The advanced electric reactor: A new technology for hazardous waste destruction

1985 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-160 ◽  
Kenneth W. Lee ◽  
Frank P. Wingate ◽  
Jimmy W. Boyd
1986 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 312-318 ◽  
E. Timothy. Oppelt

2015 ◽  
Vol 1103 ◽  
pp. 121-127
Suthatip Sinyoung ◽  
Ekkachai Taweekitwanit ◽  
Puangrat Kajitvichyanukul

Burning of hazardous waste in cement kiln is the new technology based on waste derived and alternative fuels. Besides being the alternative way to destroy hazardous waste, this method provides alternative material as raw material or the fuel in the cement production process. This disposal method can be applied if the contaminant either does not appear in the emission or leach from cement to environment. This work focused on properties and the leaching behavior of nickel from cement. The resulting clinker was analyzed for the content of free lime and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was done. The identification of MgNiO2 peaks in XRD pattern was found in all clinkers with nickel addition in the range of 0.5-2.0 wt.%. Results obtained from this part suggested that nickel incorporated in the clinker phase and may combine with magnesium to form the new compound as MgNiO2 during the burning process. To study the leaching behavior, M3051A, NEN:7341 and pH static leach test were used. Results showed that approximately 3% of nickel can be leached to environment. From the pH static leach test, nickel was effectively leached at pH 4 and the reachability of its decreased when the pH increased. In this work, Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was also used to identify the cement as hazardous waste or non-hazardous waste. The results showed that raw material doped with nickel up to 2 wt.%, the cement was not classified as hazardous waste.

1983 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 205-210 ◽  
Harry M. Freeman

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Kardono Kardono

Salah satu cara efektif mengurangi limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3) yaitu dengan membakarnya dalam insinerator. Berbagai keuntungan pembakaran limbah dalam insinerator mendorong usaha memanfaatkannya untuk menghacurkan limbah B3 di Indonesia. Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup (Men-LH) no. 18/2009memungkinkan orang mendapat ijin pengolahan limbah B3 melalui insinerator, tetapi berdasarkan Keputusan Kepala BAPEDAL No.: Kep-03/1995, mereka harus memenuhi persyaratan efisiensi penghancuran (DRE) sebesar 99,99% atau lebih, dan juga persyaratan lainnya. Pembuktian efisiensi penghancuran dilakukan melalui kegiatanuji bakar (TBT). Sebelum uji bakar dilakukan, analisis kimia limbah harus dilakukan di laboratorium. Senyawa yang paling sulit terbakar dalam uji bakar dapat dipilih berdasarkan nilai bakar senyawa dari hasil analisis tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini analisis kimia dari tiga jenis limbah B3, sarung tangan terkontaminasi, lumpur dari instalasi pengolahan limbah dan limbah infeksius rumah sakit, telah dilakukan. Hidrokarbon organic utama (POHC) yang dianalisis dari ketiga limbah ini adalah 1.1 Dichlorethylene, 1.1.1 Trichloroethylene dan Tetrachloroethylene dengan konsentrasi masing-masing  sebesar 1.411, 0.311, dan 0.166 mg/kg. Hasil perhitungan indek panas pembakarannya masing-masing adalah 38.45, 57.78 and 84.20. Jadi, Tetrachloroethylene merupakan POHC yang paling sulit terbakar sehingga terpilih sebagai wakil semua POHC yang mungkin terkandung dalam limbah B3 tersebut dalam uji bakar. Sampling untuk emisi Tetrachloroethylene menggunakan metode baku US EPA No. 30. Dalam uji bakar disarankan untuk mengukur emisi partikulat, logam-logam berat, asam khlorida (HCl) dan gas-gas emisi lainnya ((O2, CO, CO2, laju alir gas emisi, kadar air gas) dengan metode sampling baku. Data-data ini dapat digunakan untuk melakukan koreksi dan membantu dalam perhitungan hasil sampling. Kata Kunci: Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3), Uji Bakar (TBT), Efisiensi Penghancuran (DRE), Indek Panas Pembakaran (I), Senyawa Hidrokarbon Organic Utama (POHC). AbstractOne effective way to reduce industrial hazardous wastes is to burn them in the incinerators. A variety of advantages of the waste incineration has caused businesses on employing incinerator for hazardous waste destruction in Indonesia. Regulation of the State Minister for the Environment No. 18/2009 allows business people to have licensesto treat hazardous waste through incinerator but according to the Decree of the Head of the Environmental  Management Agency (BAPEDAL) No.: Kep-03/1995 they must meet requirement of achieving 99.99% or more destruction removal efficiency (DRE) and other requirements. A demonstration of achieving DRE is done through a trial burn test (TBT). Prior to TBT, the chemical analyses of the wastes need to be done in the laboratory.Themost difficult compund to be burned in the TBT can be selected based on concentrations and heating values of those results. In this research, chemical analyses of three kinds of waste, contaminated gloves, wasterwater treatment sludge, and infectious medical wastes, have been carried out. The principal organic hydrocarbons (POHCs) analyzedare found to be 1.1 Dichlorethylene, 1.1.1 Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene with the respective average concentrations of 1.411, 0.311, and 0.166 mg/kg. The respective calculated heat of combustion indexs are 38.45, 57.78 and 84.20. Thus, Tetrachloroethylene is a POHC that is most difficult to be burned and therefore it ischosen to be a representation of all POHCs of the wastes for TBT. Sampling method of Tetrachloroethylene emission uses US EPA Method 30 –Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST). During TBT it is also suggested to measure particulate, metals, chloride acid (HCl), and other emitted gases (O2, CO, CO2, gaseous emission rate, gas watercontent) with standard sampling methods. These data could be use to standarize and support the calculationn of the sampling results. Key words: Hazardous wastes, Trial Burn Test (TBT), Destruction Removal Efficiency (DRE), Heat of Combustion Index (I), Principal Organic Hydrocarbons (POHCs).

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