pruning algorithm
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Jingyu Wang ◽  
Songming Yu ◽  
Zhuqing Yuan ◽  
Jinshan Yue ◽  
Zhe Yuan ◽  

ETRI Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Hong‐Chang Shin ◽  
Jun‐Young Jeong ◽  
Gwangsoon Lee ◽  
Muhammad Umer Kakli ◽  
Junyoung Yun ◽  

2021 ◽  
Yu Zheng ◽  
Ali Sayghe ◽  
Olugbenga Anubi

<div>This paper presents a suite of algorithms for detecting and localizing attacks in cyber-physical systems, and performing improved resilient state estimation through a pruning algorithm. High performance rates for the underlying detection and localization algorithms are achieved by generating training data that cover large region of the attack space. An unsupervised generative model trained by physics-based discriminators is designed to generate successful false data injection attacks. Then the generated adversarial examples are used to train a multi-class deep neural network which detects and localizes the attacks on measurements. Next, a pruning algorithm is included to improve the precision of localization result and provide performance guarantees for the resulting resilient observer. The performance of the proposed method is validated using the numerical simulation of a water distribution cyber-physical system.</div>

2021 ◽  
Yu Zheng ◽  
Ali Sayghe ◽  
Olugbenga Anubi

<div>This paper presents a suite of algorithms for detecting and localizing attacks in cyber-physical systems, and performing improved resilient state estimation through a pruning algorithm. High performance rates for the underlying detection and localization algorithms are achieved by generating training data that cover large region of the attack space. An unsupervised generative model trained by physics-based discriminators is designed to generate successful false data injection attacks. Then the generated adversarial examples are used to train a multi-class deep neural network which detects and localizes the attacks on measurements. Next, a pruning algorithm is included to improve the precision of localization result and provide performance guarantees for the resulting resilient observer. The performance of the proposed method is validated using the numerical simulation of a water distribution cyber-physical system.</div>

Harris Farooq ◽  
David Ryckelynck ◽  
Samuel Forest ◽  
Georges Cailletaud ◽  
Aldo Marano

Luciano Ferreira Cruz ◽  
Flavia Bernardo Pinto ◽  
Lucas Camilotti ◽  
Angelo Marcio Oliveira Santanna ◽  
Roberto Zanetti Freire ◽  

2021 ◽  
Kuo-Liang Chung ◽  
Yu-Lun Chang

Setting a fixed pruning rate and/or specified threshold for pruning filters in convolutional layers has been widely used to reduce the number of parameters required in the convolutional neural networks (CNN) model. However, it fails to fully prune redundant filters for different layers whose redundant filters vary with layers. To overcome this disadvantage, we propose a new backward filter pruning algorithm using a sorted bipartite graph- and binary search-based (SBGBS-based) clustering and decreasing pruning rate (DPR) approach. We first represent each filter of the last layer by a bipartite graph 𝐾1 𝑛, with one root mean set and one 𝑛-weight set, where 𝑛 denotes the number of weights in the filter. Next, according to the accuracy loss tolerance, an SBGBS-based clustering method is used to partition all filters into clusters as maximal as possible. Then, for each cluster, we retain the filter corresponding to the bipartite graph with the median root mean among 𝑛 root means in the cluster, but we discard the other filters in the same cluster. Following the DPR approach, we repeat the above SBGBS-based filtering pruning approach to the backward layer until all layers are processed. Based on the CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets, the proposed filter pruning algorithm has been deployed into VGG-16, AlexNet, LeNet, and ResNet. With similar accuracy, the thorough experimental results have demonstrated the substantial parameters and floating-point operations reduction merits of our filter pruning algorithm relative to the existing filter pruning methods.

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