1994 ◽  
Vol 04 (02) ◽  
pp. 343-381 ◽  
C. MIRA ◽  

Properties of the basins of noninvertible maps of a plane are studied using the method of critical curves. Different kinds of basin bifurcation, some of them leading to basin boundary fractalization are described. More particularly the paper considers the simplest class of maps that of a phase plane which is made up of two regions, one with two preimages, the other with no preimage.

1995 ◽  
Vol 05 (04) ◽  
pp. 991-1019 ◽  
C. MIRA ◽  

Properties of basins of noninvertible maps of the plane are studied by using the method of critical curves. The paper considers the simplest class of quadratic maps, that having a phase plane made up of two regions, one with two first rank preimages, the other with no preimage, in situations different from those described in a previous publication. More specifically, the considered quadratic maps give rise to a basin made up of infinitely many nonconnected regions, a parameter variation leading to an aggregation of these regions, which occur in a fractal way. The nonconnected regions, different from that containing an attracting set, are called "islands".

1999 ◽  
Vol 09 (10) ◽  
pp. 1995-2025 ◽  

Properties of the basins of a two-dimensional noninvertible degenerated map is studied using the method of critical curves. More precisely, this paper considers a cubic map that belongs to the class of maps having the plane subdivided by the branches of the critical curve in three regions, two nonconnected with one preimage, the other with three distinct preimages. The fractalization of the basin of such an endomorphism is described.

1998 ◽  
Vol 08 (11) ◽  
pp. 2147-2189 ◽  
J. C. Cathala

Properties of the basins of noninvertible maps of the plane are studied using the method of critical curves. The paper considers the class of maps having a region of the phase plane where the number of first rank preimages is greater than two. More particularly, the paper gives the conditions of existence of a connected basin, a nonconnected basin and a multiply connected basin in maps where the segments of the critical curve separate the plane into regions, one with three first rank preimages and the other with only one preimage. Then, maps having a maximum number of first rank preimages equal to four are considered.

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (05) ◽  
pp. 1625-1639 ◽  

This paper is an attempt to give new results, by a computer-assisted study, on some global bifurcations that change the structure of the domain of feasible trajectories (bounded discrete trajectories having an ecological sense) which can be obtained by the union of all rank preimages of axes. Three two-dimensional recurrence equations (or maps) are analyzed. The two first maps are degenerated invertible maps (i.e. the inverses of them are well defined except a set of zero lebergue measure) for which the basins of attractor are obtained by the backward iteration of a stable manifold of a saddle fixed point belonging to the basin boundary, and the interior domains of feasible trajectories are given by the intersection between the basin of attractor and the first quadrant. The other is a noninvertible map which is investigated by the use of critical curves, a powerful tool for the analysis of global properties of two-dimensional maps.

1997 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
pp. 39-70 ◽  
Gilles Millerioux ◽  
Christian Mira

These situations are put in evidence from two examples of (Z0 - Z2) maps. It is recalled that such maps (the simplest type of non-invertible ones) are related to the separation of the plane into a region without preimage, and a region each point of which has two rank-one preimages. With respect to diffeomorphisms, non-invertibility introduces more complex structures of the stable and unstable sets defining the homoclinic and heteroclinic situations, and the corresponding bifurcations. Critical curves permit the analysis of this question. More particularly, a basic global contact bifurcation (contact of the map critical curve with a non-connected saddle stable set Ws) plays a fundamental role for explaining the qualitative change of Ws, which occurs between two boundary homoclinic bifurcations limiting a parameter region related to the disappearing of an attracting invariant closed curve.

2001 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-99 ◽  
Carl Chairella ◽  
Roberto Dieci ◽  
Laura Gardini

In this paper we consider a model of the dynamics of speculative markets involving the interaction of fundamentalists and chartists. The dynamics of the model are driven by a two-dimensional map that in the space of the parameters displays regions of invertibility and noninvertibility. The paper focuses on a study of local and global bifurcations which drastically change the qualitative structure of the basins of attraction of several, often coexistent, attracting sets. We make use of the theory of critical curves associated with noninvertible maps, as well as of homoclinic bifurcations and homoclinic orbits of saddles in regimes of invertibility.

2001 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 821-839 ◽  

Properties of the critical curves of noninvertible maps are studied using the representation of the plane in the form of sheets. In such a representation, every sheet is associated with a well-defined determination of the inverse map which leads to a foliation of the plane directly related to fundamental properties of the map. The paper describes the change of the plane foliation occurring in the presence of parameter variations, leading to a modification of the nature of the map by crossing through a foliation bifurcation. The degenerated map obtained at the foliation bifurcation is characterized by the junction of more than two sheets on a critical curve segment. Examples illustrating these situations are given.

2000 ◽  
Vol 10 (08) ◽  
pp. 2001-2014 ◽  

For models in the form of noninvertible maps we propose a numerical method to calculate a class of basin bifurcation sets in a parameter space. It is known that basin bifurcations may result from the contact of a basin boundary with the critical curve (locus of points having two coincident rank-one preimages) segment. Therefore, when the map is smooth, we propose the method to obtain the tangent points of a basin boundary (stable set of saddle type periodic points) and a critical curve. Numerical examples for a two-dimensional quadratic noninvertible map are illustrated and new results of basin bifurcations are shown.

1997 ◽  
Vol 07 (06) ◽  
pp. 1167-1194 ◽  
Christos E. Frouzakis ◽  
Laura Gardini ◽  
Ioannis G. Kevrekidis ◽  
Gilles Millerioux ◽  
Christian Mira

We study the nature and dependence on parameters of certain invariant sets of noninvertible maps of the plane. The invariant sets we consider are unstable manifolds of saddle-type fixed and periodic points, as well as attracting invariant circles. Since for such maps a point may have more than one first-rank preimages, the geometry, transitions, and general properties of these sets are more complicated than the corresponding sets for diffeomorphisms. The critical curve(s) (locus of points having at least two coincident preimages) as well as its antecedent(s), the curve(s) where the map is singular (or "curve of merging preimages") play a fundamental role in such studies. We focus on phenomena arising from the interaction of one-dimensional invariant sets with these critical curves, and present some illustrative examples.

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