physical activity
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2023 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
M. A. F. Khan ◽  
M. Sohaib ◽  
S. Iqbal ◽  
M. S. Haider ◽  
M. Chaudhry

Abstract The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for <3 days/ week and <4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least <40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 101312
Yang Xiao ◽  
Siyu Miao ◽  
Yuhang Zhang ◽  
Bo Xie ◽  
Wenjie Wu

Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 667-675
María Martín Rodríguez ◽  
María Isabel Barriopedro Moro ◽  
María Espada Mateos

  Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron analizar la influencia de la edad y tipo de ocupación relacionada con el empleo y la crianza, en las barreras para la práctica de las mujeres adultas en España. La metodología de carácter cuantitativa, se ha apoyado en el uso de la encuesta mediante el empleo de un cuestionario basado en la teoría bio-ecológica de Bronfenbrenner, con ítems individuales, ocupación crianza-hogar, ocupación empleo-tiempo y oferta de actividad física y deporte, a una muestra representativa de 1.731 mujeres adultas españolas (entre 30 y 64 años). Los resultados evidenciaron efecto multivariado de la ocupación en las barreras ocupación-empleo y tiempo (“No soy capaz de generar tiempo para mí”, “empleo” y “horarios incompatibles”). Las mujeres adultas que concilian maternidad y empleo perciben en mayor grado estas tres barreras mencionadas. Además, se evidenció efecto multivariado de la edad y la ocupación, y de la interacción, en las barreras ocupación maternidad-hogar (“Tengo que cuidar de mi/s hijo/as” y “Tengo que ocuparme de las tareas del hogar”). Las madres adultas, empleadas o no, percibieron la maternidad en mayor grado como barrera. En las empleadas que no son madres, las tareas del hogar como barrera tuvieron mayor prevalencia en las mayores de cincuenta años. Estas evidencias deberían considerarse para diseñar innovaciones y adaptar intervenciones, en el ámbito de la actividad física y el deporte, para estos grupos específicos, de mujeres adultas.  Abstract. The objectives of the present paper were to analyze the age and occupation type related to employment and maternity influencing Spanish adult women’s barriers to practice. A quantitative methodology based on the use of the survey was applied to a representative sample of 1,731 Spanish adult women (between 30 and 64 years old) who filled out a questionnaire based on the Bronfenbrenner´s bioecological theory with individual items, occupation maternity-household, occupation employment-time and physical activity and sport provision through a personal interview. The results showed a multivariate effect of the occupation on the occupation-employment and time barriers (“I can´t generate time for myself”, “employment” and “incompatible timetables”). The adult women who combine maternity and employment perceived the three barriers mentioned to a greater extent. Also, there was found a multivariate effect of age and occupation, and of the interaction, on the occupation maternity-household barriers (“I have to take care of my children” and “I have to do the housework”). The adult mothers, employed or unemployed, perceived maternity as a barrier to a greater degree. In employed women who are not mothers, household chores as a barrier showed a higher prevalence in those over fifty years old. These findings should be considered for designing innovations and tailoring interventions in the field of physical activity and sport to fit these targeted groups of adult women.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-368

2022 ◽  
Vol 124 (2) ◽  
pp. 151844
Navid Abedpoor ◽  
Farzaneh Taghian ◽  
Fatemeh Hajibabaie

2022 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-176
Yosuke Shibata ◽  
Yasunari Kurita ◽  
Takaaki Hanada ◽  
Hirofumi Yamashita ◽  
Toshiki Ashizawa ◽  

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