School-Based Management of Dysphagia in Children with Developmental Disabilities

2001 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-17 ◽  
Justine Joan Sheppard
2011 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-193 ◽  
Mary Sormanti ◽  
Michelle S. Ballan

Although a sizable literature investigates and describes children’s grief, the majority of information focuses on typically developing children. Far less has been published about the loss and grief of children with developmental disabilities (DD), even though this population experiences significant and multiple losses, increasing their vulnerability to negative outcomes. Addressing this gap in scholarship, this article explicates common losses and important grief-related challenges experienced by children with DD. An overview of practice guidelines is provided to enhance the efforts of school-based mental health professionals in supporting this vulnerable population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Busthomi Ibrohim

Abstract. Politically, School Based Management (SBM) becomes the mouthpiece of all issues in the field of education that will be portrayed in schools, because the school is the last network of educational bureaucracy. SBM is also a form of operationalization of the decentralization or education autonomy policy in relation to regional autonomy. Theoretically, SBM is also a concept that offers autonomy to schools in order to improve quality, efficiency and equity of education in order to accommodate the interests of local communities as well as establishing close cooperation between schools, communities and governments. Operationally SBM is an idea that places the authority of school management in a system entity. Based on the above view, this article outlines the basic framework of SBM as a strategy for improving the quality of education. With SBM, principals, teachers and learners get the opportunity to innovate and improvise in schools related to curriculum, learning, managerial and others. So the principal serves as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, motivator, figure, and mediator. SBM also calls for the creation of new institutional arrangements and institutions, including: the establishment of school boards, development of school strategy planning, develop of annual school planning, internal monitoring and self-assessment, annual reporting, school opinion surveys of school stakeholders. Keywords. School Based Management, Decentralization of Education, Quality Assurance, Autonomy of Education, School Committee Abstrak. Secara politis, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) merupakan muara dari semua kebijakan dibidang pendidikan akan tergambarkan di sekolah, sebab sekolah merupakan jaringan terakhir dari rangkaian birokrasi pendidikan. MBS juga sebagai bentuk operasionalisasi dari kebijakan desentralisasi atau otonomi pendidikan dalam hubungannya dengan otonomi daerah. Secara teoretis, MBS merupakan suatu konsep yang menawarkan suatu otonomi kepada sekolah dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu, efisiensi dan pemerataan pendidikan agar dapat mengakomodir kepentingan masyarakat setempat serta menjalin kerja sama yang erat antar sekolah, masyarakat dan pemerintah. Secara operasional MBS merupakan gagasan yang menempatkan kewenangan pengelolaan sekolah dalam suatu keutuhan entitas sistem. Berdasarkan pandangan di atas, artikel ini menguraikan kerangka dasar MBS sebagai strategi dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Dengan MBS, kepala sekolah, guru dan peserta didik mendapatkan peluang untuk melakukan inovasi dan improvisasi di sekolah berkaitan dengan masalah kurikulum, pembelajaran, manajerial dan lain-lain. Maka kepala sekolah berfungsi sebagai educator, manajer, administrator, supervisor, leader, inovator, motivator, figure, dan mediator. MBS juga menuntut penciptaan tatanan dan budaya kelembagaan baru, yang mencakup: pembentukan dewan sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan strategi sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan tahunan sekolah, melakukan internal monitoring, self-assesment, menyusun laporan tahunan, melakukan survei pendapat sekolah terhadap stakeholder sekolah. Kata Kunci.     School Based Management, Desentralisasi Pendidikan, Jaminan Mutu, Otonomi Pendidikan, Komite Sekolah   Daftar Pustaka Fiske, Edward. 1999. Decentrilization of Education atau Desentralisasi Pengajaran (Terjemah). Jakarta: Grasindo. Bappenas. 1999. School Based Management. Jakarta: Bappenas bekerja sama dengan Bank Dunia. Binde, Brome. 2001. Keys to the 21st Century. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. Bryson, Jhon M.. 1995. Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organiztions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 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