent Progress in General Topology. III, Atlantis Press, Paris 2014, 229–327, Question 3.10 (b)], we find, in contrast, a totally minimal solvable (even metabelian) Lie group that is not compact.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (5) ◽  
pp. 1211-1228
Ali Rejali ◽  
Navid Sabzali

Abstract Let G be a locally compact group (not necessarily abelian) and B be a homogeneous Banach space on G, which is in a good situation with respect to a homogeneous function algebra on G. Feichtinger showed that there exists a minimal Banach space B min in the family of all homogenous Banach spaces C on G, containing all elements of B with compact support. In this paper, the amenability and super amenability of B min with respect to the convolution product or with respect to the pointwise product are showed to correspond to amenability, discreteness or finiteness of the group G and conversely. We also prove among other things that B min is a symmetric Segal subalgebra of L 1(G) on an IN-group G, under certain conditions, and we apply our results to study pseudo-amenability and some other homological properties of B min on IN-groups. Furthermore, we determine necessary and sufficient conditions on A under which A min $\mathcal{A}_{\min}$ with the pointwise product is an abstract Segal algebra or Segal algebra in A, whenever A is a homogeneous function algebra with an approximate identity. We apply these results to study amenability of some Feichtinger algebras with respect to the pointwise product.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
Monika Drewnik ◽  
Tomasz Miller ◽  
Zbigniew Pasternak-Winiarski

AbstractThe aim of the paper is to create a link between the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) and the notion of a unitary representation of a group or of a groupoid. More specifically, it is demonstrated on one hand how to construct a positive definite kernel and an RKHS for a given unitary representation of a group(oid), and on the other hand how to retrieve the unitary representation of a group or a groupoid from a positive definite kernel defined on that group(oid) with the help of the Moore–Aronszajn theorem. The kernel constructed from the group(oid) representation is inspired by the kernel defined in terms of the convolution of functions on a locally compact group. Several illustrative examples of reproducing kernels related with unitary representations of groupoids are discussed in detail. The paper is concluded with the brief overview of the possible applications of the proposed constructions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Hatem Hamrouni ◽  
Yousra Kammoun

Abstract For a locally compact group 𝐺, we write S ⁢ U ⁢ B ⁢ ( G ) {\mathcal{SUB}}(G) for the space of closed subgroups of 𝐺 endowed with the Chabauty topology. For any positive integer 𝑛, we associate to 𝐺 the function δ G , n \delta_{G,n} from G n G^{n} to S ⁢ U ⁢ B ⁢ ( G ) {\mathcal{SUB}}(G) defined by δ G , n ⁢ ( g 1 , … , g n ) = gp ¯ ⁢ ( g 1 , … , g n ) , \delta_{G,n}(g_{1},\ldots,g_{n})=\overline{\mathrm{gp}}(g_{1},\ldots,g_{n}), where gp ¯ ⁢ ( g 1 , … , g n ) \overline{\mathrm{gp}}(g_{1},\ldots,g_{n}) denotes the closed subgroup topologically generated by g 1 , … , g n g_{1},\ldots,g_{n} . It would be interesting to know for which groups 𝐺 the function δ G , n \delta_{G,n} is continuous for every 𝑛. Let [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] be the class of such groups. Some interesting properties of the class [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] are established. In particular, we prove that [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] is properly included in the class of totally disconnected locally compact groups. The class of totally disconnected locally compact locally pronilpotent groups is included in [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] . Also, we give an example of a solvable totally disconnected locally compact group not contained in [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] .


Abstract Let G be a locally compact group and let ${\mathcal {SUB}(G)}$ be the hyperspace of closed subgroups of G endowed with the Chabauty topology. The main purpose of this paper is to characterise the connectedness of the Chabauty space ${\mathcal {SUB}(G)}$ . More precisely, we show that if G is a connected pronilpotent group, then ${\mathcal {SUB}(G)}$ is connected if and only if G contains a closed subgroup topologically isomorphic to ${{\mathbb R}}$ .

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Arash Ghaani Farashahi

AbstractThis paper presents a systematic study for abstract harmonic analysis on classical Banach spaces of covariant functions of characters of compact subgroups. Let G be a locally compact group and H be a compact subgroup of G. Suppose that $$\xi :H\rightarrow \mathbb {T}$$ ξ : H → T is a character, $$1\le p<\infty$$ 1 ≤ p < ∞ and $$L_\xi ^p(G,H)$$ L ξ p ( G , H ) is the set of all covariant functions of $$\xi$$ ξ in $$L^p(G)$$ L p ( G ) . It is shown that $$L^p_\xi (G,H)$$ L ξ p ( G , H ) is isometrically isomorphic to a quotient space of $$L^p(G)$$ L p ( G ) . It is also proven that $$L^q_\xi (G,H)$$ L ξ q ( G , H ) is isometrically isomorphic to the dual space $$L^p_\xi (G,H)^*$$ L ξ p ( G , H ) ∗ , where q is the conjugate exponent of p. The paper is concluded by some results for the case that G is compact.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-382
Seyyed Mohammad Tabatabaie ◽  
AliReza Bagheri Salec

Abstract In this paper, we study convolution operators on an Orlicz space L Φ(G) commuting with left translations, where Φ is an N-function and G is a locally compact group. We also present some basic properties of the Fourier transform of a Φ-convolution operator in the context of locally compact abelian groups.

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