Type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus IV. The species described by Hwass, Bruguière and Olivi in 1792

1968 ◽  
Vol 47 (313) ◽  
pp. 431-503 ◽  
Alan J. Kohn
2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  

The floristic exploration and critical examination of specimens collected of family Convolvulaceae from Upper Gangetic Plains of India, resulted in addition of 2 new records for the flora viz. Ipomoea littoralis and Ipomoea capitellata var. multilobata. Detailed description, phenology, ecology, distribution, locality, field number, type specimens examined, illustrations and other relevant notes are provided.

2014 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-123 ◽  
Gary M. Fellers

Rollo Howard Beck (1870–1950) was a professional bird collector who spent most of his career on expeditions to the Channel Islands off southern California, the Galápagos Islands, South America, the South Pacific, and the Caribbean. Some of the expeditions lasted as long as ten years during which time he and his wife, Ida, were often working in primitive conditions on sailing vessels or camps set up on shore. Throughout these expeditions, Beck collected specimens for the California Academy of Sciences, the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley (California), the American Museum of Natural History, and the Walter Rothschild Museum at Tring, England. Beck was one of the premier collectors of his time and his contributions were recognized by having 17 taxa named becki in his honor. Of these taxa, Beck collected 15 of the type specimens.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
M. D. Zerova ◽  
S. A. Simutnik ◽  
V. N. Fursov ◽  
S. I. Klymenko ◽  
I. T. Stetsenko

The list of type specimens of chalcid wasps of four families (Eurytomidae, Torymidae, Ormyridae, Encyrtidae) described by experts of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences after 2012 is given. Data of original labels and reference to original description are given for each taxon. The catalogue includes types of 41 nominal taxa: Eurytomidae (15): Nikanoria deserta Zer., N. halimodendrae Zer., N. kazakhstanica Zer., N. leleji Zer., N. mongolica punctata Zer., N. orski Zer., N. pygmaea Zer., N. sugonjaevi Zer., Parabuchophagus rasnitsyni Zer., Eurytoma gleditsiae Zer. et Furs., E. koreana Zer. et Furs., E. trjapitzini Zer. et Klym., Torymidae (5): Idiomacromerus artusis Zer., I. persimilis Zer., Adontomerus centaurei Zer., A. trjapitzini Zer., Torymus leleji Zer. et Furs., Ormyridae (8): Ormyrus askanicus Zer., O. kasparyani Zer., O. nitens Zer., O. novus Zer., O. punctellus Zer., O. qurrayahi Zer., O. spadiceus Zer., O. sugonjaevi Zer., Encyrtidae (13): Rovnosoma gracile Simut., Eocencnemus sugonjaevi Simut., E. vichrenkoi Simut., Eocencyrtus zerovae Simut., Microterys ashkhabadensis mediterraneus Simut., M. hermonicus Simut., M. nevoi Simut., M. pavliceki Simut., M. vichrenkoi Simut., M. wasseri Simut., Encyrtus sugonjaevi Simut., Echthroplexiella talitzkyi Trjapitzin, Copidosoma trjapitzini Simut. The majority of type specimens are deposited in the collection of Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (Kyiv, Ukraine). The depositories of all other type specimens are indicated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 753-767
Tian-Chuan Hsu ◽  
Yu-Fang Huang ◽  
Yi-Shan Chao

Abstract—Hymenophyllum subg. Mecodium, composed of the taxonomically notorious H. polyanthos and approximately 15 other closely related taxa, is a common element of filmy fern communities in the tropical and subtropical moist forests. In Taiwan, although only H. polyanthos and one or two closely related taxa were recognized in recent studies, considerable morphological variation has been observed among populations throughout the island. Thus, we conducted an extensive morphological investigation, as well as a molecular phylogenetic analysis, to clarify the specific diversity and phylogenetic relationships within Hymenophyllum subg. Mecodium in Taiwan. Field and herbaria surveys helped in recognizing five morphs in Taiwan, mainly differentiated by the combination of certain traits, viz., the presence or absence of stipe wings, general frond size and shape, degree of laminar crispation, sori position, and involucre shape. The different morphs had diverse ecological preferences. The phylogenetic tree, inferred from the sequences of the plastid loci rbcL and rps4-trnS, demonstrated that Hymenophyllum subg. Mecodium materials in Taiwan comprise several well-supported lineages, mostly corresponding to the classification based on morphology. Comparing with the protologues and type specimens of 34 related scientific names, the five morphs are herein recognized as five independent species. A new species, Hymenophyllum exquisitum, is described here. Also, the status of H. paniculiflorum is reconfirmed and that of H. fujisanense, H. parallelocarpum, and H. punctisorum reinstated. Only H. exquisitum and H. parallelocarpum are endemic to Taiwan among all the species studied. In addition, the names Hymenophyllum blumeanum, H. integrum, H. microsorum, H. polyanthos, H. tenellum, and H. wrightii are now excluded from the regional flora, and several related taxa from China, Taiwan, and the Philippines are treated as synonyms. This study unravels the deep phylogenetic relationships within Hymenophyllum subg. Mecodium in Taiwan and Eastern Asia.

Mihai Stănescu ◽  
Cristina Amarie

Abstract The collection which belonged to the Prof. Ioan Nemeș (1924-2009), currently curated at the Museum of Natural Sciences Dorohoi (Botoșani County), is one of the most important and valuable collections of Lepidoptera preserved in a Romanian museum. Within this collection, a number of 47 type specimens have been identified, on which the descriptions of 28 species and other infraspecific taxa from 5 Lepidoptera families: Nepticulidae, Coleophoridae, Tortricidae, Crambidae and Geometridae have been based. All these specimens were collected from the territory of Romania. Some of the identified type specimens belong to taxa with doubtful status, whose original descriptions are poor and superficial. The discovery of these type specimens finally allowed assessing the status of several taxa, and the following new synonymies are proposed: Ancylis uncella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1933) = Ancylis bucovinella Peiu & Nemeş, 1969 nov. syn.; Epiblema foenella (Linnaeus, 1758) = Epiblema foenella f. fracta Popescu-Gorj & Nemeş, 1965 nov. syn.; Pelochrista decolorana ( Freyer, 1842) = Pseudeucosma alexinschiana Peiu & Nemeş, 1968 nov. syn.; Nascia cilialis ( Hübner, 1 796) = Calamotropha olarui Nemeş, 1972 nov. syn.; Scopula (Calothysanis) subpunctaria (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847) = Scopula peiui Olaru, 1973 nov. syn.; Idaea pallidata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) = Sterrha constantineanui Olaru, 1973 nov. syn.; Idaea elongaria (Rambur, 1833) = Sterrha nemesi Olaru, 1973 nov. syn.

S. V. Ovczinnikova

The article contains information about 32 type specimens of the names of 14 species of the boraginaceous genera Arnebia (incl. Lithospermum cornutum Ledeb.), Lappula (= Echinospermum), Onosma, Rochelia, and Solenanthus, kept in Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE), and 5 specimens kept in Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (P). The type category is indicated, text of the original label and text of the protologue are cited for each specimen. Among the 37 specimens found in the collections, there are 14 lectotypes, 11 isolectotypes, 8 syntypes, 1 isosyntype and 3 authentic specimens. The lectotypes of the names of 6 taxa are designated: Arnebia guttata Bunge, Echinospermum cristatum Bunge, E. consanguineum Fisch. et C. A. Mey., Lithospermum cornutum Ledeb., Rochelia leiocarpa Ledeb., Solenanthus circinnatus Ledeb.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 210-218
A.V. Gorochov

Malgasia marmorata (Saussure, 1899) is redescribed on the base of the type specimens and new material. Three new species from Seychelles and Madagascar, M. seychellensis sp. nov., M. minutissima sp. nov. and M. grisea sp. nov. are described.

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