urban planning
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We all aspire to urbanism that recognizes the social, economic, political, cultural and physical-spatial dimensions of cities. Urbanism, which, based on working tools (SDAU, Planning Regulations, etc.) based on a quality model, will allow good practice and good translation of these systems on the territory (neighborhood, city, rural environment, etc). Due to that, we are interested in our article to propose and develop an automated urban planning management platform for the generation of updates proposed by urban planning experts in order to improve the quality of amenagement regulations.

Lamyae Alaoui ◽  
Rachida Ait Abdelouahid ◽  
Abdelaziz Marzak ◽  
Abdellah Lakhouili

We all aspire to urbanism that recognizes the social, economic, political, cultural and physical-spatial dimensions of cities. Urbanism, which, based on working tools (SDAU, Planning Regulations, etc.) based on a quality model, will allow good practice and good translation of these systems on the territory (neighborhood, city, rural environment, etc). Due to that, we are interested in our article to propose and develop an automated urban planning management platform for the generation of updates proposed by urban planning experts in order to improve the quality of amenagement regulations.

2022 ◽  
Bernal Gallego Alfonso ◽  
Sánchez Balsalobre Pedro J. ◽  
García Martín Fernando Miguel

2022 ◽  
Martínez Díaz Margarita

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Xifeng Mi

With the continuous development of social economy, the expansion of cities often leads to the disorderly utilization of land resources and even waste. In view of these limitations and requirements, this paper introduces the automatic extraction algorithm of closed area boundary, combs the requirements of urban boundary extraction involved in urban planning and design, and uses the technology of geospatial analysis to carry out spatial analysis practice from three angles, so as to realize the expansion of functional analysis of urban planning and design and improve the efficiency and rationality of urban planning. The simulation results show that the automatic extraction algorithm of closed area boundary is effective and can support the functional analysis of urban planning and design expansion.

Владимир Владимирович Черемисин ◽  
Виктор Филиппович Томилин

В статье изложены результаты полевых социологических исследований по проблемам оценки горожанами градостроительных проблем и городской среды в г. Тамбове в 2008 и 2020 гг. Показано, что количественный состав жителей г. Тамбова в последние 30 лет остается стабильным, при возросшем жилищном фонде за это время на 1 жителя с 14,1 м до 29,6 м. Из 75 городов России г. Тамбов находится, на основании мнений тамбовчан, на 36-м месте по качеству жизни. Актуальность статьи обусловлена научным интересом к проблеме взаимодействия горожан со средой обитания и формирования комфортной городской среды. Целью статьи является срез субъективного мнения горожан о градостроительных проблемах и условиях формирования оптимальной среды проживания. По результатам опросов установлены основные негативные факторы городской среды, в частности, плохая экология, отсутствие благоустройства. Названы предпочитаемые и нежелательные районы города для проживания. На основе ответов респондентов сформирован «социальный заказ» по оптимизации городской среды, решению градостроительных проблем. Показано, что приобщение населения к решению городских проблем повышает социальную ответственность горожан за создание комфортной среды проживания. На основании эмпирического исследования делается вывод о том, что для создания благоприятной городской среды обитания в самих горожанах должны появиться градостроительное сознание и культура с человеческим измерением. The paper presents the results of field sociological research on the problems of assessing urban planning problems and urban environment in Tambov in 2008 and 2020. The research shows that the quantitative composition of Tambov inhabitants in the last 30 years remains stable, but the housing stock during this time increased from 14.1 m to 29.6 m per inhabitant. Tambov is ranked 36th out of 75 cities in Russia in terms of quality of life according to the opinions of Tambov residents. The relevance of the publication is due to the scientific interest in the sphere of interaction of citizens with the environment and comfortable urban environment formation. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the subjective opinion of residents about urban planning problems and the conditions of optimal living environment formation. Based on the results of the polls the main negative factors of the urban environment were identified, in particular, poor ecology, lack of landscaping. Preferred and undesirable areas of the city for living have been named. Based on the respondents' answers, a “social order” was formed to optimize the urban environment and solve urban planning problems. The authors suggest that involving the citizens in solving urban problems increases their social responsibility for creating a comfortable living environment. The empirical research allows us to think that in order to create a favorable urban environment, urban planning consciousness and culture with a human dimension must appear among townspeople. In this article according to sociological surveys, we have broadly subjectively revealed and assessed the quality of life of respondents in the non-production fixed assets of social consumption in Tambov.

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