scholarly journals Sewage sludge management at the central wastewater treatment plant Ljubljana

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-25
Vesna Mislej ◽  
Viktor Grilc ◽  
Barbara Novosel ◽  
Ana Mladenovič ◽  
Vesna Zalar Serjun

The treated sewage sludge under consideration is a hygienized biodegradable waste in the form of pellets. It can be used as a fertilizer, but only for spreading on non-agricultural land. Regarding “waste to energy” philosophy, the specification of pellets as an alternative solid fuel according to EN 15359 resulted in “NCV4; Cl1; Hg3-4” class. The major problem regarding the final pellets utilization is the lack of facilities for energy and material recovery from this type of waste in Slovenia. According to the newest legislation regarding the waste management, a product status for residues generated in combustion and pyrolysis of pellets on a laboratory and semi-pilot scale was not achieved. The holistic approach to final pellets utilization was studied and regarding the full-scale level of self-sufficient sewage sludge management in Slovenia, some legislative provisions become significant obstacles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 209-217
Dariusz Królik ◽  
Przemysław Wypych ◽  
Jakub Kostecki

Abstract Sewage sludge produced in municipal sewage treatment plants, because of its physicochemical and sanitary properties, is a serious threat to the environment. In order to neutralize it, various methods of processing are used, which directly affect the quantity and quality of produced sewage sludge, which in the final stage can be used naturally. Properly managed sludge management is presented on the example of a sewage treatment plant, conducting the methane fermentation process with the production of biogas.

1997 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-66 ◽  
Claude Bellehumeur ◽  
Liette Vasseur ◽  
Colette Ansseau ◽  
Bernard Marcos

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
V. Lina Cardoso ◽  
C. Esperanza Ramírez ◽  
E. Violeta Escalante

There are problems associated with sludge management in small treatment plants (<10 L/s) located in rural communities, due to costly conventional technology for sludge stabilization. Many of these plants have only sludge drying beds. Mexican Institute of Water Technology has proposed developing suitable low-cost technologies, one of which is vermicomposting a biodegradation system using earthworms of the species Eisenia foetida (earthworm) which stabilize sludge and reduce its pathogenicity. The objective of this work is to present two case studies where vermicomposting technology has been applied in Mexico. The first study corresponds to a plant where 4.8 m3/month of sludge are produced; for these wastes, a vermicomposting system was built and installed. The second study is a treatment plant where 9 m3/month of sludge are produced; experimental tests were conducted with sludge and water hyacinth and a vermicomposting system was designed. The vermicomposts were analyzed using parameters defined by Mexican standards. In regards to stabilization, TVS was reduced by 38% and the microbiological quality of the vermicompost was Class A and B, with a reduction in fecal coliforms and Helminth eggs according to NOM-004-SEMARNAT-2002. A CRETI (Corrosivity, Reactivity, Explosivity, Toxicity and Ignitability) analysis (NOM-052-SEMARNAT-2005) was used to show that the process reduced the concentration of releasable sulfides. The agronomic quality of the vermicompost exhibited a high content of organic matter comparable to many organic manures and high content of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. It is concluded that it is possible to improve the conditions of sewage sludge management in small plants of rural communities with a minimum investment (less than $10,000.00 USD) and with a requirement of a minimum area of 60 to 70 m2 for a production of less than 9 m3/month of dehydrated sludge (80% humidity).

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 435-440 ◽  
E. Levlin ◽  
M. Löwén ◽  
K. Stark ◽  
B. Hultman

Expected requirements of phosphorus recovery, restrictions on sludge disposal on landfill, and difficulties in obtaining consensus on sludge use on agricultural land has led to several development works in Sweden to change sludge management methods. Especially sludge fractionation has gained interest including following steps to recover products and separate transfer of toxic substances into a small stream. Commercial systems are offered based on technology by Cambi/KREPRO and BioCon and other companies and many other methods are under development. Iron salts are widely used in Sweden as precipitation agents for phosphorus removal and this technology has some disadvantages for phosphorus recovery compared with the use of biological phosphorus removal. The amount of chemicals needed for a KREPRO or a BioCon system was calculated for a treatment plant which has an addition of iron salt resulting in 1,900 mole Fe per tonne DS. The result was compared with the chemical consumption of recovery systems installed at plants with lower use of iron for precipitation. The chemical consumption in equivalents per tonne DS was found to be 5,000 + 6,000 * (molar ratio iron to phosphorus).

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (46) ◽  
pp. 733-746 ◽  
Dorota Miłek ◽  
Jolanta Latosińska ◽  
Zbigniew Dyk

Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak ◽  
Magdalena Gajewska ◽  
Ewa Wojciechowska ◽  
Arkadiusz Ostojski

Agnieszka Rorat ◽  
Pauline Courtois ◽  
Franck Vandenbulcke ◽  
Sébastien Lemiere

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