systematic training
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Wei Haibin ◽  
Sun Feng

This paper introduces the definition of polar medicine and its development history and status at home and abroad. In view of the current predicament of polar medicine, it is believed that it is of high important and urgent practical significance to strengthen the discipline construction and scientific research of polar medicine, formulate medical service standards and provide systematic medical support for polar scientific research, including systematic training of polar doctors.

2021 ◽  
Olga Razumnikova ◽  
Vladislav Kagan

There are numerous data in existence, the computerized cognitive training programs (CCTP) maintain or improve the plasticity of the neural networks in the brain. It is known as well that CCTP reduces the probability of cognitive dysfunctions associated with aging. In the chapter, the age-associated specificity in the temporal dynamics of changes in the visuospatial short-term memory (VSWM, also called visuospatial working memory) is presented. VSWM has been analyzed as there are evidence for age-related decline in visuospatial memory associated with hippocampus atrophy in aging. Memory retrieval decline in older women in comparison with young women while computerized training at home is shown. The elderly achieving results which are comparable to the youngs are determined by significantly increased duration while performing the memory tasks. To reveal factors of the CCTP’s efficiency, age-related differences in the attention systems using the Attention Network Test were resolved. In the group of older women, VSWM efficiency is negatively related to the errors of incongruent information selection whereas in young women—to the reaction time while testing. Thus, the success of long-term systematic training of visuospatial memory in old age is strongly related to the high level of executive control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 506-531
Otto F. Kernberg

The author describes the differences between standard psychoanalysis and transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) and reviews particular difficulties that psychodynamically trained clinicians have in learning TFP. In delineating differences between standard psychoanalysis and TFP, the author discusses mutual influences between standard psychoanalytic techniques and techniques of TFP. TFP is an extension and modification of standard psychoanalysis, but with quantitative modifications geared to the treatment of the most severe segment of personality disorders that tend not to be treatable by standard analysis. TFP includes some features that are directly facilitated by psychoanalytic education, such as the importance of free association and the organization of interpretations in terms of the analysis of defense, motivation, and impulse. On the other hand, TFP provides new strategies, enhancing standard psychoanalytic treatment, when it modifies technical neutrality under certain circumstances, allows for the analysis of “incompatible realities,” and accelerates interventions under conditions of severe acting out when technical neutrality is not possible to maintain. The author demonstrates the advantages of systematic training in TFP within psychoanalytic institutes as a true enrichment of technical training. He proposes that psychoanalysis as a profession consists of a broad spectrum of treatment approaches based upon the combined utilization of psychoanalytic techniques, with specific modifications to be organized in specific forms of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. TFP may be the closest modification to standard psychoanalysis proper and is clearly defined and manualized. This has permitted empirical research that has already demonstrated the effectiveness of TFP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 166
Zuzana Lušňáková ◽  
Silvia Dicsérová ◽  
Mária Šajbidorová

Appropriate time management allows individuals to achieve work and personal goals, plan tasks, set priorities, eliminate disruptive effects, and increase work efficiency and productivity. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of managerial work and the performance of managers of food companies in the V4 countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland) from the perspective of time management principles, point out the shortcomings and reserves that can ensure time management, and propose solutions to improve business practice. We set five research assumptions in order to evaluate the situation comprehensively. A survey carried out from September 2020 to January 2021 involved 1588 managers working at various levels of management. Statistical methods and tests were used for data processing and their subsequent evaluation. The data were processed using Microsoft Excel 2016, the statistical software SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1, and XLSTAT. The analysis showed that three-quarters of managers are aware of the value of their time. More than half of the managers involved try to regularly review their agenda in order to identify gaps in the use of time and to avoid repeating unproductive practices. Only half of the managers make arrangements not to think about work in their free time. The managers spend the most time in their work dealing with administration. Intensifying the implementation of ICT (information and communication technologies) in the work of the manager has the effect of increasing the efficiency of the division and use of working time of managers. Based on our findings, we consider the goal orientation, positive motivation, systematic training, and development of managers as a key prerequisite for efficiency of managerial work and performance of managers and their effective time management.

2021 ◽  
Peirong Huang ◽  
Siddharth Narendran ◽  
Felipe Pereira ◽  
Shinichi Fukuda ◽  
Yosuke Nagasaka ◽  

PURPOSE: Subretinal injection (SRI) in mice is widely used in retinal research, yet the learning curve (LC) of this surgically challenging technique is unknown. METHODS: To evaluate the LC for SRI in a murine model, we analyzed training data from 3 clinically trained ophthalmic surgeons from 2018 to 2020. Successful SRI was defined as either the absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) degeneration after phosphate buffer saline injection and the presence of RPE degeneration after Alu RNA injection. Multivariable survival-time regression models were used to evaluate the association between surgeon experience and success rate, with adjustment for injection agents, and to calculate an approximate case number to achieve a 95% success rate. A Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) analysis was performed and plotted individually to monitor each surgeon's simultaneous performance. RESULTS: Despite prior microsurgery experience, the combined average success rate of the first 50 cases in mice was only 27%. The predicted SRI success rate did not reach a plateau above 95% until approximately 364 prior cases. Using the 364-training case as a "cutoff" point, the predicted probability of success before and after the 364th case was 65.38% and 99.32%, respectively (P < 0.0001). CUSUM analysis showed an initial upward slope and then remained within the decision intervals with an acceptable success rate set at 95% in the late stage. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the complexity and substantial LC for successful SRI in mice with high confidence. A systematic training system could improve the reliability and reproducibility of SRI-related experiments and improve the interpretation of experimental results using this technique. Translational Relevance: Our prediction model and monitor system allow objective quantification of technical proficiency in the field of subretinal drug delivery and gene therapy for the first time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-129

In today era of knowledge economy where organizations excel due to its human capital in order to provide quality product and service. The human capital can only be effective if organizations provide effective trainings to its employees regularly and need basis. Such training leads to not only over all organization’s development but it affects the job satisfaction and performance of employees. The research purposes are to know about the title of the research which is conducted about Plastic Industry of Hayatabad, District Peshawar. A total of 184 middle and lower managers were selected for the study through proportionate stratification sampling technique. Five point Likert scales, adopted and used by several researchers, were utilized for the research study. The results of study found that employee’s training has a major significant impact on employee performance and job satisfaction. The results also revealed that training has a positive correlation among the two variables. The research study recommended several recommendations such as provision of on the job and of the job trainings through systematic training program, establishment of a training center, linking trainings with the strategic plan of the firms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Wei Huang ◽  
Chang Liu ◽  
Pei Li ◽  
Jing Chen

Abstract Objective Through preliminary investigation of needs for clinical research training, to provide some initial evidence for design and operation of clinical research training programs in China. Methods An online questionnaire containing 23 questions about demographics, current practice of clinical research and needs for clinical research training was formulated to collect data from physicians and researchers in hospital. Convenience sampling was adopted. Results A total of 600 valid questionnaires were collected, including 507 from physicians, 58 from full-time clinical researchers and 35 from full-time basic medical researchers. Results showed that 14 % of the participants never participated in any clinical research, difficulties in data statistics were reported by more than 70 % of participants, and over 50 % reported training needs for cohort and biobank construction, data management and clinical study design. As to the training form, a combined on-line lecture with off-line communication is preferred. As for the content of the training program, strategies for literature reading and grant writing are highly demanded. Conclusions In China, even physicians in top hospitals tend to encounter various difficulties when conducting clinical research. This study highlights the importance of systematic training for future physician scientists in China, with a particular focus on data statistics, cohort and biobank construction and data management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 224-232
Won Suk Park

An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure requires the highest level of difficulty among endoscopic procedures and the complications related to the procedure is relatively high, and fatal. Training in ERCP requires the development of technical, cognitive, and integrative skills well beyond those needed for standard endoscopic procedures. Therefore, a system that certifies qualifications through objective and systematic training and examination is needed to improve patient safety and quality of medical services. This manuscript introduces a set of rules that contain all the necessary matters for the certification system of pancreatic and biliary endoscopy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 60-80
Jonathan Borg ◽  
Emmanuel Francalanza ◽  
Erwin Rauch ◽  
Goran Putnik ◽  
Catalin Amza ◽  

Although digitization in the manufacturing industry has been going on for some years, the recent COVID-19 pandemic helped reveal a number of bottlenecks and challenges that still need to be overcome. Joint ongoing research by a number of European Universities aimed at developing a systematic training framework on Industry 4.0 happened to be performed in the midst of the pandemic. COVID-19 meant that suddenly, internal and external workers of different educational backgrounds and in different roles had to rapidly adapt to new working procedures and environments whilst learning to use new technologies. This disruption helped this research group to generate specifications of a Higher Education Industry 4.0 Training Framework (HEI4.0) that is relevant to foster skills and competencies that make manufacturing more resilient to other possible scenarios requiring social distancing limitations. This paper outlines the details of the research performed and contributes the concept and value of establishing what is termed as the ‘flow-cognitive profile chart’ of a manufacturing organization to effectively help it in its transition towards digital manufacturing. Based on this concept, the paper passes on to prescribe a HEI4.0 Training Framework intended to guide manufacturing organizations in addressing ‘COVID-19 type’ manufacturing disruptions that can take place in other future unforeseen circumstances.

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