A Future for Systematic Theology

2011 ◽  
pp. 49-72
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-41
E. Chrisna Wijaya

"The peculiarity of Paul's eschatology," is an explanatory study of Paul's theological thought, specifically relating to the ideas or teachings of the end-time (eschatology). It is remembered that eschatology is one of the doctrines in systematic theology that has not yet been fulfilled so it often leads to debate and often becomes a neglected doctrine because of the difficulty or error in interpreting the teaching. in this connection, this study intends to provide clarification and affirmation that Paul's belief in the events of the end times contained in his eschatological discussion is a fact that will really happen. In addition, this study also intends to convey the uniqueness or uniqueness of the end-time doctrine from the perspective of the apostle Paul. To realize that understanding, the author conducts a study of several Bible verses and the views of the experts in approaching the passages of Paul's eschatology. From this approach, there is some understanding of the peculiarities of Paul's eschatology whose impure theological thought is derived from himself, but his thoughts have had a significant influence, among them his background as a genuine Jew, his background of life stained by Greek thought, and that is primarily the influence of Paul's own Christian experience. Second, the peculiarity of Paul's eschatology is apparent through the notion of parousia, which refers to the notion of the second coming of Christ, the persistent perspective and hope of Paul in the second coming of Christ, and the deeply christological nuance found in his eschatological thought.Keywords: peculiarities, eschatology, Paul, end times, parousia, the second coming of the Lord.Abstrak“Kekhasan Eskatologi Paulus,” merupakan penelitian yang memberikan eksplanatori mengenai pemikiran-pemikiran teologis Paulus, secara khusus berkaitan dengan pemikiran-pemikiran atau pengajaran mengenai akhir zaman (eskatologi). Hal tersebut mengingat bahwa eskatologi merupakah salah satu doktrin dalam teologi sistematika yang belum tergenapi sehingga seringkali menimbulkan perdebatan dan tidak jarang menjadi doktrin yang diabaikan karena kesulitan atau kekeliruan dalam menafsirkan ajaran tersebut. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memberikan klarifikasi dan afirmasi bahwa keyakinan Paulus akan peristiwa-peristiwa akhir zaman yang terdapat dalam pembahasan eskatologinya merupakan fakta yang benar-benar akan terjadi. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga bermaksud untuk menyampaikan keunikan atau kekhasan doktrin akhir zaman tersebut dari perspektif rasul Paulus. Untuk mewujudkan pemahaman tersebut, maka penulis melaksanakan kajian terhadap beberapa ayat Alkitab dan pandangan para pakar dalam mengadakan pendekatan terhadap ayat-ayat eskatologi Paulus. Dari pendekatan tersebut, diperoleh beberapa pemahaman mengenai kekhasan daripada eskatologi Paulus yang pemikiran teologis yang tidak murni berasal dari dirinya sendiri, namun pemikirannya mendapat pengaruh yang cukup signifikan, di antaranya adalah latar belakangnya sebagai orang Yahudi asli, latar belakang kehidupannya yang diwarnai oleh pemikiran Yunani, dan yang terutama adalah pengaruh pengalaman kekristenan Paulus sendiri. Kedua, kekhasan eskatologi Paulus nampak melalui pengertian parousia, yang merujuk pada pengertian kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kali, perspektif dan pengharapan Paulus yang pasti akan kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kali, serta nuansa kristologi yang sangat kental yang ditemukan dalam pemikiran eskatologinya.Kata-kata kunci: kekhasan, eskatologi, Paulus, akhir zaman, parousia, kedatangan Tuhan kedua kali.

2020 ◽  
Katherine Sonderegger

Emily Corran

After Peter the Chanter and Robert of Courson, there was relatively little practical moral discussions in the theology faculty until the rise of the institution known as quodlibets in the 1250s, where it was permitted to pose any question to a theology master. This chapter shows how theology masters returned to the pastoral interests of their predecessors. They revived problems on lying and oath-breaking and thereby included practical problems in the same forum as systematic theology and theoretical ecclesiology. On occasion theologians also brought greater academic and speculative depth to familiar dilemmas taken from the Decretum and pastoral manuals. More significantly, they treated problems that had previously been the preserve of law and pastoral writing as problems that should be addressed by a theology master. These new qualities played an important role in the formation of casuistry as a discipline.

Ecclesiology ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-43
Graham Buxton

AbstractThe author critiques inductive approaches to pastoral theology that rely on the empirical methodology of the social and human sciences, and presents an alternative Christocentric praxis model of pastoral ministry. The result is an attempt to integrate pastoral theory and practice that shifts the perspective away from functionally-determined theologies of ministry to a relationally oriented and hermeneutically coherent model of orthopraxis in which theory and practice interact in a way that is intended to both deepen faith and transform lives. Some of the key themes that inform the discussion are the importance of theological method, the role of the community as the context for care, the relationship between practical ministry and systematic theology, and the notion of praxis in articulating the nature and scope of practical theology today.

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