Activity of Mesencephalic Vertical Burst Neurons During Saccades and Smooth Pursuit

2000 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 2080-2092 ◽  
M. Missal ◽  
S. de Brouwer ◽  
P. Lefèvre ◽  
E. Olivier

The activity of vertical burst neurons (BNs) was recorded in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF-BNs) and in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (NIC-BNs) in head-restrained cats while performing saccades or smooth pursuit. BNs emitted a high-frequency burst of action potentials before and during vertical saccades. On average, these bursts led saccade onset by 14 ± 4 ms (mean ± SD, n = 23), and this value was in the range of latencies (∼5–15 ms) of medium-lead burst neurons (MLBNs). All NIC-BNs ( n = 15) had a downward preferred direction, whereas riMLF-BNs showed either a downward ( n = 3) or an upward ( n = 5) preferred direction. We found significant correlations between saccade and burst parameters in all BNs: vertical amplitude was correlated with the number of spikes, maximum vertical velocity with maximum of the spike density, and saccade duration with burst duration. A correlation was also found between instantaneous vertical velocity and neuronal activity during saccades. During fixation, all riMLF-BNs and ∼50% of NIC-BNs (7/15) were silent. Among NIC-BNs active during fixation (8/15), only two cells had an activity correlated with the eye position in the orbit. During smooth pursuit, most riMLF-BNs were silent (7/8), but all NIC-BNs showed an activity that was significantly correlated with the eye velocity. This activity was unaltered during temporary disappearance of the visual target, demonstrating that it was not visual in origin. For a given neuron, its on-direction during smooth pursuit and saccades remained identical. The activity of NIC-BNs during both saccades and smooth pursuit can be described by a nonlinear exponential function using the velocity of the eye as independent variable. We suggest that riMLF-BNs, which were not active during smooth pursuit, are vertical MLBNs responsible for the generation of vertical saccades. Because NIC-BNs discharged during both saccades and pursuit, they cannot be regarded as MLBNs as usually defined. NIC-BNs could, however, be the site of convergence of both the saccadic and smooth pursuit signals at the premotoneuronal level. Alternatively, NIC-BNs could participate in the integration of eye velocity to eye position signals and represent input neurons to a common integrator.

1998 ◽  
Vol 80 (6) ◽  
pp. 3100-3111 ◽  
Y. Dalezios ◽  
C. A. Scudder ◽  
S. M. Highstein ◽  
A. K. Moschovakis

Dalezios, Y., C. A. Scudder, S. M. Highstein, and A. K. Moschovakis. Anatomy and physiology of the primate interstitial nucleus of Cajal. II. Discharge pattern of single efferent fibers. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3100–3111, 1998. Single efferent fibers of the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (NIC) were characterized physiologically and injected with biocytin in alert behaving monkeys. Quantitative analysis demonstrated that their discharge encodes a constellation of oculomotor variables. Tonic and phasic signals were related to vertical (up or down) eye position and saccades, respectively. Depending on how they encoded eye position, saccade velocity, saccade size, saccade duration, and smooth-pursuit eye velocity, fibers were characterized as regular or irregular, bi- or unidirectionally modulated, more or less sensitive, and reliable or unreliable. Further, fibers that did not burst for saccades (tonic) and fibers the eye-position and saccade-related signals of which increased in the same (in-phase) or in the opposite (anti-phase) directions were encountered. A continuum of discharge properties was the rule. We conclude that NIC efferent fibers send a combination of eye-position, saccade-, and smooth-pursuit-related signals, mixed in proportions that differ for different fibers, to targets of the vertical neural integrator such as extraocular motoneurons.

1998 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-47 ◽  
Masaki Tanaka ◽  
Kikuro Fukushima

Tanaka, Masaki and Kikuro Fukushima. Neuronal responses related to smooth pursuit eye movements in the periarcuate cortical area of monkeys. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 28–47, 1998. To examine how the periarcuate area is involved in the control of smooth pursuit eye movements, we recorded 177 single neurons while monkeys pursued a moving target in the dark. The majority (52%, 92/177) of task-related neurons responded to pursuit but had little or no response to saccades. Histological reconstructions showed that these neurons were located mainly in the posterior bank of the arcuate sulcus near the sulcal spur. Twenty-seven percent (48/177) changed their activity at the onset of saccades. Of these, 36 (75%) showed presaccadic burst activity with strong preference for contraversive saccades. Eighteen (10%, 18/177) were classified as eye-position–related neurons, and 11% (19/177) were related to other aspects of the stimuli or response. Among the 92 neurons that responded to pursuit, 85 (92%) were strongly directional with uniformly distributed preferred directions. Further analyses were performed in these directionally sensitive pursuit-related neurons. For 59 neurons that showed distinct changes in activity around the initiation of pursuit, the median latency from target motion was 96 ms and that preceding pursuit was −12 ms, indicating that these neuron can influence the initiation of pursuit. We tested some neurons by briefly extinguishing the tracking target ( n = 39) or controlling its movement with the eye position signal ( n = 24). The distribution of the change in pursuit-related activity was similar to previous data for the dorsomedial part of the medial superior temporal neurons ( Newsome et al. 1988) , indicating that pursuit-related neurons in the periarcuate area also carry extraretinal signals. For 22 neurons, we examined the responses when the animals reversed pursuit direction to distinguish the effects of eye acceleration in the preferred direction from oppositely directed eye velocity. Almost all neurons discharged before eye velocity reached zero, however, only nine neurons discharged before the eyes were accelerated in the preferred direction. The delay in neuronal responses relative to the onset of eye acceleration in these trials might be caused by suppression from oppositely directed pursuit velocity. The results suggest that the periarcuate neurons do not participate in the earliest stage of eye acceleration during the change in pursuit direction, although most of them may participate in the early stages of pursuit initiation in the ordinary step-ramp pursuit trials. Some neurons changed their activity when the animals fixated a stationary target, and this activity could be distinguished easily from the strong pursuit-related responses. Our results suggest that the periarcuate pursuit area carries extraretinal signals and affects the premotor circuitry for smooth pursuit.

1992 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 319-332 ◽  
J. L. McFarland ◽  
A. F. Fuchs

1. Monkeys were trained to perform a variety of horizontal eye tracking tasks designed to reveal possible eye movement and vestibular sensitivities of neurons in the medulla. To test eye movement sensitivity, we required stationary monkeys to track a small spot that moved horizontally. To test vestibular sensitivity, we rotated the monkeys about a vertical axis and required them to fixate a target rotating with them to suppress the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR). 2. All of the 100 units described in our study were recorded from regions of the medulla that were prominently labeled after injections of horseradish peroxidase into the abducens nucleus. These regions include the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN), and their common border (the “marginal zone”). We report here the activities of three different types of neurons recorded in these regions. 3. Two types responded only during eye movements per se. Their firing rates increased with eye position; 86% had ipsilateral “on” directions. Almost three quarters (73%) of these medullary neurons exhibited a burst-tonic discharge pattern that is qualitatively similar to that of abducens motoneurons. There were, however, quantitative differences in that these medullary burst-position neurons were less sensitive to eye position than were abducens motoneurons and often did not pause completely for saccades in the off direction. The burst of medullary burst position neurons preceded the saccade by an average of 7.6 +/- 1.7 (SD) ms and, on average, lasted the duration of the saccade. The number of spikes in the burst was well correlated with saccade size. The second type of eye movement neuron displayed either no discernible burst or an inconsistent one for on-direction saccades and will be referred to as medullary position neurons. Neither the burst-position nor the position neurons responded when the animals suppressed the VOR; hence, they displayed no vestibular sensitivity. 4. The third type of neuron was sensitive to both eye movement and vestibular stimulation. These neurons increased their firing rates during horizontal head rotation and smooth pursuit eye movements in the same direction; most (76%) preferred ipsilateral head and eye movements. Their firing rates were approximately in phase with eye velocity during sinusoidal smooth pursuit and with head velocity during VOR suppression; on average, their eye velocity sensitivity was 50% greater than their vestibular sensitivity. Sixty percent of these eye/head velocity cells were also sensitive to eye position. 5. The NPH/MVN region contains many neurons that could provide an eye position signal to abducens neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1988 ◽  
Vol 60 (6) ◽  
pp. 1874-1895 ◽  
A. F. Fuchs ◽  
C. A. Scudder ◽  
C. R. Kaneko

1. Single neurons in the abducens nucleus were recorded extracellularly in alert rhesus macaques trained to make a variety of eye movements. An abducens neurons was identified as a motoneuron (MN) if its action potentials triggered an averaged EMG potential in the lateral rectus muscle. Abducens internuclear neurons (INNs) that project to the oculomotor nucleus were identified by collision block of spontaneous with antidromic action potentials evoked with a stimulating electrode placed in the medial rectus subdivision of the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. 2. All abducens MNs and INNs had qualitatively similar discharge patterns consisting of a burst of spikes for lateral saccades and a steady firing whose rate increased with lateral eye position in excess of a certain threshold. 3. For both MNs and INNs the firing rates associated with different, constant eye positions could be described accurately by a straight line with slope, K (the eye position sensitivity in spikes.s-1.deg-1), and intercept, T (the eye position threshold for steady firing). For different MNs, K increased as T varied from more medial to more lateral values. In contrast, the majority of INNs already were active for values of T more medial than 20 degrees and showed little evidence of recruitment according to K. 4. During horizontal sinusoidal smooth-pursuit eye movements, both MNs and INNs exhibited a sinusoidal modulation in firing rate whose peak preceded eye position. From these firing rate patterns, the component of firing rate related to eye velocity, R (the eye velocity sensitivity in spikes.s-1.deg-1.s-1), was determined. The R for INNs was, on average, 78% larger than that for MNs. Furthermore, R increased with T for MNs, whereas INNs showed no evidence of recruitment according to R. If, as in the cat, the INNs of monkeys provide the major input to medial rectus MNs and if simian medial rectus MNs behave like our abducens MNs, then recruitment order, which is absent in INNs, must be established at the MN pool itself. 5. Unexpectedly, the R of MNs decreased with the frequency of the smooth-pursuit movement. Furthermore, the eye position sensitivity, K, obtained during steady fixations was usually less than that determined during smooth pursuit. Therefore, conclusions about the roles of MNs and premotor neurons based on how their R and K values differ must be viewed with caution if the data have been obtained under different tracking conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1991 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-217 ◽  
A. K. Moschovakis ◽  
C. A. Scudder ◽  
S. M. Highstein

1. To investigate the structure of the primate burst generator for vertical saccades, we obtained intra-axonal records from vertical medium-lead burst neurons with upward on-directions (UMLBs) in alert, behaving squirrel monkeys, while monitoring their spontaneous eye movements. After physiological characterization, these UMLBs were injected with horseradish peroxidase. 2. UMLBs (n = 14) had no spontaneous activity and emitted bursts of action potentials that preceded rapid eye movements by approximately 6 ms. Parameters of the burst (duration and number of spikes) were highly correlated with parameters of the rapid eye movement (duration and amplitude of the upward displacement of the eyes). 3. The axons of six UMLBs projected to the oculomotor complex. Their somata (4 were recovered) were all in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF). Their axons traveled caudally in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) and ramified in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (NIC) before entering the oculomotor nucleus. Five axons terminated bilaterally in the subdivisions innervating the superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles and therefore were presumed to be excitatory. One axon terminated in the ipsilateral inferior rectus and superior oblique subdivisions of the oculomotor complex and was presumed to be inhibitory. 4. Additionally, our data demonstrate that the nucleus of the posterior commissure (nPC) may also contain UMLBs. The axon of one such neuron crossed the midline within the posterior commissure and provided terminal fields to the contralateral nPC, riMLF, NIC, and the mesencephalic reticular formation but not to the oculomotor complex. 5. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the rostral mesencephalon of the monkey contains neurons that have both the activity and the connections that are necessary either to provide motoneurons innervating extraocular muscles of both eyes with the pulse of activity they display during upward saccades or to inhibit their antagonists. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that some UMLBs are better suited for closing the feedback path of the local feedback loop rather than for providing direct input to extraocular motoneurons.

1984 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 724-742 ◽  
M. C. Chubb ◽  
A. F. Fuchs ◽  
C. A. Scudder

To elucidate how information is processed in the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) pathways subserving vertical eye movements, extracellular single-unit recordings were obtained from the vestibular nuclei of alert monkeys trained to track a visual target with their eyes while undergoing sinusoidal pitch oscillations (0.2-1.0 Hz). Units with activity related to vertical vestibular stimulation and/or eye movements were classified as either vestibular units (n = 53), vestibular plus eye-position units (n = 30), pursuit units (n = 10), or miscellaneous units (n = 5), which had various combinations of head- and eye-movement sensitivities. Vestibular units discharged in relation to head rotation, but not to smooth eye movements. On average, these units fired approximately in phase with head velocity; however, a broad range of phase shifts was observed. The activities of 8% of the vestibular units were related to saccades. Vestibular plus eye-position units fired in relation to head velocity and eye position and, in addition, usually to eye velocity. Their discharge rates increased for eye and head movements in opposite directions. During combined head and eye movements, the modulation in unit activity was not significantly different from the sum of the modulations during each alone. For saccades, the unit firing rate either decreased to zero or was unaffected. Pursuit units discharged in relation to eye position, eye velocity, or both, but not to head movements alone. For saccades, unit activity usually either paused or was unaffected. The eye-movement-related activities of the vestibular plus eye-position and pursuit units were not significantly different. A quantitative comparison of their firing patterns suggests that vestibular, vestibular plus eye-position, and pursuit neurons in the vestibular nucleus could provide mossy fiber inputs to the flocculus. In addition, the vertical vestibular plus eye-position neurons have discharge patterns similar to those of fibers recorded rostrally in the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Therefore, our data support the view that vertical vestibular plus eye-position neurons are interneurons of the VOR.

1991 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-229 ◽  
A. K. Moschovakis ◽  
C. A. Scudder ◽  
S. M. Highstein ◽  
J. D. Warren

1. To investigate the morphology and physiology of vertical medium-lead burst neurons with downward on-directions (DMLBs), we impaled midbrain axons and recorded their discharge patterns in relation to spontaneous saccades of alert, behaving squirrel monkeys. Selected axons were injected with horseradish peroxidase and morphologically characterized. 2. DMLBs emitted bursts of impulses that preceded rapid eye movements by approximately 5 ms. Parameters of the burst (duration and number of spikes) were highly correlated with parameters of the saccadic eye movement (duration and amplitude of the downward displacement of the eyes). 3. Somata of DMLBs were recovered in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF, n = 14), and in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (NIC, n = 2). Fibers originating from riMLF DMLBs projected, usually ipsilaterally, to the NIC as well as in the inferior rectus and the superior oblique subdivisions of the oculomotor complex. The axons of NIC DMLBs projected to the ipsilateral riMLF, NIC, and the mesencephalic reticular formation but not to the oculomotor complex. 4. Our data demonstrate that some DMLBs can provide extraocular motoneurons of both eyes with the pulse of activity they display during downward saccades. In addition, such neurons can supply the NIC with one of the signals that this nucleus is thought to integrate to extract an estimate of the vertical eye position. Finally, our data demonstrate the existence of DMLBs that do not establish direct connections with oculomotoneurons.

1994 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 2714-2728 ◽  
A. F. Fuchs ◽  
F. R. Robinson ◽  
A. Straube

1. We recorded single-unit activity from neurons of an output of the cerebellum, the fastigial nucleus, in two rhesus macaques while the monkeys tracked small moving targets with their eyes. Many neurons in the caudal part of the fastigial nucleus exhibited a modulation in their discharge rates when smooth-pursuit eye movements were elicited by either sinusoidal or step-ramp motions of a small target. 2. The pursuit direction that elicited the most vigorous modulation in unit firing to sinusoidal target motion could be horizontal, vertical, or oblique. Most often, the preferred direction was in the contralateral and/or downward direction (50 of 69 neurons) or in the ipsilateral and/or upward direction (13 of 69). 3. For units whose preferred smooth-pursuit directions were either contralateral/downward or ipsilateral/upward during sinusoidal pursuit, peak firing as measured by the phase shift of periodic modulation at 0.5-0.8 Hz occurred near the time of peak velocity. The discharge of 80% of the neurons with contralateral/downward preferred directions preceded eye velocity by an average of -27 degrees; thus these neurons discharged maximally during eye acceleration. In contrast, neurons with ipsilateral/upward preferred directions lagged peak velocity by an average of +10.5 degrees and therefore discharged during eye deceleration. 4. The average eye velocity sensitivity for sinusoidal pursuit between 0.5 and 0.8 Hz was 0.83 +/- 0.57 (SD) spikes/s per degrees/s. We also tested 36 units during pursuit at a variety of frequencies in their preferred directions and found that firing rates increased monotonically with peak eye velocity. However, the firing rate saturated at velocities ranging from 20 to 60 degrees/s for different units. 5. When a monkey tracked a step-ramp target motion, three discharge patterns emerged in the 27 units tested. Just over half of the units discharged a burst of spikes that preceded (average lead of 27.4 +/- 17 ms) and lasted throughout the initial third of the eye acceleration; the burst was followed by a subsequent steady firing that continued after the eye had accelerated to its steady velocity. Fewer neurons discharged a burst that began late in the acceleration and was followed by steady firing. Occasional neurons showed only a gradual increase in firing rate during acceleration followed by a steady discharge. 6. Thirty of the 31 fastigial smooth-pursuit units tested also were modulated during sinusoidal yaw and/or pitch oscillations while the animals fixated a spot that rotated with them.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1991 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 1422-1434 ◽  
K. Ohtsuka ◽  
H. Noda

1. The discharge of 255 neurons in the fastigial nuclei of three trained macaque monkeys was investigated during visually guided saccades. Responses of these neurons were examined also during horizontal head rotation and during microstimulation of the oculomotor vermis (lobules VIc and VII). 2. One hundred and two units were characterized by bursts of firing in response to visually guided saccades. Ninety-eight of these (96.1%) were located within the anatomic confines of the fastigial oculomotor region (FOR), on the basis of reconstruction of recording sites. During contralateral saccades, these neurons showed bursts that preceded the onset of saccades (presaccadic burst), whereas, during ipsilateral saccades, they showed bursts associated with the end of saccades (late saccadic burst). They were hence named saccadic burst neurons. Sixty-one saccadic burst neurons (62.2%) were inhibited during microstimulation of the oculomotor vermis with currents less than 10 microA. 3. All saccadic burst neurons were spontaneously active, and the resting firing rate varied considerably among units, ranging from 10 to 50 imp/s. The tonic levels of activity did not correlate significantly with eye position. 4. The presaccadic burst started 18.5 +/- 4.7 (SD) ms (n = 45) before the onset of saccades in the optimal direction (the direction associated with the maximum values of burst lead time, number of spikes per burst, and burst duration). Optimal directions covered the entire contralateral hemifield, although there was a slightly higher incidence in both horizontal and upper-oblique directions in the present sample. The duration of the presaccadic burst was highly correlated with the duration of saccade (0.85 less than or equal to r less than or equal to 0.97). 5. The late saccadic burst was most robust in the direction opposite to the optimal in each unit (the nonoptimal direction). Its onset preceded the completion of ipsilateral saccade by 30.4 +/- 5.9 ms. The lead time to the end of saccade was consistent among different units and was constant also for saccades of various sizes. Thus the late saccadic burst started even before the saccade onset when the saccade duration was less than 30 ms. Unlike the presaccadic burst, its duration was not related to the duration of saccade. 6. Discharge rates of saccadic burst neurons were correlated neither to eye positions during fixation nor to the initial eye positions before saccades. 7. Eye-position units and horizontal head-velocity units were located rostral to the FOR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1993 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 844-856 ◽  
K. E. Cullen ◽  
C. Chen-Huang ◽  
R. A. McCrea

1. The single-unit activity of neurons in the vestibular nucleus, the prepositus nucleus, and the abducens nucleus, whose activity was primarily related to horizontal eye movements, was recorded in alert squirrel monkeys that were trained to track a small visual target by generating smooth pursuit eye movements and to cancel their horizontal vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) by fixating a head stationary target. 2. The spiking behavior of each cell was recorded during 1) spontaneous eye movements, 2) horizontal smooth pursuit of a target that was moved sinusoidally +/- 20 degrees/s at 0.5 Hz, 3) horizontal VOR evoked by 0.5-Hz sinusoidal turntable rotations +/- 40 degrees/s (VORs), and 4) voluntary cancellation of the VOR by fixation of a head-stationary target during 0.5-Hz sinusoidal turntable rotation at +/- 40 degrees/s (VORCs). The responses of most (28/42) of the units were recorded during unpredictable 100-ms steps in head acceleration (400 degrees/s2) that were generated while the monkey was fixating a target light. The acceleration steps were generated either when the monkey was stationary or when the turntable was already rotating (VORt trials), and the monkey was canceling its VOR (VORCt trials). 3. The firing behavior of all 12 of the abducens neurons recorded was closely related to horizontal eye position and eye velocity during all of the behavioral paradigms used, although there was a small but significant increase in the eye position sensitivity of many of these units when the eye was moving (smooth pursuit) versus when the eye was stationary (fixation). 4. Many neurons in the prepositus nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (n = 15) were similar to abducens neurons, in that their firing rate was related primarily to horizontal eye position and eye velocity, regardless of the behavioral paradigm used. These cells were, on average, more sensitive to eye position and smooth pursuit eye velocity than were abducens neurons. 5. The firing rate of 15 other neurons in the prepositus and medial vestibular nucleus was related primarily to horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements. The tonic firing rate of all of these smooth pursuit (SP) cells was related to horizontal eye position, and the majority generated bursts of spikes during saccades in all directions but their off direction. Six of the SP neurons fired in phase with ipsilateral eye movements, whereas the remaining nine were sensitive to eye movements in the opposite direction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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