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Published By Institute Of Research And Community Services Diponegoro University (Lppm Undip)

2502-1516, 1907-1434

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 210-216
Ermayana Megawati ◽  
Ari Heryanto ◽  
Aries Susanty ◽  
Novie Susanto

Supply chain is an organizational system in which there are roles and perform various activities, including information, funds and other resources that are interrelated in the movement of a product or service from supplier to customer. One typical supply chain management is internal supply chain management, where is one of the integrated activities that plays an important role in the operational performance of the company, but in Covid-19 pandemic era every country including PT. AST Indonesia has implemented the Covid-19 health protocols along with their government role, WHO’s role also International Safety standard such as OHSA. Internal supply chain is composed strategic purchasing, production and distribution exactly will have affected by this health protocols. Some researchers have published many factors that influence the performance of the company like quality, flexibility, innovation but also important to study the relevant thing with Covid-19 health protocols. In this paper, we proposed a conceptual model consist of Covid-19 health protocols, strategic purchasing, production, and distribution to sustain company operational performance. AHP method is use in this research to find the dominant influencing protocol factor that affecting in making of ISCM sustainability strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 249-255
Yusita Attaqwa ◽  
Manik Mahachandra ◽  
Heru Prastawa

Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara (Pertamina) mengoperasikan beberapa kilang minyak di dalam negeri. Operasi dan proses di kilang minyak terdapat bahan kimia dalam bensin, maka penting untuk mengukur konsentrasi xylena, melihat mana yang mempengaruhi dan memberikan perbaikan desain untuk tindakan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang tepat. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 16 pekerja yang memiliki risiko terpapar xylene lebih tinggi. Tata cara pengambilan dan analisis sampel mengacu pada Gastec 122DL. Pengujian yang digunakan untuk menganalisis fakta menggunakan uji beda dan uji pembeda. Pekerja pada pekerja kilang minyak yang terpengaruh signifikan terhadap konsentrasi paparan xylene adalah usia (U = 13,329), praktik K3 (U = 26,124), penggunaan APD (U = 9,042), kebiasaan merokok (U = 85), jumlah bensin yang tersedia (U = 0,891) dan instalasi (U = 18,032). Rancangan perbaikan yang dapat diwujudkan dalam jangka pendek adalah penggunaan APD dan berdiri berlawanan arah angin.Abstract[Improvement on Working System Based on Xylene Exposure Analysis on Employee of  Oil Refinery XYZ] The State Oil and Gas Mining Company (Pertamina) operates several oil refineries in the country. Operations and processes at oil refinery contain chemicals in gasoline. So, it is important to measure the concentration of xylene concentration, see which affects and provide design improvements for appropriate occupational health and safety measures. Sampling was carried out on 16 workers who had a higher risk of xylene exposure. The procedure for taking and analyzing samples refers to Gastec 122DL. The test used to analyze the facts uses the difference test and display test. Workers at oil refinery. Workers who have a significant effect on the concentration of xylene exposure are age (U = 13,329), K3 practice (U = 26,124), use of PPE (U = 9,042), smoking habits (U = 85), the amount of gasoline available (U = 0.891) and installation (U = 18.032). The design of improvements that can be realized in the short term is the use of PPE and standing in opposite directions the wind.Keywords: exposure analysis; repair work system; Xylene.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 242-248
Sri Lestari ◽  
Naniek Utami Handayani ◽  
Manik Mahacandra

A process of buying and selling products, information and services that is carried out electronically by utilizing a computer network is often known as E-commerce and providing ease of payment, namely by using the ShopeePay and Shopee PayLater features. This study aims to find out which independent variables are variables that can influence purchasing decisions for Shopee users and find out which factors are more dominant in influencing purchasing decisions for Shopee users on the use of Shopeepay and Shopee PayLater features. Moreover, the trend of consumer behavior in the future also can be explored from the Zscore. The research method used is the method of Discriminant Analysis. The data collection technique was carried out by surveying 55 respondents through questionnaires. From the equation formed, consumers' tendency to buy or not to make purchases through Shopee E-Commerce is determined by the Customer Satisfaction variable in the transaction. Furthermore, from the Z value, the group that does not make purchases (0) has a Z value = 0.214, while the group that often makes purchases (1) has a Z = -0.207 value. From the equation formed, consumers' tendency to buy or not to make purchases through Shopee E-Commerce is determined by the Customer Satisfaction variable in the transaction. Moreover, from the Z value, the group that does not make purchases (0) has a Z value = 0.214, while the group that often makes purchases (1) has a Z = -0.207 value. From the equation formed, consumers' tendency to buy or not to make purchases through Shopee E-Commerce is determined by the Customer Satisfaction variable in the transaction. Furthermore, from the Z value, the group that does not make purchases (0) has a Z value = 0.214, while the group that often makes purchases (1) has a Z = -0.207 value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-229
Ananda Vania Arisa Putri ◽  
Rheza Aulia Ramadhan ◽  
Bambang Purwanggono Sukarsono

Risk management is a management effort to control the company's risk operations by conducting risk analysis, risk evaluation and mitigation plan. Risk management efforts are feasible to be applied to the company's business activities including procurement activities. PT XYZ is one of the printing companies whose main demand is the printing of Elementary School Books. There is a decrease in demand that results in disruption to the company's cash flow so that a tight money policy is applied to every company's activity including procurement activities. This policy increases the risk that may occur, so risk management efforts are needed to minimize the impact that can occur. The House of Risk method is used to identify risk events and risk agents that cause them, and design mitigation measures to address those risk agents. The results showed that there were 10 risk events and 10 identified risk agents, with priority risk agents to be handled are A1 (volume and type of raw materials are incorrect) and A3 (communication interruption). There are 5 recommended mitigation measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 217-224
Anggun Nindy Fatliana ◽  
Naniek Utami Handayani ◽  
Manik Mahacandra ◽  
Utaminingsih Linarti

Waste is an environmental problem that hasn’t been resolved until now. This problem can be overcome with the waste bank program. The success of the waste bank is supported by the high level of community participation. Currently, the level of community participation in Bantul Regency is still low, which is below 50%. The purpose of this research is to investigates what factors that can increase people’s intention and behavior of  participating in waste  bank activities at Bantul Regency. This research using factors from Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model. Besides of factors from Theory of Planned Behavior this research added other factors like knowledge of how and what, knowledge of the consequences and situational factors used as a measurement tools. The research used 300 samples. The target respondents for this research are members who actively participate in the waste bank activities. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, regression analysis methods is using on this research. The analysis results showed that attitudes, subjective norms, knowledge of how and what, knowledge of consequence and situational factor have a significant effect on the people’s intention to participate in the waste bank programs. Meanwhile the perceived control behavior variable has no significant effect on the people’s intention to participate in the waste bank program. All the factors togethers can explain the intention of 44.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 230-234
Desi Aryani ◽  
Yuanita Windusari ◽  
Fenny Etrawati

The risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) can occur in a variety of occupations including in traditional jewelers. The complaint is caused by an awkward position during work activities. The study aims to identify complaints of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). This study used qualitative approach through in-depth interviews on 5 key informants and 2 key expert informants and ergonomic risk determination referring to the BRIEF method. The results showed that all informants experienced complaints of the upper neck, lower neck, right shoulder, back, right elbow, right upper arm, and right forearm. Measurements through the BRIEF sheet show that complaints on the left and right elbows, left and right shoulders, neck, and back include high category ergonomic hazards while complaints on the hands and wrists of the right include moderate category ergonomic hazards. High risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) is found at all stages of work (smelting, grinding, posturing, jewelry formation, and gilding). Therefore, workers are recommended to perform muscle relaxation for (8-12 seconds) every half hour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 235-241
Rheza Aulia Ramadhan ◽  
Ananda Vania Arisa Putri ◽  
Bambang Purwanggono Sukarsono

Modern era has an impact on the industry. Relate to technology to turn raw goods into finished goods. Look at competitive in competition between companies that are required to customer demand. PT. XYZ is a publishing and printing company, constructing and concocting books and learning modules. Currently PT. XYZ does not yet have structured risk management to identify and mitigate risks that occur primarily in supply chain functions. Therefore, research is needed that aims to identify possible risks in PT. XYZ supply chain activities. Determine the cause of risk that must be prioritized to be mitigated in the supply chain PT. XYZ and determine mitigation strategies that must be prioritized to address the causes of risks in the supply chain PT. XYZ. The method used in this study is by the House of Risk method. HOR is used to identify risk events, risk agents in the supply chain and design mitigation strategies for risk agents based on ARP (Aggregate Risk Potential) value. The results of this study show that there are 10 risk events and 15 risk agents that become supply chain risks as well as recommendations for tackling priority risk agents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-209
Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko ◽  
Andreas Maruli Tua Nababan ◽  
Mayang Dhisyacitra ◽  
Frida Kistiani

Kendala umum pada pengadaan material konstruksi adalah keterlambatan pengiriman material akibat ketersediaan stok. Penerapan manajemen rantai pasok yang efektif mampu mencegah terjadinya keterlambatan pengiriman material. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun model simulasi manajemen rantai pasok berbasis agen dalam penyediaan material semen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan distribusi semen dari factory, wholesaler, hingga retailer di Jawa Tengah, mengestimasi rata-rata waktu tunggu customer, mengkalkulasi biaya harian yang dikeluarkan oleh masing-masing agen (factory, wholesaler, dan retailer), serta menentukan batas-batas persediaan stok yang optimal. Simulasi rantai pasok dilakukan berbasis agen dengan menggunakan software Anylogic. Input data berupa biaya-biaya, stok, serta probabilitas permintaan material diperoleh langsung dari masing-masing agen yang ditinjau (1 factory, 1 wholesaler, 30 retailer). Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa durasi waktu tunggu customer yang paling sering terjadi berkisar antara 0-0,05 hari dengan probabilitas sebesar 69,30%. Estimasi biaya rata-rata harian yang dibutuhkan retailer adalah sebesar Rp.600.359,45, sedangkan wholesaler adalah Rp.1.071.811,06, dan untuk factory adalah Rp.38.630.071,96. Hasil optimasi menunjukkan nilai-nilai batas stok terbaru untuk masing-masing agen (stok minimum, target stok), sebagai berikut: factory (1103, 2206); wholesaler (1005, 2000); retailer (1000, 2011). Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi masing-masing agen sebagai acuan dalam menentukan batas-batas stok dan memprediksi rata-rata biaya harian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-188
Hery Hamdi Azwir

Di dalam perusahaan produksi rokok ini terdapat sebuah mesin laser perforator. Setelah pemasangan mesin laser perforator 50 timbul masalah yang berhubungan dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal. Saat dilakukan wawancara, operator mengeluhkan adanya nyeri punggung bawah  karena penanganan material dilakukan secara manual. Setelah dilakukan analisis dengan metode OWAS pada dua kegiatan bongkar muat ditemukan masalah yang berhubungan dengan gangguan muskuloskeletal. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa aktivitas pemuatan (loading) dikategorikan sebagai tindakan korektif 3 artinya postur tubuh berpengaruh sangat merugikan pada sistem muskuloskeletal, sedangkan kegiatan pembongkaran (unloading) termasuk tindakan korektif 2 yang tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap sistem muskuloskeletal. Selain itu, analisis gaya tekan dilakukan hanya untuk aktivitas pembebanan terhadap gaya tekan total yang bekerja pada L5/ S1. Gaya tekan untuk aktivitas pembebanan adalah 7.186,22 Newton atau lebih dari dua kali lipat dari batas aman maksimum 3.400 Newton. Perbaikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode QFD. Sebagai solusinya adalah dibuat troli. Troli tersebut mampu mereduksi gaya tekan total pada aktivitas pembebanan menjadi 3.180,52 Newton dan berhasil mengubah menjadi kategori tindakan korektif 1. Abstract[REDUCTION OF MUSCULOSCELETAL DISORDERS RISK ON LASER PERFORATOR MACHINES AREA IN CIGARETTE COMPANIES USING QFD AND OWAS] Inside this cigarette production company, there is a laser perforator machine. After the installation of the laser perforator machine 50, problems related to musculoskeletal disorders arise. During the interview, the operator complained about low back pain due to manual handling of the material. After analyzing the OWAS method on two loading and unloading activities, problems were found related to musculoskeletal disorders. It was found that the loading activity was categorized as 3 meaning that posture had a very detrimental effect on the musculoskeletal system. Meanwhile, unloading activities included category 2 which had no significant effect on the musculoskeletal system. In addition, the biomechanical analysis was carried out only for the loading activity against the total compressive force acting on L5 / S1. The compressive force for loading activity is 7,186.22 Newton or more than twice the maximum safe limit of 3,400 Newton. Repairs were made using the QFD method. The solution is to make the moving trolley. The moving trolley is able to reduce the total compressive force on the loading activity to 3,180.52 Newton and also, reduce the level to category 1.Keywords: biomechanics; musculoskeletal disorders; Ovako Working Posture Analysis System; OWAS; Quality Function Deployment; QFD; Trolley

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-198
Pitarsono Yulihartanto

Pelaksanaan kegiatan operasional di area offshore pada perusahaan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi membutuhkan bahan bakar yang cukup banyak. Bahan bakar ini sebagian besar digunakan untuk mobilisasi berbagai jenis kapal sebagai fuel object dan operasional harian proses produksi. Terdapat beberapa kriteria umum yang menjadi dasar penjadwalan pengisian BBM, namun setiap koordinator berhak menyusun penjadwalan berdasarkan pengalaman dan subjektifitas masing-masing. Oleh karena itu jadwal yang disusun antar koordinator bisa sangat berbeda, agar memiliki standar yang seragam maka sangat diperlukan suatu metode yang terstruktur dengan kriteria standar dalam pengambilan keputusan penyusunan penjadwalan pengisian BBM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kriteria apa saja yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan dalam penjadwalan pengisian BBM dan mengembangkan suatu sistem agar keputusan penjadwalan yang diambil bisa terukur dan dipertanggungjawabkan dengan baik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rating approach Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), sedangkan pengelompokan kapal (klaster) yang akan diisi menggunakan metode hierarki agglomerative, complete linkage dengan euclidean distance. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa area kerja akan dibagi menjadi 3 klaster dengan jumlah SPOB sebanyak 3.  Selanjutnya kriteria yang dijadikan dasar pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan penjadwalan pengisian BBM adalah  fuel remaining day fuel object, prioritas operasi, akses menuju fuel object dan jarak SPOB dengan fuel object. Berdasarkan analisis implementasinya, metode penjadwalan dengan menggunakan rating approach AHP dapat memberikan jadwal yang konsisten, terukur,bisa dipertanggungjawabkan, dan sangat mudah diimplementasikan serta dapat menghindari terjadinya perbedaan penjadwalan (subjektivitas) antar koordinator.        Abstract[Fuel Distribution Scheduling For Self Propelled Oil Barge (SPOB) Based On The Hierarchy Process Analityc Method] The implementation of operational activities in the offshore area of oil and gas exploration and exploitation companies requires quite a lot of fuel. This fuel is mostly used for the mobilization of various types of ships as a fuel object and for the daily operations of the production process. There are several general criteria that form the basis for scheduling refueling, but each coordinator has the right to arrange a schedule based on their own experience and subjectivity. Therefore, the schedule prepared between the coordinators can be very different, in order to have a uniform standard, it is necessary to have a structured method with standard criteria in making decisions on the preparation of fuel filling scheduling. This study aims to find out what criteria are the basic considerations in scheduling refueling and develop a system so that scheduling decisions taken can be measured and accounted for properly. The method used in this study is the rating approach Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), while the grouping of ships (clusters) to be filled using the agglomerative hierarchy method, complete linkage with euclidean distance. The results of this study indicate that the work area will be divided into 3 clusters with the number of SPOB as much as 3. Furthermore, the criteria that are used as the basis for consideration in making decisions about fuel filling scheduling are fuel remaining day fuel object, operating priority, access to fuel object and distance between SPOB and fuel. objects. Based on the implementation analysis, the scheduling method using the AHP rating approach can provide a schedule that is consistent, measurable, accountable, and very easy to implement and can avoid scheduling differences (subjectivity) between coordinators.Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process; Fuel Object; Scheduling; SPOB

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