Some completely semisimple HNN-extensions of inverse semigroups

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (02) ◽  
pp. 217-243
Mohammed Abu Ayyash ◽  
Alessandra Cherubini

We give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that lower bounded HNN-extensions of inverse semigroups and HNN-extensions of finite inverse semigroups are completely semisimple semigroups. Since it is well known that an inverse semigroup is completely semisimple if and only if it does not contain a copy of the bicyclic semigroup, we first characterize such HNN-extensions containing a bicyclic subsemigroup making use of the special feature of their Schützenberger automata.

1978 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 393-396
Constance C. Edwards

In [2] D'Alarcao states necessary and sufficient conditions for the attainment of an idempotent-separating extension of an inverse semigroup. To do this D'Alarcao needed essentially three mappings satisfying thirteen conditions. In this paper we show that one can achieve the same results with two mappings satisfying eight conditions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 20 (01) ◽  
pp. 89-113 ◽  

It is well known that an inverse semigroup is completely semisimple if and only if it does not contain a copy of the bicyclic semigroup. We characterize the amalgams [S1, S2; U] of two finite inverse semigroups S1, S2whose free product with amalgamation is completely semisimple and we show that checking whether the amalgamated free product of finite inverse semigroups contains a bicyclic subsemigroup is decidable by means of a polynomial time algorithm with respect to max {|S1|,|S2|}. Moreover we consider amalgams of finite inverse semigroups respecting the [Formula: see text]-order proving that the free product with amalgamation is completely semisimple and we also provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the [Formula: see text]-classes to be finite.

1997 ◽  
Vol 07 (05) ◽  
pp. 577-604 ◽  
Paul Bennett

This paper is the second of two papers devoted to the study of amalgamated free products of inverse semigroups. We use the characterization of the Schützenberger automata given previously by the author to obtain structural results and preservational properties of lower bounded amalgams. Haataja, Margolis and Meakin have shown that if [S1,S2;U is an amalgam of regular semigroups in which S1∩ S2=U is a full regular subsemigroup of S1 and S2, then the maximal subgroups of the amalgamated free product S1*U S2 may be described by the fundamental groups of certain bipartite graphs of groups. In this paper we show that the maximal subgroups of a lower bounded amalgam [S1,S2;U] are either isomorphic copies of subgroups of S1 and S2 or can be described by the same Bass-Serre theory characterization. It follows, as for the regular case, that if S1 and S2 are combinatorial, then the maximal subgroups of S1*U S2 are free. By studying the endomorphism monoids of the Schützenberger graphs we obtain a number of results concerning when inverse semigroup properties are preserved under the amalgamated free product construction. For example, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for S1*U S2 to be completely semisimple. Under a mild assumption we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for S1*U S2 to have finite ℛ-classes. This enables us to reprove a result of Cherubini, Meakin and Piochi on amalgams of free inverse semigroups. Finally we give sufficient conditions for S1*U S2 to be E-unitary.

1995 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-372 ◽  
D. Easdown ◽  
W.D. Munn

Let S be an inverse semigroup and let F be a subring of the complex field containing 1 and closed under complex conjugation. This paper concerns the existence of trace functions on F[S], the semigroup algebra of S over F. Necessary and sufficient conditions on S are found for the existence of a trace function on F[S] that takes positive integral values on the idempotents of S. Although F[S] does not always admit a trace function, a weaker form of linear functional is shown to exist for all choices of S. This is used to show that the natural involution on F[S] is special. It also leads to the construction of a trace function on F[S] for the case in which F is the real or complex field and S is completely semisimple of a type that includes countable free inverse semigroups.

W. D. Munn

AbstractIt is shown that no proper ideal of a free inverse semigroup is free and that every isomorphism between ideals is induced by a unique automorphism of the whole semigroup. In addition, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for two principal ideals to be isomorhic.

1999 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 497-520 ◽  
Mark V. Lawson

This is the first of three papers in which we generalise the classical McAlister structure theory for E-unitary inverse semigroups to those 0-E-unitary inverse semigroups which admit a 0-restricted, idempotent pure prehomomorphism to a primitive inverse semigroup. In this paper, we concentrate on finding necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such prehomomorphisms in the case of 0-E-unitary inverse monoids. A class of inverse monoids which satisfy our conditions automatically are those which are unambiguous except at zero, such as the polycyclic monoids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Pinto G.A.

We introduce a new class of semigroups, that we call BZS - Boolean Zero Square-semigroups. A semigroup S with a zero element, 0, is said to be a BZS semigroup if, for every , we have  or . We obtain some properties that describe the behaviour of the Green’s equivalence relations , ,  and . Necessary and sufficient conditions for a BZS semigroup to be a band and an inverse semigroup are obtained. A characterisation of a special type of BZS completely 0-simple semigroup is presented.

1997 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-110 ◽  
T. S. Blyth ◽  
H. J. Silva

AbstractIf (L; ƒ) is an Ockham algebra with dual space (X; g), then it is known that the semigroup of Ockham endomorphisms on L is (anti-)isomorphic to the semigroup Λ(X; g) of continuous order-preserving mappings on X that commute with g. Here we consider the case where L is a finite boolean lattice and ƒ is a bijection. We begin by determining the size of Λ(X;g), and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for this semigroup to be regular or orthodox. We also describe its structure when it is a group, or an inverse semigroup that is not a group. In the former case it is a cartesian product of cyclic groups and in the latter a cartesian product of cyclic groups each with a zero adjoined.

1986 ◽  
Vol 23 (04) ◽  
pp. 851-858 ◽  
P. J. Brockwell

The Laplace transform of the extinction time is determined for a general birth and death process with arbitrary catastrophe rate and catastrophe size distribution. It is assumed only that the birth rates satisfyλ0= 0,λj> 0 for eachj> 0, and. Necessary and sufficient conditions for certain extinction of the population are derived. The results are applied to the linear birth and death process (λj=jλ, µj=jμ) with catastrophes of several different types.

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