Besides solving the equations of momentum, heat, and moisture transport on the model grid, mesoscale weather models must account for subgrid-scale processes that affect the resolved model variables. These are simulated with model parameterizations, which often rely on values preset by the user. Such ‘free’ model parameters, along with others set to initialize the model, are often poorly constrained, requiring that a user select each from a range of plausible values.
Finding the values to optimize any forecasting tool can be accomplished with a search algorithm, and one such process – the genetic algorithm (GA) – has become especially popular. As applied to modeling, GAs represent a Darwinian process – an ensemble of simulations is run with a different set of parameter values for each member, and the members subsequently judged to be most accurate are selected as ‘parents’ who pass their parameters onto a new generation.
At the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site in South Carolina, we are applying a GA to the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) mesoscale weather model, which supplies input to a model to simulate the dispersion of an airborne contaminant as part of the site’s emergency response preparations. An ensemble of forecasts is run each day, weather data are used to ‘score’ the individual members of the ensemble, and the parameters from the best members are used for the next day’s forecasts. As meteorological conditions change, the parameters change as well, maintaining a model configuration that is best adapted to atmospheric conditions.