The comparison of McMannis traction and intermittent traction both in conjuction with chiropractic spinal manipulation in the management of chronic mechanical lower back pain
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of McMannis traction and Intermittent traction, both m conjunction with chiropractic manipulation in the treatment of chronic i.e. longer than four weeks, mechanical lower back pain. It was hypothesised by the author that McMannis traction would be the traction treatment of choice, as it enables the joints of the lumbar vertebrae to be moved through their normal anatomical range of motion while being traeticned axially. In addition this type of traction is more specific and allows the therapist to determine the amount of traction that is being applied to the patient because it is being applied manually. Intermittent traction on the other hand is a motorised non-specific traction and affects several joints at one time (Saunders 1979).