"Datificazione" e istruzione superiore: verso la costruzione di un quadro competenziale per una rinnovata Digital Scholarship

Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli

La "datificazione" di processi e servizi è un fenomeno emergente, che sta creando una nuova forma di digital divide. Le due missioni principali dell'università sono entrate in pieno nelle dinamiche della datificazione a partire dai processi di digitalizzazione che hanno accompagnato la modernizzazione dell'università e più recentemente la pedagogia della pandemia. Il presente articolo si propone di introdurre un framework concettuale che supporti lo sviluppo di aree di data literacy legate all'agire professionale dei docenti nella didattica universitaria. Lo studio si basa su una revisione della letteratura e fa parte di una fase iniziale di un progetto di ricerca più ampio. Vengono quindi analizzati una serie di framework relativi alla data literacy, incluso il framework europeo DigCompEdu. Quest'ultimo viene quindi adottato come base strutturale alla formulazione del quadro di alfabetizzazione ai dati o data literacy, in virtù della sua centralità all'interno delle politiche europee. Il quadro che ne consegue viene discusso alla luce delle strategie di sviluppo professionale utili a configurare scenari di uso, non solo dal punto di vista tecnologico, ma anche etico ed epistemologico, entro una rinnovata Digital Scholarship o professionalità docente nell'era delle tecnologie intelligenti.

Big Data ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. 2300-2315
Dimitar Christozov ◽  
Stefka Toleva-Stoimenova

The chapter addresses the problems of digital divide in the light of learning from data in the era of accumulated, available, and accessible Big Data. The phenomenon of Big Data arose in the last years and offered new dimensions of digital divide: the challenge that the human society faces since the appearance of computer technology. Objectives of this chapter are to highlight problems and barriers in learning from Big Data and to initiate discussion on the ways to overcome those new challenges. The chapter tries to define the “Big Data Phenomenon,” to identify the phases and activities in the process of learning from data, and to relate them to learning from Big Data. As a result, a paradigm of competences and barriers for acquiring Big Data literacy are proposed as a new dimension of literacy in dividing the human society.

Dimitar Christozov ◽  
Stefka Toleva-Stoimenova

The chapter addresses the problems of digital divide in the light of learning from data in the era of accumulated, available, and accessible Big Data. The phenomenon of Big Data arose in the last years and offered new dimensions of digital divide: the challenge that the human society faces since the appearance of computer technology. Objectives of this chapter are to highlight problems and barriers in learning from Big Data and to initiate discussion on the ways to overcome those new challenges. The chapter tries to define the “Big Data Phenomenon,” to identify the phases and activities in the process of learning from data, and to relate them to learning from Big Data. As a result, a paradigm of competences and barriers for acquiring Big Data literacy are proposed as a new dimension of literacy in dividing the human society.

2015 ◽  
Vol 72 (9) ◽  
pp. 577-579
Ulrich Otto ◽  
Silvan Tarnutzer ◽  
Marlene Brettenhofer

Zusammenfassung. Der Nutzen von Telemedizinanwendungen für Ältere ist daran zu messen, inwieweit sie erhöhte Potenziale für eine selbstständige Lebensführung bei guter Lebensqualität ermöglichen können. Idealerweise ist dieser Nutzen am „Gesundheitsstandort Privathaushalt“ abrufbar, eingebettet in einem bedarfs- und bedürfnisgerechten Gesundheitssystem, in welchem sämtliche medizinischen und pflegerischen Prozesse integrativ miteinander vernetzt sind. Ergänzt werden muss dieses System durch verstärkte Koproduktion mit den PatientInnen selbst und deren Angehörigen. Um sich diesen Zielen zu nähern, braucht es ein Umdenken und die Bereitschaft aller AkteurInnen zu tiefgehenden Veränderungen. Medizinische Institutionen müssen sich als lernende Organisationen stärker an den PatientInnen und deren individuellen Bedarfen sowie an intersektoraler und interdisziplinärer Kooperation orientieren. In der Gesundheitspolitik ist es nötig, Verteilungs- und Gerechtigkeitsaspekte stärker zu gewichten. Dabei gilt es besonders, bildungsferneren Schichten und in ländlichen Regionen den Zugang zur Nutzung von Technologien zu erleichtern, um digital divide-Phänomene zu vermeiden. Der Einsatz neuer Gesundheitstechnologien muss deshalb durch flankierende Vorbereitungen und Begleitung durch schnell erreichbare AnsprechpartnerInnen beim Einsatz unterstützt werden. Hinzu kommen Anforderungen an Finanzierungsmodelle und erweiterte Krankenkassenleistungen.

2007 ◽  
Vol 52 (33) ◽  
Tanja Bekhuis

2009 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-350 ◽  
Yong-Hwan Noh ◽  
김원중 ◽  

MedienJournal ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-32 ◽  
Ursula Maier-Rabler

This paper aims to make a contribution toward an improvement of European e-policy practice. lt is inspired by the conviction that successfuJ e-policy strategies can lead to ba­lanced chances for all members in certain societies to aquire the absolutely indispensable capabilities for decision-making in the context of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Following the path of the development of e-policy papers it has to be stated that many goals have not yet been achieved. The techno-deterministic concepts 'access' and 'usage' seem not to reach far enough to get people really involved andin­formed. Many more aspects have tobe considered in order to create a clirnate for inno­vation where different choices made by different individuals according to their different social, economic or cuJtural backgrounds do not lead automatically to the well known either or not, connected or not-connected, haves or have-nots, but to a variety of pat­terns of involvement. In this paper, we argue for different e-policy strategies according to cultural aspects in certain societies. And hereby we will focus on the cultural aspects of information itself, on the notion of information in different information cultures. lt also seems important to mention at this stage that we believe that getting all members of society involved in the ICT-innovation process in order to provide the basis for in­formed decisions by each individual member is the most important task of e-policy.

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