The Textual History of the Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Biblical manuscripts of the Vienna Papyrus Collection

2022 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-6
James A. Sanders

The concept of the Jubilee, or the collective forgiveness of all debts and debtor/slaves, had its origins in the Ancient Near East where it was a secular practice of kings. It came into the Bible originally also as a secular practice of kings but then became the province of priests and a calendar observance to be celebrated every 50 years. It was finally understood in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament to rest in the hands of God alone, an eschatological concept of the forgiveness of all debts/sins and the redemption of all human sins, or debts to God, that became the very basis of the theological history of Luke/Acts.

Canon&Culture ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 321-332
Peter Flint
Dead Sea ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-155
Suyadi Tjhin

This article discusses Dead Sea Scrolls and the reliability of the Bible from an evangelical perspective. This review from an evangelical point of view is needed to give perspective to Christian academics, so that they can take a position related to the above mentioned topic. From the results of a study of the Dead Sea Scroll's contribution in relation to the reliability of the Bible, Dead Sea Scroll is indeed a historical and important finding in the field of archeology, especially in connection with the Bible, but it must be realized that not because of archeological evidence that makes the Bible trusted, the Bible can be trusted so there is evidence.

Steven D. Fraade

The Damascus Document is an ancient Hebrew text that is one of the longest, oldest, and most important of the ancient scrolls found near Khirbet (ruins of) Qumran, usually referred to collectively as the Dead Sea Scrolls for the proximity of the Qumran settlement and eleven nearby caves to the Dead Sea. Its oldest parts originate in the mid- to late second century BCE. While the earliest discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls occurred in 1947, the Qumran Damascus Document fragments were discovered in 1952 (but not published in full until 1996), mainly in what is designated as Qumran Cave Four (some ten manuscripts altogether). However, it is unique in that two manuscripts (MS A and MS B) containing parts and variations of the same text were discovered much earlier, in 1896 (and published in 1910), among the discarded texts of the Cairo Geniza, the latter being written in the tenth-eleventh centuries CE. Together, the manuscripts of the Damascus Document, both ancient and medieval, are an invaluable source for understanding many aspects of ancient Jewish (and before that Israelite) history, theology, sectarian ideology, eschatology, liturgy, law, communal leadership, canon formation, and practice. Central to the structure of the overall text, is the intersection of law, both what we would call “biblical” (or biblically derived) and “communal,” and narrative/historical admonitions, perhaps modeled after a similar division the biblical book of Deuteronomy. A suitable characterization of the Damascus Document, to which we will repeatedly return, could be “bringing the Messiah through law.” Because of the longevity of its discovery, translation, publication, and debated interpretation, there is a long history of modern scholarship devoted to this ancient text.

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