Determination of the Enhancement Factor of Solvent Diffusion in Dilute Silver-Tin and Silver-Indium Alloys and Critical Calculation of the Vacancy Jump Frequency Ratios

Ulrich Köhler ◽  
Petra Neuhaus ◽  
Christian Herzig
1991 ◽  
Vol 66-69 ◽  
pp. 459-464
H. Hagenschulte ◽  
Th. Heumann

1973 ◽  
C.U. Benton ◽  
A.N. Phillips ◽  
R.W. Buchanan ◽  
H.M. Fowles

A. G. Nassiopoulos ◽  
E. Valamontes ◽  
T. Travlos ◽  
C. Tsamis

The total enhancement factor in X-ray Microanalysis of thin overlayers has been measured at different primary beam energies by comparing the signal from a thin film deposited on a bulk material to that from a thin unsupported film of the same composition. This enhancement factor contains the contribution of both backscattered electrons and characteristic and bremsstrahlung X-rays created in the bulk by the primary beam , which ionize the film in their way out of the sample.The experimental results from a Cu film on different substrates ( Si, Ni and Au ) are compared to Monte-Carlo calculations, performed by the authors. In these calculations [1,2] all three correction factors cited above (backscattering, characteristic and continuous X-rays from the bulk) are taken into account. It is thus demonstated that the contribution of continuous X-rays from the bulk take important values (as high as 12-14%) in cases where the substrate is of a high Z material at high primary beam energies (40 keV).

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