Consummatory feeding behavior to amino acids in intact and anosmic channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus

1994 ◽  
Vol 55 (5) ◽  
pp. 857-863 ◽  
Tine Valentinčič ◽  
John Caprio
1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Jiesheng Kang ◽  
John Caprio

Kang, Jiesheng and John Caprio. In vivo response of single olfactory receptor neurons of channel catfish to binary mixtures of amino acids. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 1–8, 1997. For the first time in any vertebrate, in vivo responses of single olfactory receptor neurons to odorant mixtures were studied quantitatively. Extracellular electrophysiological response of 54 single olfactory receptor neurons from 23 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, to binary mixtures of amino acids and to their components were recorded simultaneously with the electroolfactogram (EOG). For 57% (73 of 128) of the tests, no significant change (N) from spontaneous activity occurred. Responses to the remaining 55 tests of binary mixtures were excitatory (E; 13%) or suppressive (S; 30%). No response type was associated with any specific mixture across the neurons sampled. Eighty-six percent of the responses of catfish olfactory receptor neurons to binary mixtures were classifed similar to at least one of the component responses, a percentage comparable (i.e., 89%) with that observed for single olfactory bulb neurons in the same species to equivalent binary mixtures. The responses of single olfactory receptor neurons to component-similar binary mixtures (i.e., component responses were both E, both S, and both N, respectively) were generally (80% of 59 tests) classified similar to the responses to the components. For E+N and S+N binary mixtures, the N component often (66% of 58 tests) reduced or concealed (i.e., “masked”) the excitatory and suppressive responses, respectively. For the majority (6 of 11 tests) of E+S binary mixtures, null activity resulted. Responses to the remaining five tests were either excitatory ( n = 3) or suppressive ( n = 2).

1999 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 564-569 ◽  
K. Ogawa ◽  
J. Caprio

We investigated the neural processing of binary gustatory mixtures of amino acids by the facial taste system of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. In vivo electrophysiological recordings indicated that the magnitude of both integrated and single-unit facial taste responses to binary mixtures of amino acids was greatest if the components bound to independent receptor sites. Facial taste responses were obtained from 32 multiunit and 55 single taste fiber preparations to binary mixtures of amino acids whose components bind to independent taste receptor sites (group I) or to the same or highly cross-reactive taste receptor sites (group II). All component stimuli were adjusted in concentration to provide approximately equal response magnitude as determined by either the height of the integrated multiunit taste response or by the number of action potentials generated/3 s of response time/single taste fiber. The mixture discrimination index (MDI), defined as the response to the mixture divided by the average of the responses to the component stimuli, was calculated for each test of a binary mixture. MDIs of group I binary mixtures for both the integrated multiunit and single fiber data were significantly greater than those for either the control or group II binary mixtures. In a subset of multiunit recordings, the MDIs of a group I binary mixture across three log units of stimulus concentration were similar and significantly greater than those of a group II binary mixture. Analysis of the single fiber data also indicated that the MDIs of group I binary mixtures were significantly larger than those of group II binary mixtures for both alanine-best and arginine-best taste fibers; however, the MDIs of group I binary mixtures calculated from recordings from arginine-best taste fibers were significantly greater than those recorded from alanine-best taste fibers.

2001 ◽  
Vol 86 (4) ◽  
pp. 1869-1876 ◽  
Alexander A. Nikonov ◽  
John Caprio

Extracellular electrophysiological recordings from single olfactory bulb (OB) neurons in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, indicated that the OB is divided into different functional zones, each processing a specific class of biologically relevant odor. Different OB regions responded preferentially at slightly above threshold to either a mixture of 1) bile salts (10–7 to 10−5 M Na+ salts of taurocholic, lithocholic, and taurolithocholic acids), 2) nucleotides [10–6 to 10–4 M adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP), inosine-5′-monophosphate (IMP), and inosine-5′-triphosphate (ITP)], or 3) amino acids (10–6 to 10–4M l-alanine,l-methionine, l-arginine, andl-glutamate). Excitatory responses to bile salts were observed primarily in a thin, medial strip in both the dorsal (100–450 μm) and ventral (900–1,200 μm) OB. Excitatory responses to nucleotides were obtained primarily from dorsal, caudolateral OB, whereas excitatory responses to amino acids occurred more rostrally in the dorsolateral OB, but continued more medially in the ventral OB. The chemotopy within the channel catfish OB is more comparable to that previously described by optical imaging studies in zebrafish than by field potential studies in salmonids. The present results are consistent with recent studies, suggesting that the specific spatial organization of output neurons in the OB is necessary for the quality coding/decoding of olfactory information.

1993 ◽  
Vol 102 (6) ◽  
pp. 1085-1105 ◽  
T T Ivanova ◽  
J Caprio

Odorant receptors activated by amino acids were investigated with patch-clamp techniques in olfactory receptor neurons of the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. The L-isomers of alanine, norvaline, arginine, and glutamate, known to act predominantly on different olfactory receptor sites, activated nondesensitizing inward currents with amplitudes of -2.5 to -280 pA in olfactory neurons voltage-clamped at membrane potentials of -72 or -82 mV. Different amino acids were shown to induce responses in the same sensory neurons; however, the amplitude and the kinetics of the observed whole cell currents differed among the stimuli and may therefore reflect activation of different amino acid receptor types or combinations of receptor types in these cells. Amino acid-induced currents appeared to have diverse voltage dependence and could also be classified according to the amplitude of the spontaneous channel fluctuations underlying the macroscopic currents. A mean single-channel conductance (gamma) of 360 fS was estimated from small noise whole-cell currents evoked by arginine within the same olfactory neuron in which a mean gamma value of 23.6 pS was estimated from 'large noise' response to norvaline. Quiescent olfactory neurons fired bursts of action potentials in response to either amino acid stimulation or application of 8-Br-cyclic GMP (100 microM), and voltage-gated channels underlying generation of action potentials were similar in these neurons. However, in whole-cell voltage-clamp, 8-Br-cyclic GMP evoked large rectangular current pulses, and single-channel conductances of 275, 220, and 110 pS were obtained from the discrete current levels. These results suggest that in addition to the cyclic nucleotide-gated transduction channels, olfactory neurons of the channel catfish possess a variety of odor receptors coupled to different types of transduction channels.

1991 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 699-721 ◽  
J S Kang ◽  
J Caprio

In vivo electrophysiological recordings from populations of olfactory receptor neurons in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, clearly showed that both electro-olfactogram and integrated neural responses of olfactory receptor cells to complex mixtures consisting of up to 10 different amino acids were predictable with knowledge of (a) the responses to the individual components in the mixture and (b) the relative independence of the respective receptor sites for the component stimuli. All amino acid stimuli used to form the various mixtures were initially adjusted in concentration to provide approximately equal response magnitudes. Olfactory receptor responses to both multimixtures and binary mixtures were recorded. Multimixtures were formed by mixing equal aliquots of 3-10 different amino acids. Binary mixtures were formed by mixing equal aliquots of two equally stimulatory solutions. Solution 1 contained either one to nine different neutral amino acids with long side-chains (LCNs) or one to five different neutral amino acids with short side-chains (SCNs). Solution 2, comprising the binary mixture, consisted of only a single stimulus, either a LCN, SCN, basic, or acidic amino acid. The increasing magnitude of the olfactory receptor responses to mixtures consisting of an increasing number of neutral amino acids indicated that multiple receptor site types with highly overlapping specificities exist to these compounds. For both binary mixtures and multimixtures composed of neutral and basic or neutral and acidic amino acids, the receptor responses were significantly enhanced compared with those mixtures consisting of an equal number of only neutral amino acids. These results demonstrate that receptor sites for the basic and acidic amino acids, respectively, are highly independent of those for the neutral amino acids, and suggest that a mechanism for synergism is the simultaneous activation of relatively independent receptor sites by the components in the mixture. In contrast, there was no evidence for the occurrence of mixture suppression.

1992 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
pp. 1012-1026 ◽  
J. Kohbara ◽  
W. Michel ◽  
J. Caprio

1. Amino acids and nucleotides stimulate taste receptors of teleosts. In this report, responses to these compounds of 105 facial taste fibers (79 fully characterized) that innervate maxillary barbel taste buds of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were analyzed. 2. The fully characterized facial taste fibers that responded to amino acids (n = 68) were generally poorly responsive to nucleotides and related substances (NRS), whereas the fibers responsive to NRS (n = 11) were poorly responsive to amino acids. Spike discharge of the amino acid-responsive fibers to the most potent amino acid stimulus tested per fiber increased 44-fold from a mean spontaneous activity of 2.1 +/- 3.5 to 92.1 +/- 42.4 (SD) spikes/3 s. Spike activity of the NRS-responsive fibers to NRS increased 11.5-fold from a mean spontaneous activity of 3.4 +/- 5.9 to 39.1 +/- 27.4 spikes/3 s. There was no significant difference between the spontaneous rates, but stimulus evoked spike rates for the amino acid-responsive fibers were significantly greater (P < 0.05; Mann-Whitney test) than those for the NRS-responsive fibers. 3. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on the 3-s response time identified three major groups of neurons. The identified clusters comprised neurons that were highly responsive to either L-alanine (i.e., Ala cluster; n = 39), L-arginine (i.e., Arg cluster; n = 29), or NRS (NRS cluster; n = 11). Fibers comprising the Arg cluster were more narrowly tuned than those within the Ala cluster. This report further characterizes the responses to amino acids of the individual facial taste fibers comprising the Ala and Arg clusters. 4. Subclusters were evident within both of the amino acid-responsive clusters. The Arg cluster was divisible into two subclusters dependent on the response to 1 mM L-proline. Twelve neurons that were significantly (P < 0.05; Mann-Whitney test) more responsive to L-proline than the remaining 17 neurons within the Arg cluster formed the Arg/Pro subcluster; these latter 17 neurons comprised the Arg subcluster. However, there was no significant difference (Mann-Whitney test) in the response to L-arginine between fibers within either subcluster across four different response times analyzed. Fibers within the Ala cluster were generally poorly responsive to L-proline. Four alanine subclusters were suggested on the basis of their relative responses to L-alanine, D-alanine, L-arginine, and the NRS; however, of the 39 fibers comprising the alanine cluster, two alanine subclusters comprised only two fibers each, and the third subcluster consisted of four fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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