self report data
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Emre Deniz ◽  
Pelin Derinalp ◽  
Ilayda Gulkanat ◽  
Cagla Kaz ◽  
Neslihan Ozhan ◽  

AbstractThe primary aim of this study was to translate the Sibling Bullying Questionnaire (SBQ) into Turkish and validate it. A secondary aim was to estimate the prevalence of sibling bullying in Turkish adolescents. The SBQ was translated by a team of English-Turkish bilinguals. Self-report data were collected from Turkish adolescents (N = 301) aged 10 to 18 years old (mean age = 14.25 years, SD = 2.46). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to confirm the factor structure of the newly translated Turkish SBQ (T-SBQ). Descriptive analyses were then conducted to report the characteristics of the sample and the prevalence of sibling bullying. CFA confirmed the original two-factor structure of the T-SBQ indicating that a first-order correlated two-factor model shows the best fit: x2=160.33 (p < 0.001), df = 61, RMSEA = 0.07, CFI = 0.95 and TLI = 0.93. The T-SBQ showed satisfactory levels of internal consistency in victimisation (α = 0.84) and perpetration (α = 0.83) subscales, excellent reliability in the overall test scale (α = 0.90), and a high level of convergent validity when compared with the Revised Sibling Bullying Questionnaire (α = 0.79). In terms of sibling bullying prevalence, approximately half of the adolescents (51%) reported having been involved in some form of sibling bullying in the preceding six months, either as pure-victim (18%), pure-bully (3%) or bully-victim (30%). This result aligns with the findings from other countries such as the United States (41%), Israel (51%), and the United Kingdom (49%). The T-SBQ is valid and reliable in measuring sibling bullying in Turkish adolescents and sibling bullying is prevalent in the lives of Turkish adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Nastasia Griffioen ◽  
Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff ◽  
Marieke van Rooij ◽  
Isabela Granic

Literature concerning the relationship between social media use and wellbeing is inconsistent in its findings, and most research has focused on time spent on social media rather than on what emerging adults do there, with whom and why. Here, we investigated whether momentary social stress affects emerging adults’ social media use, and whether this social media use relates to subsequent changes in wellbeing. We implemented a multi-method paradigm utilising objective and self-report data to investigate how social stress relates to how (much) and why emerging adults use social media. We report on findings based on 114 17–25-year-old emerging adults recruited on university campus. Our findings suggest that social stress does not affect adolescents’ subsequent social media use and that there is no relationship between social media use after stress and changes in momentary wellbeing. Our work illustrates the need for detailed approaches in social media and psychological wellbeing research.

2021 ◽  
Rachel Davies ◽  
Fiona Mowbray ◽  
Alex F Martin ◽  
Louise E Smith ◽  
G James Rubin

Objectives: To assess the quantity and quality of studies using an observational measure of behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to narratively describe the association between self-report and observational data for behaviours relevant to controlling an infectious disease outbreak. Design: Systematic review and narrative synthesis of observational studies. Data sources: We searched Medline, Embase, PsychInfo, Publons, Scopus and the Public Health England behavioural science LitRep database from inception to 17th September 2021 for relevant studies. Study selection: We included studies which collected observational data of at least one of three health protective behaviours (hand hygiene, face covering use and maintaining physical distance from others (social distancing) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies where observational data were compared to self-report data in relation to any infectious disease were also included. Data extraction and synthesis: We evaluated the quality of studies using the NIH quality assessment scale for observational studies, extracted data on sample size, setting and adherence to health protective behaviours, and synthesized results narratively. Results: Of 27,279 published papers on COVID-19 relevant health protective behaviours that included one or more terms relating to hand hygiene, face covering and social distancing, we identified 48 studies that included an objective observational measure. Of these, 35 assessed face covering use, 17 assessed hand hygiene behaviour and seven assessed physical distancing. The general quality of these studies was good. When expanding the search to all infectious diseases, we included 21 studies that compared observational versus self-report data. These almost exclusively studied hand hygiene. The difference in outcomes was striking, with self-report over-estimating observed adherence by up to a factor of five in some settings. In only four papers did self-report match observational data in any domains. Conclusions: Despite their importance in controlling the pandemic, we found remarkably few studies assessing protective behaviours by observation, rather than self-report, though these studies tended to be of reasonably good quality. Observed adherence tends to be substantially lower than estimates obtained via self-report. Accurate assessment of levels of personal protective behaviour, and evaluation of interventions to increase this, would benefit from the use of observational methods.

2021 ◽  
pp. 027623662110656
Joshua Wilt ◽  
Nick Stauner ◽  
Ross W. May ◽  
Frank D. Fincham ◽  
Kenneth I Pargament ◽  

We tested preregistered hypotheses (a) examining the structure of supernatural beliefs and perceived experiences and (b) predicting supernatural engagement from the Big Five and cognitive styles. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of self-report data in the U.S. undergraduates (Study 1: n = 1,401; Study 2: n = 1,939) showed that beliefs and perceived experiences were characterized by two factors. Positive and Negative Agents factors related strongly to religious belief salience and were defined by God, the devil, angels, demons, and ghosts/spirits, whereas Forces and Spirits factors were unrelated to religious belief salience and were defined by fate/destiny, karma, and ghosts/spirits. Extraversion, conscientiousness, experiential processing, schizotypy, and dissociative tendencies related positively to supernatural engagement. With some nuances, agreeableness, neuroticism, and need for closure were positive predictors, whereas skepticism and analytical-rational processing were negative predictors. Openness and intellectual humility did not relate positively to supernatural engagement, contradicting expectations. Because the literature on individual differences predictors of supernatural engagement is not well integrated, these results may contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of this topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Aloysius Rukundo ◽  
David Ayebare Santson

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic inflicted excruciating psychological problems and elevated social concerns globally, including anxiety among university students. This study assessed the prevalence and factors associated with COVID-19 anxiety among finalist undergraduate students pursuing a degree in bachelor of science with education. A cross-sectional survey utilised data from 132 undergraduate science teachers at a university of science and technology recruited by census technique. Self-report data were obtained using the COVID-19 Anxiety Scale. Descriptive and logistic regression statistics were used to analyse the data.  The prevalence of COVID-19 anxiety was found at 11.36%. Career aspects in pursuing postgraduate studies and a close person with a diagnosis of COVID-19 were independent factors associated with COVID-19 anxiety. Students with an intention to pursue postgraduate studies indicated a higher likelihood of COVID-19 anxiety (AOR=4.8, 95%CI: 1.04-21.69, p < .05). Furthermore, students that had no close person diagnosed with COVID-19 indicated a lower likelihood of COVID-19 anxiety (AOR=0.1, 95%CI: 0.02-- 0.63, p < .05). Higher COVID-19 anxiety was associated with lower future academic aspirations. Hence, knowledge of acquaintance diagnosed with COVID-19 was associated with an increased chance of developing the disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Katarina Sokić ◽  
Sarwar Khawaja ◽  
Fayyaz Hussain Qureshi

<p>The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between The Dark Triad components (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy), and perceptions of the different organisational justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, and interactional) among teaching staff in private higher education. The sample included 277 participants (106 male, 171 female) aged 23 to 65. Self-report data were collected online using the Short Dark Triad, and The Organisational Justice Perceptions Questionnaire. Results have shown significant gender differences in the perception of organisational justice. Psychopathy was negatively related to the perception of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice only in men. Narcissism uniquely positively predicted distributive, procedural, and interactional justice in women. Machiavellianism showed no significant effects on perceptions of organisational justice dimensions in both men and women, which suggests that Machiavellianism operates similarly across gender regarding organisational justice. The positive effect of narcissism on the perception of procedural and interactional justice was more pronounced when associated with low Machiavellianism, which indicates that Machiavellianism indirectly negatively affects the perception of organisational justice. The results highlight the importance of including dark traits in explaining the perception of organisational justice.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0950/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 106648072110524
Lauren R. Ahlquist ◽  
Terry D. Hargrave

The present study represents one of the first empirical studies of an intensive model of Restoration Therapy (RT), an integrative couples’ therapy model built on attachment theory, mindfulness, and emotion regulation. We hypothesized that participation in intensive RT would be associated with increased marital satisfaction both at one-month and twenty-four months post-treatment. Using two-year longitudinal self-report data collected from heterosexual, married couples ( N   =   118), the current study's findings extend previous work by demonstrating the effectiveness of RT performed in an intensive model to improve couples’ reported sense of marital satisfaction following completion of the intensive, a result that was sustained twenty-four months after completion of treatment.

Florian Kaiser ◽  
Björn Huss ◽  
Jost Reinecke

AbstractPerceptual deterrence research has consistently found that criminal offending is inversely related to subsequent perceptions of the risk of being caught or arrested. This inverse relationship has been dubbed an “experiential effect,” reflecting the idea that people learn by committing (undetected) crimes that the detection or arrest risk is lower than first feared. The current study explores the validity of this experiential argument. It relies on self-report data from 3,259 adolescent participants in the panel study Crime in the modern City (Duisburg, Germany). We computed detection rates and risk perceptions, and used fixed effects models to investigate the proposed experiential learning process. Most findings support the experiential argument: (1) juvenile offenses were rarely detected by the police, (2) juveniles (especially those inexperienced with crime) tended to overestimate the detection risk, (3) juveniles reduced their risk perceptions when they committed crimes, (4) this reduction occurred primarily among those who overestimated the detection risk in periods when they were not committing crimes. However, the study also produced the surprising finding that the experiential effect seems to be short-lived: people appeared to return to initial risk perception levels when they stopped committing crimes. Overall, the results corroborate the experiential argument. However, they also indicate that the argument may need revision to account for the potential short-term nature of the experiential effect. This “ephemerality effect” is good news for policy, as lowered risk perceptions will in most cases only temporarily increase the likelihood of future delinquency.

2021 ◽  
Philipp Schönegger ◽  
Steven Verheyen

Over the past decades, psychology and its cognate disciplines have undergone substantial reform, ranging from advances in statistical methodology to significant changes in academic norms. One aspect of experimental design that has received comparatively little attention is incentivisation, i.e. the way that participants are rewarded and incentivised monetarily for their participation. While incentive-compatible designs are in use in disciplines like economics, the majority of studies in psychology and experimental philosophy are constructed such that individuals’ incentives to maximise their payoffs in many cases counteract their incentives to state their true preferences honestly. This is in part because the subject matter is often self-report data about subjective topics. One mechanism that allows for the introduction of an incentive-compatible design in such circumstances is the Bayesian Truth Serum (Prelec, 2004), which rewards participants based on how surprisingly common their answer are. Recently, Schoenegger (2021) applied this mechanism in the context of Likert-scale self-reports, finding that the introduction of this mechanism significantly altered response behaviour. In this registered report, we further investigate this mechanism by (i) replicating the original result and (ii) teasing out whether the effect may be explainable by an increase in expected earnings or the addition of a prediction task. We take this project to help introduce incentivisation mechanisms into fields where they were not widely used before.

Aleksandra Luszczynska ◽  
Zofia Szczuka ◽  
Charles Abraham ◽  
Adriana Baban ◽  
Sydney Brooks ◽  

Abstract Background Patterns of protective health behaviors, such as handwashing and sanitizing during the COVID-19 pandemic, may be predicted by macro-level variables, such as regulations specified by public health policies. Health behavior patterns may also be predicted by micro-level variables, such as self-regulatory cognitions specified by health behavior models, including the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). Purpose This study explored whether strictness of containment and health policies was related to handwashing adherence and whether such associations were mediated by HAPA-specified self-regulatory cognitions. Methods The study (NCT04367337) was conducted among 1,256 adults from Australia, Canada, China, France, Gambia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, and Switzerland. Self-report data on cross-situational handwashing adherence were collected using an online survey at two time points, 4 weeks apart. Values of the index of strictness of containment and health policies, obtained from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker database, were retrieved twice for each country (1 week prior to individual data collection). Results Across countries and time, levels of handwashing adherence and strictness of policies were high. Path analysis indicated that stricter containment and health policies were indirectly related to lower handwashing adherence via lower self-efficacy and self-monitoring. Less strict policies were indirectly related to higher handwashing adherence via higher self-efficacy and self-monitoring. Conclusions When policies are less strict, exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus might be higher, triggering more self-regulation and, consequently, more handwashing adherence. Very strict policies may need to be accompanied by enhanced information dissemination or psychosocial interventions to ensure appropriate levels of self-regulation.

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