Anastasiya Koshechko ◽  
Alina Shilova

Введение. Представлена методологическая рефлексия изучения ценностно-смысловых аспектов репрезентации агиографической традиции в творчестве Достоевского. Анализ художественной антропологии писателя, идейных поисков и духовных коллизий, определяющих особенности проблематики и поэтики его произведений, позволяет увидеть глубинную связь с агиографической традицией в ее понимании мира и человека. Духовный опыт, запечатленный в житиях, для писателя является не просто жанровым или изобразительным инструментом, а глубинным смысловым вектором, антропологической и аксиологической доминантой. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования являются художественные и публицистические произведения позднего творчества Ф. М. Достоевского, эго-документы писателя, воспоминания современников. Методологической основой исследования является аксиологический подход, который носит комплексный характер и включает в себя культурно-исторический, сравнительно-сопоставительный, структурно-типологический и биографический аспекты. Результаты и обсуждение. Репрезентация агиографической традиции неразрывно связана с мировоззрением писателя, его системой ценностей. В системе воззрений Ф. М. Достоевского вопросы о человеке, его духовном и нравственном развитии, ценностных установках и идеалах имеют большое значение, находят отражение в художественном творчестве, в особенности в романе «Братья Карамазовы» и «Житии Великого грешника», берут основу среди жизненных установок писателя, его религиозном воспитании и религиозно-философском мировосприятии. Заключение. Влияние агиографической традиции на творчество Достоевского – комплексная проблема как с точки зрения аспекта исследования, так и с точки зрения методологии. В исследовании необходимо учитывать глубинную связь русской литературы с христианской религиозной традицией. В процессе смены литературных формаций творчество Достоевского позволяет увидеть то духовное ядро, которое сохраняет русская классическая литература и транслирует из эпохи в эпоху в качестве культурообразующей и смыслообразующей доминанты.Introduction. This article presents a methodological reflection of the study of the value-semantic aspects of the representation of the hagiographic tradition in Dostoevsky’s work. Analysis of the artistic anthropology of the writer, ideological searches and spiritual conflicts, which determine the peculiarities of the problem and poetry of his works, allows to see the deep connection with the hagiographic tradition in its understanding of the world and man. The spiritual experience captured in the lives for the writer is not just a genre or pictorial tool, but a deep semantic vector, anthropological and axiological dominant. Material and methods. The material of the study is artistic and journalistic works of late creativity of F.M. Dostoevsky, the ego-documents of the writer, memories of contemporaries. The methodological basis of the study is the axiological approach, which is complex and includes cultural-historical, comparative, structural-typological, and biographical aspects. In the system of views of F. M. Dostoevsky, questions about a person, his spiritual and moral development, value attitudes and ideals are of great importance, are reflected in artistic creation, especially in the novel The Brothers Karamazov and The Life of the Great Sinner, take a basis among the life of the writer, his religious education and religious-philosophical worldview. Results and discussion. The representation of the hagiographic tradition is inextricably linked to the writer ‘s worldview, his system of values. In the system of views of F.M. Dostoevsky, questions about man, his spiritual and moral development, values and ideals are of fundamental importance, are reflected in artistic creativity, especially in the novel The Brothers Karamazov and The Life of a Great Sinner, take the basis among the life attitudes of the writer, his religious education and religious and philosophical worldview. Conclusion. The influence of the hagiographic tradition on Dostoevsky’s creativity is a complex problem both in terms of research aspect and methodology. The study should take into account the deep connection of Russian literature with Christian religious tradition. In the process of changing literary formations, Dostoyevsky ‘s creativity allows to see the spiritual core that Russian classical literature preserves and broadcasts from era to era as a culturalforming and meaning-forming dominant.

Анастасия Николаевна Кошечко ◽  
Алина Сергеевна Шилова

Введение. Предпринята попытка исследования рецепции антропологического идеала в романе Ф. М. Достоевского «Братья Карамазовы» русскими религиозными философами порубежной эпохи XIX–XX вв. Аутентичное понимание и интерпретация ключевых идей писателя о человеческом идеале, его ценностях и смысле жизни возможны только в контексте православной антропологии. Важность этого материала не ограничивается осмыслением проблемы антропологического идеала и его влияния на дальнейшее развитие русской религиозно-философской мысли, позволяет исследовать особенности художественного мира романа, в том числе специфику репрезентации в идейном поле произведения авторского начала, мировоззрения писателя. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили работы В. С. Соловьева «Три речи в память Достоевского», В. В. Розанова «Легенда о Великом инквизиторе», Н. А. Бердяева «Миросозерцание Достоевского», Н. О. Лосского «Достоевский и его христианское миропонимание», канонический текст романа Ф. М. Достоевского «Братья Карамазовы». Используются культурно-исторический, сравнительно-сопоставительный, структурно-типологический методы. Результаты и обсуждение. Наука о Достоевском начинается именно с трудов русских религиозных философов и мыслителей конца XIX – начала XX в., которые идеи о сущности человека, его предназначении, идеале делают содержательным ядром своих размышлений. Итоговый роман Великого Пятикнижия «Братья Карамазовы» как квинтэссенция жизненного и творческого пути Достоевского, неразрывно связанный с духовными и аксиологическими императивами православной антропологии, наиболее часто привлекается религиозными философами для рефлексии ключевых доминант собственных философских концепций, анализа и аргументации идей. Этот материал позволяет исследовать особенности художественного мира романа, специфику репрезентации в идейном поле произведения мировоззрения писателя и авторского начала, антропологического идеала, неразрывно связанного для Достоевского с такими духовными и ценностными доминантами, как Христос, Православие, святость, народность, добро и зло, и выявить его влияние на дальнейшее развитие русской религиозно-философской мысли. Заключение. Антропологический идеал Достоевского, по мысли религиозных философов, опирается на православное учение о человеке, раскрывающее как антиномичность человеческой природы (pro et contra в терминологии писателя), так и бытийную ее устремленность к Богу, Истине, потребность в добре, вне которых личность осознает свое не-бытие. Доминантами антропологического идеала писателя, которые находят отражение в трудах религиозных философов, становятся святость, красота как этическая доминанта личности, укорененность в ценностях и смыслах христоцентричной в своих основаниях русской культуры. Introduction. This article attempts to study the reception of the anthropological ideal in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov” by Russian religious philosophers of the late 19th–20th centuries. Authentic understanding and interpretation of the writer’s key ideas about the human ideal, its values and the meaning of life is possible only in the context of Orthodox anthropology. The importance of this material is not limited to comprehending the problem of the anthropological ideal and its influence on the further development of Russian religious and philosophical thought; moreover, it allows one to explore the peculiarities of the artistic world of the novel, including the specifics of the representation of the author’s principle in the ideological field of the work, the peculiarities of the writer’s worldview. Material and methods. The research material was the work of V. S. Solovyov “Three Speeches in memory of Dostoevsky”, V. V. Rozanov “The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor”, N. А. Berdyaeva “Dostoevsky’s worldview”, N. O. Lossky “Dostoevsky and his Christian worldview”, the canonical text of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Brothers Karamazov”. The work uses cultural and historical, comparative, structural and typological methods. Results and discussion. The science of Dostoevsky begins precisely with the works of Russian religious philosophers and thinkers of the late XIX – early XX centuries, which ideas about the essence of man, his purpose, ideally make him a meaningful core of his thoughts. The final novel of the Great Pentateuch “The Brothers Karamazov” as a quintessence of Dostoevsky’s life and creative path, inextricably connected with the spiritual and axiological imperatives of Orthodox anthropology, is most often attracted by religious philosophers to reflect key dominants of their own philosophical concepts, analyze and argue ideas. This material allows us to explore the features of the artistic world of the novel, the specifics of representation in the ideological field of the work of the writer’s worldview and author’s beginning, the features of the anthropological ideal, inextricably linked for Dostoevsky with such spiritual and value dominants as Christ, Orthodoxy, holiness, nationality, good and evil, and to identify its influence on the further development of Russian religious and philosophical thought. Conclusion. Dostoevsky’s anthropological ideal, according to religious philosophers, is based on the Orthodox doctrine of man, revealing both the antinomy of human nature («pro et contra» in the writer’s terminology) and its previous striving for God, Truth, the need for good, outside of which the person is aware of his non-existence. The dominants of the anthropological ideal of the writer, which are reflected in the works of religious philosophers, are holiness, beauty as the ethical dominant of the person, and reproach in the values and meanings of Christ-centered Russian culture in their foundations.

Pavel E. Fokin ◽  
Ilya O. Boretsky

The first Russian theatrical production of Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov premiered on the eve of Dostoevsky’s 20th death anniversary on January 26 (February 7) 1901 at the Theater of the Literary and Artistic Society (Maly Theater) in St. Petersburg as a benefit for Nikolay Seversky. The novel was adapted for the stage by K. Dmitriev (Konstantin Nabokov). The role of Dmitry Karamazov was performed by the famous dramatic actor Pavel Orlenev, who had received recognition for playing the role of Raskolnikov. The play, the staging, the actors’ interpretation of their roles became the subject of detailed reviews of the St. Petersburg theater critics and provoked controversial assessments and again raised the question about the peculiarities of Dostoevsky’s prose and the possibility of its presentation on stage. The production of The Brothers Karamazov at the Maly Theater in St. Petersburg and the controversy about it became an important stage in the development of Russian realistic theater and a reflection of the ideas of Dostoevsky’s younger contemporaries about the distinctive features and contents of his art. The manuscript holdings of the Vladimir Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature includes Anna Dostoevskaya’s collection containing a set of documentary materials (the playbill, newspaper advertisements, reviews, feuilletons), which makes it possible to form a complete picture of the play and Russian viewers’ reaction to it. The article provides a description of the performance, and voluminous excerpts from the most informative press reviews. The published materials have not previously attracted special attention of researchers.

Pavel E. Fokin ◽  
Ilya O. Boretsky

The first Russian theatrical production of Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov premiered on the eve of Dostoevsky’s 20th death anniversary on January 26 (February 7) 1901 at the Theater of the Literary and Artistic Society (Maly Theater) in St. Petersburg as a benefit for Nikolay Seversky. The novel was adapted for the stage by K. Dmitriev (Konstantin Nabokov). The role of Dmitry Karamazov was performed by the famous dramatic actor Pavel Orlenev, who had received recognition for playing the role of Raskolnikov. The play, the staging, the actors’ interpretation of their roles became the subject of detailed reviews of the St. Petersburg theater critics and provoked controversial assessments and again raised the question about the peculiarities of Dostoevsky’s prose and the possibility of its presentation on stage. The production of The Brothers Karamazov at the Maly Theater in St. Petersburg and the controversy about it became an important stage in the development of Russian realistic theater and a reflection of the ideas of Dostoevsky’s younger contemporaries about the distinctive features and contents of his art. The manuscript holdings of the Vladimir Dahl State Museum of the History of Russian Literature includes Anna Dostoevskaya’s collection containing a set of documentary materials (the playbill, newspaper advertisements, reviews, feuilletons), which makes it possible to form a complete picture of the play and Russian viewers’ reaction to it. The article provides a description of the performance, and voluminous excerpts from the most informative press reviews. The published materials have not previously attracted special attention of researchers.

Tatiana Kashina

The article attempts to compare the soteriological ideas of the play The Satin Slipper and the novel The Brothers Karamazov, two texts in which the authors express themselves most fully as theologians. For both texts, the theme of sin and atonement is central. The epigraphs to Paul Claudel’s play are two statements about the saving potential of sin. In Dostoevsky’s novel, it can be seen how sin becomes the most important starting point for further positive spiritual change of heroes. However, in his play, Claudel not only shows the possibility for sin to become the starting point for the conversion of protagonists, but also shows that in a certain sense the salvation of the world needs sin. For example, the main characters of the Satin Slipper make a kind of symbolic escape from paradise (Don Rodrigo leaves the Jesuit novitiate, Dona Prouhèze escapes from the “Garden of Eden” planted for her by her husband) and this allows them to reveal themselves in fullness and to realize their vocation, which is salvific for the world. Mitya Karamazov at the end of Dostoevsky’s novel says that the “new man” in him “would never have come to the surface” if certain things had not happened (and what happened includes a series of Mitya’s sins). This reminds of the idea of “happy guilt”, a term from the Latin hymn Exultet, which refers to the need for sin for the redemption. However, as Claudel shows, even by the very name of his play (Dona Prouhèze, before making her escape, donates her satin slipper as a gift to the Mother of God so that the Blessed Virgin would prevent her from taking the path of evil) suggests that sin becomes salvation only thanks to human freedom.

Svetlana Kolesnikova ◽  
Elena Burskaya ◽  
Olga Shatalova ◽  
Valentina Ledeneva ◽  

The article introduces the main idioglossas ("Children", "Family", "Life") of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov", which are understood as mental and cognitive categories, according to Yu.N. Karaulov, the constants of certain author's lines in the text, and describes the means of their representation (phonosemantic, lexical, phraseological and syntactic). The study of phonetic shells and the meanings of the words that form considered idioglossas, it is proved that representation in their meanings and words as a psycholinguistic phenomenon exhibits the traits of the writer's language personality development, his worldview and value system. The author's choice of exact lexemes and their syntagmatic partners included in the studied idioglossas demonstrates the harmonization of the nature of the language sign: a) the sound supports the meaning; b) the meanings of 'children', 'family', 'life' are interdependent. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that it defines the semantic components of the idioglossas "Children", "Family", "Life" and the means of their representation. On the basis of computer phonosemantic analysis of words, their sound content is characterized. The novelty of the research is connected with the understanding of harmony or disharmony of the language sign and the ideological and aesthetic content expressed in the text by Dostoevsky. The research methods include: the method of system analysis of semantic relations, computer analysis of phonosemantics of words, phenomenological and others. The author reveals the significance of each idioglossa for the implementation of the main concepts of the work, which form its ideological core and indicate the author's mental and cognitive attitudes aimed at depicting the life of the Karamazov family which reflects the tragedies of the contradictory Russian life. The research results can be applied in the theory of author's lexicography; in the process of creating mental maps of the Russian language personality based on the description of author's idioglossas; in teaching university philological courses.

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