Psychological assessment in medical rehabilitation.

1996 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 621-622
Terri Gullickson ◽  
Pamela Ramser

2002 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 407-416
Heike Eckert ◽  
Karl Westhoff

Abstract: In practice every graduate in psychology is expected to be competent in writing psychological reports. First we discuss the basic determinants of the acquisition of this competence. Then we describe how these basic determinants are taken into consideration in the study. The effects of several measures to improve this training are tested. They relate to structure, contents and realization in the sequence of lectures and seminars. Three hypotheses on the effectiveness of our training were tested by evaluation of the examination reports written in 5 consecutive years (N1 = 229, N2 = 119). The results show that a systematic acquisition of knowledge and competence can be supported by different didactic aids as individual feedback, checklists with rules on how to proceed and also checklists for mistakes.

2011 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 290-298 ◽  
Tuulia M. Ortner ◽  
Isabella Vormittag

With reference to EJPA’s unique and broad scope, the current study analyzed the characteristics of the authors as well as the topics and research aims of the 69 empirical articles published in the years 2009–2010. Results revealed that more than one third of the articles were written by authors affiliated with more than one country. With reference to their research aims, an almost comparable number of articles (1) presented a new measure, (2) dealt with adaptations of measures, or (3) dealt with further research on existing measures. Analyses also revealed that most articles did not address any particular field of application. The second largest group was comprised of articles related to the clinical field, followed by the health-related field of application. The majority of all articles put their focus on investigating questionnaires or rating scales, and only a small number of articles investigated procedures classified as tests or properties of interviews. As to further characteristics of the method(s) used, a majority of EJPA contributions addressed self-report data. Results are discussed with reference to publication demands as well as the current and future challenges and demands of psychological assessment.

David Ephraim

Abstract. A history of complex trauma or exposure to multiple traumatic events of an interpersonal nature, such as abuse, neglect, and/or major attachment disruptions, is unfortunately common in youth referred for psychological assessment. The way these adolescents approach the Rorschach task and thematic contents they provide often reflect how such experiences have deeply affected their personality development. This article proposes a shift in perspective in the interpretation of protocols of adolescents who suffered complex trauma with reference to two aspects: (a) the diagnostic relevance of avoidant or emotionally constricted Rorschach protocols that may otherwise appear of little use, and (b) the importance of danger-related thematic contents reflecting the youth’s sense of threat, harm, and vulnerability. Regarding this last aspect, the article reintroduces the Preoccupation with Danger Index ( DI). Two cases are presented to illustrate the approach.

1991 ◽  
Vol 46 (8) ◽  
pp. 882-884 ◽  
Joseph D. Matarazzo

1998 ◽  
Vol 43 (12) ◽  
pp. 879-880
Darwin Dorr

1992 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 544-544
James C. Rosen

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