Designing acoustic transformation devices using fluid homogenization of an elastic substructure

2011 ◽  
Vol 99 (16) ◽  
pp. 163503 ◽  
Christopher N. Layman ◽  
Theodore P. Martin ◽  
Kimberly M. Moore ◽  
David C. Calvo ◽  
Gregory J. Orris
Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 296
Aung Min Oo ◽  
Lv Xinbiao ◽  
Khin Zaw ◽  
Than Htay ◽  
Sun Binke ◽  

The Lyhamyar deposit is a large Sb deposit in the Southern Shan Plateau, Eastern Myanmar. The deposit is located in the Early Silurian Linwe Formation, occurring as syntectonic quartz-stibnite veins. The ore body forms an irregular staircase shape, probably related to steep faulting. Based on the mineral assemblages and cross-cutting relationships, the deposit shows two mineralization stages: (1) the pre-ore sedimentary and diagenetic stage, and (2) the main-ore hydrothermal ore-forming stage (including stages I, II, and III), i.e., (i) early-ore stage (stage I) Quartz-Stibnite, (ii) late-ore stage (stage II) Quartz-calcite-Stibnite ± Pyrite, and (iii) post-ore stage (stage III) carbonate. The ore-forming fluid homogenization temperatures from the study of primary fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite indicate that the ore-forming fluid was of a low temperature (143.8–260.4 °C) and moderate to high-salinity (2.9–20.9 wt. % NaCl equivalent). Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes suggest that the ore-forming fluids of the Lyhamyar deposit were derived from circulating meteoric water mixed with magmatic fluids that underwent isotopic exchange with the surrounding rocks. Sulfur in Lyhamyar was dominated by thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) with dominant magmatic source sulfur. The lead isotope compositions of the stibnite indicate that the lead from the ore-forming metals was from the upper crustal lead reservoir and orogenic lead reservoir. On the basis of the integrated geological setting, ore geology, fluid inclusions, (H-O-S-Pb) isotope data, and previous literature, we propose a new ore-deposit model for the Lyhamyar Sb deposit: It was involved in an early deposition of pyrite in sedimentary and diagenetic stages and later Sb mineralization by mixing of circulating meteoric water with ascending magmatic fluids during the hydrothermal mineralization stage.

2003 ◽  
Vol 337 (12) ◽  
pp. 809-813
Isabelle Gruais

1994 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 1104-1121 ◽  
D. M. Shaw ◽  
A. P. Dickin ◽  
H. Li ◽  
R. H. McNutt ◽  
H. P. Schwarcz ◽  

Fifty-three rock samples from the Kapuskasing structural zone (KSZ) and 56 from the Wawa domal gneiss terrane (WGT), Ontario, have been analysed for major elements, 32 trace elements, and δ18O; δD was measured in a few samples.Average chemical compositions for the KSZ and WGT regions have been calculated from map unit averages weighted by regional abundance. Compared with estimates of the composition of the upper continental crust (UCC), the KSZ is enriched in Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, P, transition elements, Sc, and Sr; depleted in Si, B, most rare earth elements, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Li, Na, K, U, Th, Ba, and Rb; but similar in composition to estimates of the lower continental crust. The WGT is closer in composition to the UCC. These data support the interpretation, on geophysical and petrological grounds, that the crust here is layered and has been uplifted, the WGT and KSZ regions representing progressively deeper levels.Igneous rock and orthogneiss δ18O values in the KSZ and WGT show good correlation with the weight percentages of SiO2. Paragneisses and clastic sediments and metavolcanics in the Michipicoten greenstone belt have higher ratios, as in other greenstone belts. Low δ18O and high δD values in most of the higher grade mafic gneisses show that they have never undergone low-temperature marine alteration. However, a few mafic gneisses with relict pillows show δ18O and δD values indicating low-temperature aqueous alteration. The δ18O and δD evidence throughout the two regions supports the view that no regional fluid homogenization took place.Errorchron ages of 2725 ± 130 Ma (Rb/Sr) and 2755 ± 110 Ma (Sm/Nd) were obtained for tonalite–granodiorite gneiss and agree within error with results from other workers. The intrusive Floranna Lake complex is 2580 ± 120 Ma (Rb/Sr), not significantly different from the age of the tonalite. Scatter in the data is to be attributed to localized late-stage alteration under low water–rock ratios by Sr-rich–Rb-poor brines. Model Nd ages suggest that there is no old crust [Formula: see text] in the region and that the 2700 Ma mantle was depleted relative to the bulk earth.

2000 ◽  
R.M. da S. Bello ◽  
A.L. Gandini ◽  
V.R.P.R.O. Marciano ◽  
K. Fuzikawa ◽  
F.M.S. Carvalho ◽  

The Ipê pegmatite is situated to the northwest of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and belongs to the MarilacPegmatitic Field of the Província Pegmatítica Oriental do Brasil. The essential minerals found are: Kfeldspar,quartz, muscovite and biotite. The accessory minerals are: kaolin, albite, apatite, beryl, niobiumtantalite,garnet and tourmaline. The beryl crystals always contain abundant primary and pseudosecundaryfluid inclusions composed essentially by aqueous solutions of low salinity. Eutetic temperature data andmicro-Raman and infrared Spectroscopy analyses of the inclusions of the samples from the graphic andintermediate zones, and from the substitution body suggest that the fluids have evolved from systemswhich were originally enriched in Na+, K+, and possibly Fe2+ and Fe3+ (± CO2 ± CH4 ± N2) to Ca-richersolutions, with more abundant CO2. The fluid homogenization temperatures corroborate this evolutionhypothesis and additionally suggest that the inclusions from the graphic and intermediate zones werereequilibrated by later solutions.

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