Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding in Von Willebrand's disease

1968 ◽  
Vol 115 (5) ◽  
pp. 727-729 ◽  
John R. Stroehlein ◽  
James W. Brown ◽  
James C. Cain ◽  
E.J.Walter Bowie
The Lancet ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 308 (7980) ◽  
pp. 275-278 ◽  
D.M. Ramsay ◽  
T.A.S. Buist ◽  
D.A.D. Macleod ◽  
R.C. Heading

1999 ◽  
Vol 56 (9) ◽  
pp. 487-490
Baerlocher ◽  
Leoncini-Franscini ◽  
Wuillemin ◽  

Bei der 61jährigen Patientin mit unauffälliger Vorgeschichte (insbesondere keine Blutungsneigung) häuften sich in den letzten 10 Jahren eindrückliche hospitalisationsbedürftige Gastrointestinalblutungen mit schweren Hämoglobinabfällen bis auf 50 g/l und konsekutivem Eisenmangel, wobei nie eine Blutungsquelle erfaßt werden konnte trotz Nachweis von positiven Hämokkulttesten. Labormässig zeigte sich ein schwerer von Willebrand Faktor-Mangel mit verkürzter Halbwertszeit des von Willebrand Faktors. Dies spricht für einen akquirierten von Willebrand Faktor-Mangel am ehesten im Rahmen eines immunologischen Geschehens. Weder eine immunsuppressive Therapie mit Steroiden noch mit Cyclophosphamid (Endoxan®) führte zur Normalisierung des von Willebrand Faktors oder einer Verbesserung der Blutungsneigung. Erst nach prophylaktischer Gabe des Fibrinolysehemmers Tranexamsäure (Anvitoff®) sistierten die symptomatischen Gastrointestinalblutungen trotz weiterem Absinken des von Willebrand Faktors.

1980 ◽  
Vol 67 (9) ◽  
pp. 639-641 ◽  
A. J. Cass ◽  
B. P. Bliss ◽  
R. P. Bolton ◽  
B. T. Cooper

1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (01) ◽  
pp. 117-120 ◽  
Alessandra Casonato ◽  
M Teresa Sartori ◽  
Luigi de Marco ◽  
Antonio Girolami

SummaryWe have investigated the effects of 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) infusion on platelet count and bleeding time in 4 patients with type IIB von Willebrand’s disease (vWd). Three of four patients showed a normalization of the bleeding time within 1 h after the infusion, while bleeding time was not modified in the fourth. In accordance with the literature, thrombocytopenia was observed after DDAVP infusion, but this thrombocytopenia was due to the anticoagulants used for blood collection. In two patients (F. I., G. F.) no thrombocytopenia was observed when platelets were counted by fingerstick method but there was a 20% platelet decrease in blood samples collected in sodium citrate and a 50% decrease in samples collected in EDTA. Dramatic falls in platelet counts (70–95%) were observed in the additional two patients (C. A., D.Z.) after DDAVP infusion, when both sodium citrate or EDTA were used as anticoagulants. In the latter two patients there was also a 50% decrease in platelet count when the fingerstick method was used. The decrease in the patient’s platelet count in EDTA samples after DDAVP infusion could be prevented, in part, by the previous additions of an anti GPIb monoclonal antibody and an anti GPIIb-IIIa monoclonal antibody.Thus, the thrombocytopenia observed in the four IIB vWd patients studied after DDAVP infusion seems to be, at least partially, a pseudothrombocytopenia depending on the calcium concentration in the blood samples and the availability of GPIb and GPIIb-IIIa receptors. These findings and the normalization of the bleeding time observed in three of the four patients has led us to reconsider the possible use of DDAVP in the treatment of our IIB vWd patients.

1989 ◽  
Vol 61 (01) ◽  
pp. 111-116
Sharron L Pfueller ◽  
Robyn A Bilston ◽  
Dana Logan ◽  
Rosemary David ◽  
Ian G Sloan ◽  

SummaryReactivity of quinine- and quinidine-dependent antiplatelet antibodies has been compared in platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from normal donors and from patients with von Willebrand’s disease (vWd). One quinine-dependent antibody (Q. Ab) caused platelet aggregation and [14C] serotonin release with only 7 of 12 normal donors, while another Q. Ab and a quinidine-dependent antibody (Qd. Ab) caused aggregation and release with all 12. Drug- dependent IgG binding and PF 3 availability induced by the antibodies were, however, comparable in all donors. Differences in responsiveness were associated with platelets and not plasma. vWd platelets showed normal drug-dependent IgG binding, but decreased aggregation and serotonin release to most drug- dependent antibodies. Responsiveness was not restored by purified vWf:Ag, but, in one case, was corrected by normal plasma or cryoprecipitate. Drug-dependent binding of the Q. Ab which caused variable responsiveness in normals was to the same platelet antigens (GPIb and GPIIIa) in both normal and vWd platelets and did not require plasma components. Reduced PF 3 availability was seen with some antibodies in some vWd patients. Plasma from two of these patients inhibited aggregation of normal platelets to Q. Ab and one of these inhibited aggregation to ADP. Antiplatelet antibodies were detected in these two plasmas by ELISA. Thus some Q. Ab produce different responses with platelets from different donors. In vWd, reduced responsiveness to Q.Ab and Qd. Ab may result from production of inhibitory antiplatelet antibodies.

1974 ◽  
Vol 31 (03) ◽  
pp. 519-520
Leo R. Zacharski ◽  
Robert Rosenstein

1978 ◽  
Vol 40 (02) ◽  
pp. 288-301 ◽  
P Meucci ◽  
I R Peake ◽  
A L Bloom

SummaryFactor VIII-related activities have been studied in platelet fractions in order to try to reconcile the conflicting findings of other workers, and to extend the studies. In platelets from 16 normal subjects procoagulant factor VIII was not detected. The amount of factor VIII-related antigen (FVIIIR: AG) in the cytosol per mg of protein was about twice that in the membrane fraction and about ten times that in the debris fraction. There was no significant difference between the amount of FVIIIR: AG and ristocetin cofactor (RistCof) activity in each fraction. The findings in haemophilic platelets were similar. In von Willebrand’s disease (vWd) one serverely affected patient had no detectable factor VIII related activities in any platelet fraction. In 5 patients with intermediate vWd results were normal. In a further 5, with more prolonged bleeding times, no FVIIIR: RistCof was detected in platelets, despite a normal amount of FVIIIR: AG in the cytosol and debris. The electrophoretic mobility of cytosol FVIIIR: AG was increased in all normals and patients, while that in the membrane and debris fractions had normal mobility. Cytosol FVIIIR: AG eluted later than normal FVIIIR: AG on gel filtration on Sepharose 2B, and also showed reduced antibody binding in an immunoradiometric assay. Precipitation of FVIIIR: AG by concanavalin A was incomplete in all platelet fractions from normals, and even more reduced in vWd platelet fractions. The results suggest the possibility of two types of platelet FVIIIR: AG.A factor VIII-related antigen was shown to be associated with normal washed platelets by immunofluorescence techniques (Bloom et al. 1973). Since then, several studies have been reported on the localisation of factor VIII related antigen (FVIIIR: AG), factor VIII procoagulant activity (FVIII: C) and factor VIII related ristocetin cofactor activity (FVIIIR: RistCof) within the platelets. Initially, Howard et al. (1974) indicated that FVIIIR: AG was firmly bound to the platelet membrane, and noted that in lysed platelets the level of FVIIIR: AG as measured by electroimmunodiffusion was higher than that in whole platelet suspensions. However, further studies by Nachman and Jaffe (1975) showed that FVIIIR: AG was also present to a considerable extent in the granules, and they detected none in the platelet cytosol. Bouma and colleagues (1975) were, however, able to find FVIIIR: AG and FVIIIR: RistCof in the cytosol upon freezing and thawing platelets. This FVIIIR: AG had an electrophoretic mobility comparable to that of normal plasma. They also noted that platelets which were air dried apparently had a granular FVIIIR:AG localisation by immunfluorescence; however, intact platelets in suspension did not stain by this method.Recently Ruggeri et al. (1977) and Sultan et al. (1977) have also found FVIIIR: AG in the cytosol, and the former authors reported it to have increased electrophoretic mobility when compared to normal plasma FVIIIR:AG. Results concerning the localisation of FVIIIR: AG in normal platelets have thus been conflicting. Similarly, in the few reports available concerning platelet FVIIIR: AG in von Willibrand’s disease variable results have also been obtained (Ruggeri et al. 1977, Howard et al. 1974, Shearn et al. 1974 and Bouma et al. 1975).In this study we report on the localisation of factor VIII-related activities in normal, haemophilic and von Willebrand’s disease platelets using available standard techniques as well as precipitation of FVIIIR: AG with the plant lectin concanavalin A, a procedure which has been shown to detect abnormal forms of FVIIIR:AG in certain types of von Willebrand’s disease (Peake and Bloom 1977).

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