state space models
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2022 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 108448
David Vališ ◽  
Jakub Gajewski ◽  
Marie Forbelská ◽  
Zdeněk Vintr ◽  
Józef Jonak

2022 ◽  
pp. 1471082X2110657
Sina Mews ◽  
Roland Langrock ◽  
Marius Ötting ◽  
Houda Yaqine ◽  
Jost Reinecke

Continuous-time state-space models (SSMs) are flexible tools for analysing irregularly sampled sequential observations that are driven by an underlying state process. Corresponding applications typically involve restrictive assumptions concerning linearity and Gaussianity to facilitate inference on the model parameters via the Kalman filter. In this contribution, we provide a general continuous-time SSM framework, allowing both the observation and the state process to be non-linear and non-Gaussian. Statistical inference is carried out by maximum approximate likelihood estimation, where multiple numerical integration within the likelihood evaluation is performed via a fine discretization of the state process. The corresponding reframing of the SSM as a continuous-time hidden Markov model, with structured state transitions, enables us to apply the associated efficient algorithms for parameter estimation and state decoding. We illustrate the modelling approach in a case study using data from a longitudinal study on delinquent behaviour of adolescents in Germany, revealing temporal persistence in the deviation of an individual's delinquency level from the population mean.

2021 ◽  
Guillermo Ferreira ◽  
Jorge Mateu ◽  
Emilio Porcu ◽  
Alfredo Alegría

Abstract An increasing interest in models for multivariate spatio-temporal processes has been noted in the last years. Some of these models are very flexible and can capture both marginal and cross spatial associations amongst the components of the multivariate process. In order to contribute to the statistical analysis of these models, this paper deals with the estimation and prediction of multivariate spatio-temporal processes by using multivariate state-space models. In this context, a multivariate spatio-temporal process is represented through the well-known Wold decomposition. Such an approach allows for an easy implementation of the Kalman filter to estimate linear temporal processes exhibiting both short and long range dependencies, together with a spatial correlation structure. We illustrate, through simulation experiments, that our method offers a good balance between statistical efficiency and computational complexity. Finally, we apply the method for the analysis of a bivariate dataset on average daily temperatures and maximum daily solar radiations from 21 meteorological stations located in a portion of south-central Chile.

Bhargob Deka ◽  
Luong Ha Nguyen ◽  
Saeid Amiri ◽  
James‐A. Goulet

2021 ◽  
pp. 199-231
Chengpu Yu ◽  
Lihua Xie ◽  
Michel Verhaegen ◽  
Jie Chen

2021 ◽  
Vol 2090 (1) ◽  
pp. 012118
Mario Einax

Abstract Energy conversion in nanosized devices is studied in the framework of state-space models. We use a network representation of the underlying master equation to describe the dynamics by a graph. Particular segments of this network represent input and output processes that provide a way to introduce a coupling to several heat reservoirs and particle reservoirs. In addition, the network representation scheme allows one to decompose the stationary dynamics as cycles. The cycle analysis is a convenient tool for analyse models of machine operations, which are characterized by different nanoscale energy conversion processes. By introducing the cycle affinity, we are able to calculate the zero-current limit. The zero-current limit can be mapped to the zero-affinity limit in a network representation scheme. For example, for systems with competing external driving forces the open-circuit voltage can be determined by setting the cycle affinity zero. This framework is used to derive open-circuit voltage with respect to microscopic material energetics and different coupling to particle and temperature reservoirs.

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