Performance Measurement, Business Process Reengineering and World Class Manufacturing

P. Bradley ◽  
S. Lillis ◽  
D. O’Sullivan
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Bruce D. Fischer ◽  
Holly B. Bachman ◽  

There is a lack of broad participation in most idea generating programs in American organizations. In this paper, we consider ways to increase the participation rate in generating ideas across organizations. These approaches include measuring innovation rates and reporting them, encouraging continuous improvement in idea generation, raising participation in programs such as Business Process Reengineering and Quality Circles, and training in creativity that includes team efforts at ideation. We also consider the importance of encouragement in helping employees to take the risks necessary to generate ideas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 161
Andy Lieman Candra

AbstrakSekretariat Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Ma Chung merupakan fakultas dimana Penulis melakukan penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis proses bisnis yang ada di Sekretariat Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Ma Chung berdasarkan dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa stakeholder yang memiliki kebutuhan ataupun keluhan terhadap setiap proses bisnis yang berjalan, mengidentifikasi permasalahan dari proses bisnis yang kurang efisien dan membuat usulan perbaikan untuk setiap proses bisnis dengan menggunakan pendekatan ilmu Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Penulis juga menggunakan metode analisis nilai tambah pada penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penggunaan metode analisis nilai tambah adalah untuk mengkategorikan langkah maupun elemen kerja ke dalam tiga kategori, yakni value adding, business value adding dan non value adding. Pengaktegorisasian tersebut bertujuan untuk menghilangkan langkah maupun elemen kerja yang termasuk kedalam non value adding dan meminimalkan langkah maupun elemen kerja yang termasuk kedalam business value adding. Penulis mengidentikasi permasalahan setiap proses bisnis dengan menggunakan diagram sebab akibat. Diagram sebab akibat dapat menggambarkan dengan jelas mengenai permasalahan dengan faktor-faktor penyebab yang memengaruhi permasalahan di setiap proses bisnis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pendesainan ulang setiap proses bisnis menurut kebutuhan dan keluhan dari stakeholder dan setiap proses bisnis di Sekretariat Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi didokumentasikan dalam bentuk standard operating procedure (SOP). AbstractSecretariat of Faculty of Science and Technology Ma Chung University is a place where the author conducts research. The purposes of this research are to analyze business processes in Secretariat of Faculty of Science and Technology Ma Chung University based on interview results with some stakeholders who have needs or complaints with ongoing business processes, identify problems of less efficient business processes and make proposed improvements for each business process using the Business Process Reengineering approach. Author also uses value added analysis method on this research. The purpose of using value added analysis method is to categorize steps or tasks in every business process into three categories: value adding, business value adding and non value adding. The categorizations aim to eliminate steps or tasks included into non value adding and minimize steps or tasks included into business value adding. Author identifies problems of each business process by using cause and effect diagram. Cause and effect diagram can clearly illustrate the problems with the underlying factors that affect the problem in each business process. The results of this research are redesigning every business processes according to the interview results with stakeholders about their needs and complaints and also every business process in Secretariat of Faculty of Science and Technology are documented in the form of standard operating procedure. Keywords: Business Process Reengineering, Value Added Analysis, Standard Operating Procedure and Cause and Effect Diagram.

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