On Commutative Squares

1963 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 59-79 ◽  
Johann B. Leicht

The following elementary facts about certain commutative diagrams, called "squares," are stated and proved in terms of abelian groups and their homomorphisms. However, they are valid for arbitrary abelian categories and can be proved also for them. This does not need to be shown, since every abelian category can be embedded into the category of abelian groups with preservation of exact sequences according to a result due to S. Lubkin (1). Proofs are often omitted or given only for one half of a theorem, the other half being dual to the first. Generalizations to a larger class of diagrams containing all finite commutative diagrams are possible.

1977 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-283
Murray Adelman

AbstractWe give a partial answer to the following questions: Given an additive category and a class of sequences, under what conditions is the universal functor to the abelian category faithful and what other sequences are taken to exact sequences?The “answers” to these questions appear as theorems 2.2 and 3.2 respectively and amount to a weakening of the condition that there be enough relative projectives.We then characterize those additive categories with exactness which have the property that all relative exact sequences are determined by a small set of functors into the category of abelian groups.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 831-846
Anna Giordano Bruno ◽  
Flavio Salizzoni

AbstractAdditivity with respect to exact sequences is, notoriously, a fundamental property of the algebraic entropy of group endomorphisms. It was proved for abelian groups by using the structure theorems for such groups in an essential way. On the other hand, a solvable counterexample was recently found, showing that it does not hold in general. Nevertheless, we give a rather short proof of the additivity of algebraic entropy for locally finite groups that are either quasihamiltonian or FC-groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (04) ◽  
pp. 1850062
Olivier Verdier

Matrix pencils, or pairs of matrices, are used in a variety of applications. By the Kronecker decomposition theorem, they admit a normal form. This normal form consists of four parts, one part based on the Jordan canonical form, one part made of nilpotent matrices, and two other dual parts, which we call the observation and control part. The goal of this paper is to show that large portions of that decomposition are still valid for pairs of morphisms of modules or abelian groups, and more generally in any abelian category. In the vector space case, we recover the full Kronecker decomposition theorem. The main technique is that of reduction, which extends readily to the abelian category case. Reductions naturally arise in two flavors, which are dual to each other. There are a number of properties of those reductions which extend remarkably from the vector space case to abelian categories. First, both types of reduction commute. Second, at each step of the reduction, one can compute three sequences of invariant spaces (objects in the category), which generalize the Kronecker decomposition into nilpotent, observation and control blocks. These sequences indicate whether the system is reduced in one direction or the other. In the category of modules, there is also a relation between these sequences and the resolvent set of the pair of morphisms, which generalizes the regular pencil theorem. We also indicate how this allows to define invariant subspaces in the vector space case, and study the notion of strangeness as an example.

2018 ◽  
Vol 167 (02) ◽  
pp. 229-247

AbstractIn this paper, we study “the ring of component functions” of SL(2, C)-representations of free abelian groups. This is a subsequent research of our previous work [11] for free groups. We introduce some descending filtration of the ring, and determine the structure of its graded quotients.Then we give two applications. In [30], we constructed the generalized Johnson homomorphisms. We give an upper bound on their images with the graded quotients. The other application is to construct a certain crossed homomorphisms of the automorphism groups of free groups. We show that our crossed homomorphism induces Morita's 1-cocycle defined in [22]. In other words, we give another construction of Morita's 1-cocyle with the SL(2, C)-representations of the free abelian group.

1966 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-55 ◽  
Rosemary Bonyun

Homological monoids, as first defined by Hilton and Ledermann [ l ], are a generalization of abelian categories. It is known that if is an abelian category, so is here we prove the more general theorem that if is a homological monoid, so is . Our definition differs from that originally given by Hilton and Ledermann by the addition of a uniqueness condition in Axiom 1.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 1550139 ◽  
José L. Rodríguez ◽  
Lutz Strüngmann

In this paper, we first show that for every natural number n and every countable reduced cotorsion-free group K there is a short exact sequence [Formula: see text] such that the map G → H is a cellular cover over H and the rank of H is exactly n. In particular, the free abelian group of infinite countable rank is the kernel of a cellular exact sequence of co-rank 2 which answers an open problem from Rodríguez–Strüngmann [J. L. Rodríguez and L. Strüngmann, Mediterr. J. Math.6 (2010) 139–150]. Moreover, we give a new method to construct cellular exact sequences with prescribed torsion free kernels and cokernels. In particular we apply this method to the class of ℵ1-free abelian groups in order to complement results from the cited work and Göbel–Rodríguez–Strüngmann [R. Göbel, J. L. Rodríguez and L. Strüngmann, Fund. Math.217 (2012) 211–231].

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 383-439 ◽  

AbstractLet R→U be an associative ring epimorphism such that U is a flat left R-module. Assume that the related Gabriel topology $\mathbb{G}$ of right ideals in R has a countable base. Then we show that the left R-module U has projective dimension at most 1. Furthermore, the abelian category of left contramodules over the completion of R at $\mathbb{G}$ fully faithfully embeds into the Geigle–Lenzing right perpendicular subcategory to U in the category of left R-modules, and every object of the latter abelian category is an extension of two objects of the former one. We discuss conditions under which the two abelian categories are equivalent. Given a right linear topology on an associative ring R, we consider the induced topology on every left R-module and, for a perfect Gabriel topology $\mathbb{G}$, compare the completion of a module with an appropriate Ext module. Finally, we characterize the U-strongly flat left R-modules by the two conditions of left positive-degree Ext-orthogonality to all left U-modules and all $\mathbb{G}$-separated $\mathbb{G}$-complete left R-modules.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-25
T. Banakh ◽  
A. Ravsky ◽  

A subset D of an abelian group is decomposable if ∅≠D⊂D+D. In the paper we give partial answers to an open problem asking whether every finite decomposable subset D of an abelian group contains a non-empty subset Z⊂D with ∑Z=0. For every n∈N we present a decomposable subset D of cardinality |D|=n in the cyclic group of order 2n−1 such that ∑D=0, but ∑T≠0 for any proper non-empty subset T⊂D. On the other hand, we prove that every decomposable subset D⊂R of cardinality |D|≤7 contains a non-empty subset T⊂D of cardinality |Z|≤12|D| with ∑Z=0. For every n∈N we present a subset D⊂Z of cardinality |D|=2n such that ∑Z=0 for some subset Z⊂D of cardinality |Z|=n and ∑T≠0 for any non-empty subset T⊂D of cardinality |T|<n=12|D|. Also we prove that every finite decomposable subset D of an Abelian group contains two non-empty subsets A,B such that ∑A+∑B=0.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 700-711
Amarjit Kaur Sahni ◽  
Jayanti Tripathi Pandey ◽  
Ratnesh Kumar Mishra ◽  
Vinay Kumar

As an analogue here we extend and give new horizon to semimodule theory by introducing fuzzy exact and proper exact sequences of fuzzy semi modules for generalizing well known theorems and results of semimodule theory to their fuzzy environment. We also elucidate completely the characterization of fuzzy projective semi modules via Hom functor and show that semimodule µP is fuzzy projective if and only if Hom(µP ,–) preservers the exactness of the sequence µM′ α¯−→νM β¯ −→ηM′′ with β¯ being K-regular. Some results of commutative diagram of R-semimodules having exact rows specifically the “5-lemma” to name one, were easily transferable with the novel proofs in their fuzzy context. Also, towards the end apart from the other equivalent conditions on homomorphism of fuzzy semimodules it is necessary to see that in semimodule theory every fuzzy free is fuzzy projective however the converse is true only with a specific condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 673-705

AbstractThe notion of mutation pairs of subcategories in an n-abelian category is defined in this paper. Let ${\cal D} \subseteq {\cal Z}$ be subcategories of an n-abelian category ${\cal A}$. Then the quotient category ${\cal Z}/{\cal D}$ carries naturally an (n + 2) -angulated structure whenever $ ({\cal Z},{\cal Z}) $ forms a ${\cal D} \subseteq {\cal Z}$-mutation pair and ${\cal Z}$ is extension-closed. Moreover, we introduce strongly functorially finite subcategories of n-abelian categories and show that the corresponding quotient categories are one-sided (n + 2)-angulated categories. Finally, we study homological finiteness of subcategories in a mutation pair.

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