scholarly journals Shared control of hepatic glycogen synthesis by glycogen synthase and glucokinase

2000 ◽  
Vol 351 (3) ◽  
pp. 811-816 ◽  
Roger R. GOMIS ◽  
Juan C. FERRER ◽  

We have used recombinant adenoviruses (AdCMV-RLGS and AdCMV-GK) to overexpress the liver isoforms of glycogen synthase (GS) and glucokinase (GK) in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. Glucose activated overexpressed GS in a dose-dependent manner and caused the accumulation of larger amounts of glycogen in the AdCMV-RLGS-treated hepatocytes. The concentration of intermediate metabolites of the glycogenic pathway, such as glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) and UDP-glucose, were not significantly altered. GK overexpression also conferred on the hepatocyte an enhanced capacity to synthesize glycogen in response to glucose, as described previously [Seoane, Gómez-Foix, O'Doherty, Gómez-Ara, Newgard and Guinovart (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 23756–23760], although, in this case, they accumulated Glc-6-P. When GS and GK were simultaneously overexpressed, the accumulation of glycogen was enhanced in comparison with cells overexpressing either GS or GK. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that liver GS catalyses the rate-limiting step of hepatic glycogen synthesis. However, hepatic glycogen deposition from glucose is submitted to a system of shared control in which the ‘controller’, GS, is, in turn, controlled by GK. This control is indirectly exerted through Glc-6-P, which ‘switches on’ GS dephosphorylation and activation.

1976 ◽  
Vol 231 (5) ◽  
pp. 1608-1619 ◽  
M El-Refai ◽  
RN Bergman

The plausibility of various hypotheses concerning the effects of glucow dynamic model of glucose metabolism in the liver. The model consisted of six compartments representing extracellular glucose, and intracellular glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, uridine diphosphate glucose, obtained from literature reports, the model predicted values of intermediates which were close to those reported for the liver, sampled from fasting animals. The model predicts that glucose can generate significant glycogen deposition by engendering the inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase, but not by mass action, glycogen synthase activation, or phosphorylase deactivation. The model predicts that, although insulin can inhibit glucose production by lowering phosphorylase and gluconeogenesis, only an insulin-mediated induction of glucokinase can account for insulin's action to potentiate the effect of glucose alone on glycogen synthesis.

1982 ◽  
Vol 242 (4) ◽  
pp. E262-E272 ◽  
C. L. Wood ◽  
J. J. Blum

The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) on several enzymes of glycogen metabolism in rat hepatocytes were compared with those of glucagon and of vasopressin (ADH). VIP caused phosphorylase activation and glycogenolysis in hepatocytes from fed rats. In hepatocytes from fasted rats incubated with glucose, lactate, and pyruvate, VIP inhibited net glycogen deposition, inactivated glycogen synthase, and activated phosphorylase. VIP was about 100-fold less potent than glucagon and 1,000-fold less potent than ADH in causing activation of phosphorylase. The ability of VIP to activate phosphorylase was not altered by chelation of the calcium in the medium. The half maximal effective doses of VIP for both phosphorylase activation and stimulation of glycogenolysis were 10-30 nM. Treatment with VIP, ADH, or glucagon did not decrease phosphorylase phosphatase activity. Each of these hormones, however, lengthened the lag time before synthase phosphatase activity was expressed in vitro. Other gut hormones tested did not affect hepatocyte glycogen metabolism. These results do not support the concept of physiologic control of hepatic glycogen metabolism by VIP or by other gut hormones.

1983 ◽  
Vol 214 (2) ◽  
pp. 539-545 ◽  
M Bollen ◽  
G Gevers ◽  
W Stalmans

Hepatocytes from adrenalectomized 48 h-starved rats responded to increasing glucose concentrations with a progressively more complete inactivation of phosphorylase. Yet no activation of glycogen synthase occurred, even in a K+-rich medium. Protein phosphatase activities in crude liver preparations were assayed with purified substrates. Adrenalectomy plus starvation decreased synthase phosphatase activity by about 90%, but hardly affected phosphorylase phosphatase activity. Synthase b present in liver extracts from adrenalectomized starved rats was rapidly and completely converted into the a form on addition of liver extract from a normal fed rat. Glycogen synthesis can be slowly re-induced by administration of either glucose or cortisol to the deficient rats. In these conditions there was a close correspondence between the initial recovery of synthase phosphatase activity and the amount of synthase a present in the liver. The latter parameter was strictly correlated with the measured rate of glycogen synthesis in vivo. The decreased activity of synthase phosphatase emerges thus as the single factor that limits hepatic glycogen deposition in the adrenalectomized starved rat.

1988 ◽  
Vol 251 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53 ◽  
B Bouscarel ◽  
K Meurer ◽  
C Decker ◽  
J H Exton

The regulation of glycogen synthase by Ca2+-mobilizing hormones was studied by using rat liver parenchymal cells in primary culture. Long-term exposure of hepatocytes to 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA) resulted in a decrease in vasopressin or ATP inhibition of glycogen synthesis and glycogen synthase activity, without any change in the activation of glycogen phosphorylase. In contrast, treatment with TPA did not diminish the effects of glucagon, isoprenaline or A23187 on glycogen synthase or phosphorylase. TPA treatment for 18 h did not change specific [3H]vasopressin binding, but abolished protein kinase C activity in a concentration-dependent manner. The effects of TPA to decrease protein kinase C activity and to reverse the inactivation of glycogen synthase by vasopressin were well correlated and were mimicked by mezerein, but not by 4 alpha-phorbol. However, 1 microM-TPA totally inhibited protein kinase C activity, but reversed only 60% of the vasopressin effect on glycogen synthase. It is therefore concluded that Ca2+-mobilizing hormones inhibit glycogen synthase partly, but not wholly, through a mechanism involving protein kinase C.

2000 ◽  
Vol 351 (3) ◽  
pp. 811 ◽  
Roger R. GOMIS ◽  
Juan C. FERRER ◽  

1979 ◽  
Vol 180 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-402 ◽  
J Katz ◽  
S Golden ◽  
P A Wals

1. Hepatocytes from starved rats or fed rats whose glycogen content was previously depleted by phlorrhizin or by glucagon injections, form glycogen at rapid rates when incubated with 10mM-glucose, gluconeogenic precursors (lactate, glycerol, fructose etc.) and glutamine. There is a net synthesis of glucose and glycogen. 14C from all three types of substrate is incorporated into glycogen, but the incorporation from glucose represents exchange of carbon atoms, rather than net incorporation. 14C incorporation does not serve to measure net glycogen synthesis from any one substrate. 2. With glucose as sole substrate net glucose uptake and glycogen deposition commences at concentrations of about 12–15mM. Glycogen synthesis increases with glucose concentrations attaining maximal values at 50–60mM, when it is similar to that obtained in the presence of 10mM glucose and lactate plus glutamine. 3. The activities of the active (a) and total (a+b) forms of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase were monitored concomitant with glycogen synthesis. Total synthase was not constant during a 1 h incubation period. Total and active synthase activity increased in parallel with glycogen synthesis. 4. Glycogen phosphorylase was assayed in two directions, by conversion of glycose 1-phosphate into glycogen and by the phosphorylation of glycogen. Total phosphorylase was assyed in the presence of AMP or after conversion into the phosphorylated form by phosphorylase kinase. Results obtained by the various methods were compared. Although the rates measured by the procedures differ, the pattern of change during incubation was much the same. Total phosphorylase was not constant. 5. The amounts of active and total phosphorylase were highest in the washed cell pellet. Incubation in an oxygenated medium, with or without substrates, caused a prompt and pronounced decline in the assayed amounts of active and total enzyme. There was no correlation between phosphorylase activity and glycogen synthesis from gluconeogenic substrates. With fructose, active and total phosphorylase activities increased during glycogen syntheses. 6. In glycogen synthesis from glucose as sole substrate there was a decline in phosphorylase activities with increased glucose concentration and increased rates of glycogen deposition. The decrease was marked in cells from fed rats. 7. To determine whether phosphorolysis and glycogen synthesis occur concurrently, glycogen was prelabelled with [2-3H,1-14C]-galactose. During subsequent glycogen deposition there was no loss of activity from glycogen in spite of high amounts of assayable active phosphorylase.

1976 ◽  
Vol 156 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-592 ◽  
P D Whitton ◽  
D A Hems

1. A total loss of capacity for net glycogen synthesis was observed in experiments with the perfused liver of starved adrenalectomized rats. 2. This lesion was corrected by insulin or cortisol in vivo (over 2-5h), but not by any agent tested in perfusion. 3. The activity of glycogen synthetase a, and its increase during perfusion, in the presence of glucose plus glucogenic substrates, were proportional to the rate of net glycogen accumulation. 4. This complete inherent loss of capacity for glycogen synthesis after adrenalectomy is greater than any defect in hepatic metabolism yet reported in this situation, and is not explicable by a decrease in the rate of gluconegenesis (which supports glycogen synthesis in the liver of starved rats). The short-term (2-5h) stimulatory effect of glucocorticoids in the intact animal, on hepatic glycogen deposition, may be mediated partly through insulin action, although neither insulin or cortisol appear to act directly on the liver to stimulate glycogen synthesis.

1984 ◽  
Vol 247 (6) ◽  
pp. E714-E718
M. Freemark ◽  
S. Handwerger

The interactions between ovine placental lactogen (oPL) and insulin in the regulation of fetal liver glycogen metabolism have been studied in cultured hepatocytes from fetal rats on day 20 of gestation. Both oPL (0.75–22.5 micrograms/ml) and insulin (0.01–1 microM) stimulated dose-dependent increases in [14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen. However, the dose-response curves for the two hormones were not parallel and the maximum effect of oPL was 3.4 times greater than that of insulin (P less than 0.001). The two hormones had synergistic effects on [14C]glucose incorporation at low concentrations and additive effects at maximum concentrations. Ovine growth hormone (oGH) also stimulated [14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen but with a potency only 12.3% that of oPL. Cycloheximide (20 microM) abolished the stimulation of [14C]glucose incorporation by insulin (1 microM), oPL (5 micrograms/ml), and oGH (100 micrograms/ml). Although the glycogenic actions of oPL and insulin may depend on new protein synthesis, the results of these studies suggest that these hormones stimulate glycogen synthesis in fetal liver by different mechanisms. Because the glycogenic actions of oPL are potentiated by insulin, these hormones may act in concert to promote hepatic glycogen storage in the fetus.

2001 ◽  
Vol 360 (2) ◽  
pp. 449-459 ◽  
Gareth J. BROWNE ◽  
Stefaan KEPPENS ◽  
Willy STALMANS ◽  
Patricia T. W. COHEN

Hepatic glycogen synthesis is impaired in insulin-dependent diabetic rats owing to defective activation of glycogen synthase by glycogen-bound protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). The identification of three glycogen-targetting subunits in liver, GL, R5/PTG and R6, which form complexes with the catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1c), raises the question of whether some or all of these PP1c complexes are subject to regulation by insulin. In liver lysates of control rats, R5 and R6 complexes with PP1c were found to contribute significantly (16 and 21% respectively) to the phosphorylase phosphatase activity associated with the glycogen-targetting subunits, GL–PP1c accounting for the remainder (63%). In liver lysates of insulin-dependent diabetic and of starved rats, the phosphorylase phosphatase activities of the R5 and GL complexes with PP1c were shown by specific immunoadsorption assays to be substantially decreased, and the levels of R5 and GL were shown by immunoblotting to be much lower than those in control extracts. The phosphorylase phosphatase activity of R6–PP1c and the concentration of R6 protein were unaffected by these treatments. Insulin administration to diabetic rats restored the levels of R5 and GL and their associated activities. The regulation of R5 protein levels by insulin was shown to correspond to changes in the level of the mRNA, as has been found for GL. The in vitro glycogen synthase phosphatase/phosphorylase phosphatase activity ratio of R5-PP1c was lower than that of GL–PP1c, suggesting that R5–PP1c may function as a hepatic phosphorylase phosphatase, whereas GL–PP1c may be the major hepatic glycogen synthase phosphatase. In hepatic lysates, more than half the R6 was present in the glycogen-free supernatant, suggesting that R6 may have lower affinity for glycogen than R5 and GL

1983 ◽  
Vol 216 (2) ◽  
pp. 491-494 ◽  
S A Smith ◽  
M A Cawthorne ◽  
A L Levy ◽  
D L Simson

The administration of an oral glucose load to 24 h-starved lean (+/?) male C57BL/6 mice produced a rapid, 7-fold increase in the rate of hepatic glycogen synthesis and a sustained activation of glycogen synthase. In contrast, glucose produced only a small (4.5-fold), short-lived increase in hepatic glycogen synthesis in genetically obese (ob/ob) mice and no activation of glycogen synthase.

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