scholarly journals Interleukin 28B Gene Polymorphism and Association with Chronic Hepatitis C Therapy Results in Latvia

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Ieva Tolmane ◽  
Baiba Rozentale ◽  
Jazeps Keiss ◽  
Ludmila Ivancenko ◽  
Nadezda Subnikova ◽  

Introduction. With the standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C, sustained virological response (SVR) can be achieved only in half of all patients. Interleukin-28B appears to be involved in the control of HCV infection, and the genetic polymorphism of the encoding IL-28B gene may determine the efficacy of clearance of HCV. The aim of this paper was to detect IL-28B gene polymorphism in Latvia and to analyze therapy results. This is the first study on IL-28B gene polymorphism in Latvia. Material and Methods. There were 159 chronic viral hepatitis C patients included in the study. In order to detect IL-28B gene polymorphism, we used molecular biology techniques and methods: classical DNA separation, amplification by PCR, and standard sequencing. Genotype was defined as CC, CT, TC, or TT type. 142 patients were treated with the standard of care treatment. Results were analyzed according to IL-28B polymorphism. Results. There were 53 patients (33%) with CC genotype, 84 patients (53%) with CT/TC genotype, and 22 patients (14%) with TT genotype. 34 patients (74%) in CC genotype subgroup achieved SVR versus 50 patients (52%) in non-CC subgroups. In patients with genotype 1, SVR was achieved in 16 patients (84%) in CC subgroup versus 30 patients (47.6%) in non-CC subgroups, P=0.007. Conclusions. The most common genotype of IL28B in Latvia is CT/TC, with an incidence of 53%. Patients with CC genotype achieved SVR more often than CT or TT subgroups. IL28B gene polymorphism therefore is a strong predictor of treatment result.

2005 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-164 ◽  
Darko Nozic ◽  
Bela Balint ◽  
Nebojsa Stankovic ◽  
Jovan Dimitrijevic ◽  
Gorana Neskovic

Background. It has been established that many patients with chronic hepatitis C have elevated serum iron, feritin levels and iron deposits in the liver. Therefore, the liver damage due to hepatitis C virus may be aggravated with iron overload. In many studies higher levels of iron in the blood and the liver were connected with the decreased response to interferon-alfa therapy for chronic viral hepatitis C. Recent introduction of pegylated interferons plus ribavirin has improved the therapeutic response, so it is now possible to cure more than 50% of the patients. Case report. Three patients with chronic hepatitis C and iron overload were presented. Iron reduction therapy using phlebotomy or eritrocytapheresis with plasmapheresis was done at different times in regard to specific antiviral therapy or as a sole therapy. Conclusion. It has been shown that iron reduction, sole or combined with antiviral therapy, led to the deacreased aminotransferase serum activity and might have slow down the evolution of chronic hepatitis C viral infection.

2011 ◽  
Vol 140 (5) ◽  
pp. S-455-S-456
P Patrick Basu ◽  
Niraj James Shah ◽  
Nithya Krishnaswamy ◽  
Sajith J. Foustin ◽  
Chris Tang ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-53
Salwa H.H. Teama ◽  
Sara H.A. Agwa ◽  
Osama A.E. El Sayed ◽  
Moataz M. Sayed ◽  
Aya Abd El Samee ◽  

2016 ◽  
pp. 32-36
Z. V. Shuliak ◽  
E. I. Mikhailova

To study the role of IL28B gene polymorphisms in the development of chronic hepatitis C, we have determined polymorphic types of the gene at sites rs12979860 and rs8099917 using allele-specific polymerase chain reaction with real-time product detection in 21 patients with this disease. We have found the association of chronic hepatitis C with the presence of unfavorable TT genotype of gene IL28B polymorphism rs12979860, which can be regarded as a predictor of the development of this pathology. Favorable genotypes of CC rs12979860 and TT polymorphism of rs8099917 of gene IL28B are more common in healthy individuals and they are associated with higher activity of the inflammatory process in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Therefore, gene IL28B polymorphisms can affect not only the outcome of an acute viral infection but also the further course of chronic hepatitis C.

2016 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-98
Beti Todorovska ◽  
Viktorija Caloska-Ivanova ◽  
Magdalena Dimitrova-Genadieva ◽  
Elena Curakova ◽  
Nenad Joksimovic

Abstract Introduction. Insulin resistance is the most common extrahepatic manifestation associated with hepatitis C virus, which leads to developing more pronounced fibrosis and liver steatosis. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of insulin resistance in non-diabetic, treatment naive patients with chronic hepatitis C and to analyze the relation of insulin resistance with genotype, viral load, gender, age, laboratory parameters, inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the liver, body mass index (BMI) and the presence of steatosis. Methods. In this cross sectional study, 224 patients with hepatitis C viral infection were included. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group was with no insulin resistance and the second one with present insulin resistance. They were compared in terms of genotype, viral load, gender, age, inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the liver, BMI and liver steatosis. Results. Insulin resistance was present in 45.5% of patients. The following factors were associated with insulin resistance: age (p=0.0022), inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the liver (p=0.001, p=0.006, respectively), steatosis (p=0.015) and transaminase activities (for AST, p=0,002, for ALT, p=0.001). Conclusion. In the Republic of Macedonia, a high percent of 45.5% among non-diabetic and treatment naïve patients with chronic viral hepatitis C, had insulin resistance. Insulin resistance was more prevalent in older patients, in those with more pronounced inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the liver, in patients with steatosis and in those with higher transaminase activity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 93 (6) ◽  
pp. 989-991
G E Akberova ◽  
F R Saifullina ◽  
I M Khaertynova

Aim. To study the features of ophthalmic disorders in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C before and after antiviral treatment. Methods. 40 patients (80 eyes) with chronic hepatitis C were observed (the main group). The control group consisted of 20 healthy subjects (40 eyes). To diagnose chronic hepatitis C infection and to assess liver damage a set of clinical, epidemiological and laboratory tests was performed. All patients underwent liver ultrasonography. The diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C was set up according to presence of immunoglobulin M and G to hepatitis C virus and presence of viral RNA on polymerase chain reaction in peripheral blood. Along with standard opthalmic examination, visual field testing using the white and chromatic light and visual lability testing were performed. Results. Color vision impairments were diagnosed in 50% of patients with chronic hepatitis C, with decreased visual lability for the red and green colors in 100% of cases. After 6 months of antiviral treatment restoration of visual function was observed. The durability of visual impairments in patients with chronic hepatitis C depended on the severity of the disease. Conclusion. In patients with chronic hepatitis C with the short term of the disease ophthalmic disorders such as decreased peripheral vision, color vision impairments, decreased visual lability are reversible.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Alireza Saadatmand ◽  
Hamid Kalantari ◽  
Bahram Bagherpour ◽  
Tahmine Tavakoli ◽  
Mahsa Khodadoostan ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 96 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
S I Malov ◽  
B Dulguun ◽  
I V Malov ◽  
L A Stepanenko ◽  
I A Miroshnichenko ◽  

Aim. To present the comparative clinical characteristics of chronic hepatitis C infection and to estimate the effect of antiviral treatment in Caucasian and Mongoloid patients, considering interleukin-28B gene polymorphism in study populations.Methods. Population and genetic study including 1520 healthy subjects and 267 patients with chronic viral hepatitis of Caucasian and Mongoloid race analyzed interleukin-28B gene polymorphism. 433 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C were followed up. Combined antiviral treatment by pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin was administered for 48 weeks. The rates of early and sustained virologic response were the endpoints for assessing antiviral treatment effect. 82 Caucasian patients and 42 Mongoloid patients have completed the full course of antiviral treatment and 24 weeks of follow-up.Results. The following clinical features of chronic hepatitis C were revealed in Mongoloids: more extensive liver fibrosis, older age, longer infection duration and higher total cholesterol levels (due to triglycerides). These factors negate the expected better effect of antiviral therapy effect, associated with higher prevalence of interleukin-28B favorable genotypes in Mongolian population. The presence of the C-allele of rs12979860 gene and T-allele of rs8099917 gene reaches 89.6 and 91.7% respectively in Mongolian population, which is comparable with those in China, Japan and Korea, and is typical for the whole of Asia. Combined treatment with pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in patients with genotype 1 of hepatitis C virus led to sustained virologic response in 78.5% of Mongoloid and in 56.1% of Caucasian patients; groups were totally comparable.Conclusion. Mongoloid patients with chronic hepatitis C reached sustained virologic response to antiviral treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin significantly more frequently compared to Caucasians, in cases of no aggravating factors and minimal liver fibrosis.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (03) ◽  
pp. 374-380
Tanveer Hussain ◽  
Naila Kalsoom

Objective: The objective of the study was to measure the frequency of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in patients havingchronic hepatitis C at medical outpatient department (OPD) of Allied hospital Faisalabad. Sample technique: Non probability consecutivesampling. Duration of study: Duration of study was 6 months with first patient enrolled on 3.02.2010 and last patient enrolled on 07-08-2010. Setting: Medical (OPD) Outpatient Department of Allied Hospital, Faisalabad. Subjects: 375 patients with chronic hepatitis C,coming in Medical OPD of Allied hospital Faisalabad were enrolled. Methods: 375 patients diagnosed as having chronic hepatitis Ccoming in Medical OPD of Allied hospital Faisalabad, were included in the study. Fasting and two hours after glucose load blood samplewere collected in sterilized syringes and was tested for fasting blood glucose (FBS) and random blood glucose level (RBS). Results: Inthis study 375 patients having HCV positive on Elisa were enrolled. Out of 375 patients with chronic hepatitis C, 143 (38.1%) were foundto have IGT while 232 (61.9%) were having no IGT. There was significant association between chronic hepatitis C and development of IGT.Conclusions: It is concluded that there is close association in the development of IGT in patients with chronic hepatitis C.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 81-85
Dmitry Yu. Konstantinov ◽  
Tatiana V. Konnova

Aim. The purpose of the article is to devise the method for predicting the development of lipid distress syndrome in patients with a sustained response to antiviral therapy of chronic viral hepatitis C on the basis of clinical and laboratory data. Materials and methods. The outcomes of lipid distress syndrome were studied in 235 patients with a sustained virological response to antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C during the follow-up period lasting from 1 to 10 years. Results. From the perspective of the discriminative analysis of the data of the complex examination of 135 patients, we developed a discriminative model of predicting the development of lipid distress syndrome in patients with a sustained response to antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C. The cross-checking of the accuracy of prediction was carried out by the examination of other 100 patients. Conclusion. Sensitivity, specificity, prognostic value of positive and negative prognostic results and the accuracy index of the developed discriminative model for predicting the development of lipid distress syndrome are equal to 100%.

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