Chad: The draft Penal Code abolishes capital punishment but severely condemns homosexuality

Marion Vannier

Chapter 1 turns to the Californian Congress where opponents of the death penalty first lobbied for LWOP before legislators. It critically examines the period during which the idea of sentencing offenders to life imprisonment with no possibility of release first emerged, starting in the early 1900s and culminating with the introduction of LWOP for capital murder in 1978 in the Californian Penal Code. What emerges from this archival research is that different experts—prison wardens, police officials, academics, spiritual leaders, and criminologists—offered LWOP as a strategic way for legislators to argue against the death penalty. This novel approach was however diverted from its progressive endeavours to serve more punitive agendas. Legislators concerned with preserving capital punishment in contexts of sensationalized crimes and early forms of populist demands drove the reforms that introduced LWOP. This historical investigation reveals that the punishment’s particular severity can serve agendas which are seemingly in tension with one another.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-90
Adeng Septi Irawan

Abstract: This article discusses about the sanction of criminal act as a bribery mediator under the perspective of Islamic Criminal Law. The criminal act as a bribery mediator is explained in the Penal Code in Article 55 Paragraph (1) ie those who do, who order to do, and who participate in doing the deed. The bribery crime is also described in Article 12 Sub-Article c of Law No. 31 year 1999 jo Law No. 20 year 2001 on the “eradication of corruption cases that punishment for the perpetrator of bribery, gratification, etc., will be imprisoned and/or sanction. Even in the specific provision, if corruption is done by causing harm to the state, such as a national disaster or at a time when the country is in a state of economic crisis, it can be subject to capital punishment. The purposes of applying punishment in positive law are to create certainty, justice, and legal benefit in Indonesia. The Islamic criminal law has made it clear that unlawful acts in bribery (isytirâk fî al jarîmah al-risywah) according to Muslim scholars are haram (unlawful). The punishment for the perpetrators of isytirâk fî al jarîmah al-risywah is ta'zîr. Keywords: Criminal act, bribery mediator, Islamic criminal law. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang sanksi tindak pidana turut serta sebagai perantara suap perspektif hukum pidana Islam. Tindak pidana turut serta dijelaskan dalam KUHP dalam pasal 55 ayat (1) yaitu mereka yang melakukan, yang menyuruh melakukan, dan yang turut serta melakukan perbuatan. Adapun tindak pidana suap dijelaskan dalam Pasal 12 huruf c UU Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 jo UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi bahwa ancaman hukuman bagi pelakunya, baik itu suap, gratifikasi, dan lain-lain, akan dikenakan hukuman penjara dan/atau denda. Bahkan dalam ketentuan khususnya, apabila korupsi dilakukan dengan mengakibatkan bahaya bagi negara, seperti terjadi bencana nasional atau pada saat negara dalam keadaan krisis ekonomi, maka dapat diancam hukuman mati. Tujuan penerapan hukuman tersebut adalah menciptakan kepastian, keadilan, dan kemanfaatan hukum di Indonesia. Hukum pidana Islam telah menjelaskan bahwa perbuatan melawan hukum dalam turut serta suap (isytirâk fî jarîmah al-risywah) menurut para ulama adalah haram dan hukumannya adalah ta’zîr. Kata Kunci: Tindak pidana, perantara suap, hukum pidana Islam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Rebecca Good

Between the early 16th and 18th centuries, English attitude towards crime and correction were based on the strong held belief that faith and religion were the only cure to immorality. Lawmakers began to threaten citizens with capital punishment for menial crimes such as petty theft and begging. Resulting of a moral panic, lawmakers turned to the deterrence to dissuade citizens from partaking in criminal activity. The list of crimes punishable by death in England rose from 50 offenses in 1688 to over 220 in 1815. This article explains the origins of the Bloody Code and how Enlightenment-Era thought transformed the penal code in England.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-163
Subaeri Chasen

Abstract: This article discusses criminal concourse of organized murder and theft with force which is regulated in Penal code article 340 and 55. The subjective and objective aspects in these crime is fulfilled and beyond reasonable doubt. From the perspective of Islamic criminal law, organized murder and theft concourse is called ta’addud al-jarâ’im in which lighter crime (theft) is absorbed by weightier crime (organized murder). The concept absorption is named al-jabb in Islamic criminal law. Thus, the punishment of theft is absorbed by the punishment of organized murder, which is capital punishment (qishâsh). Keywords: Criminal concourse, organized murder, forced theft, Islamic criminal law. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang perbarengan tindak pidana antara pembunuhan berencana dan pencurian dengan kekerasan dalam tinjauan fikih jinâyah. Kejahatan perbarengan tindak pidana antara pembunuhan berencana dan pencurian dengan kekerasan melanggar ketentuan pasal 340 KUHP jo. Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke 1 dan pasal 365 ayat (2) ke 2. Dalam pandangan fikih jinâyah, kasus perbarengan tindak pidana (concursus) pembunuhan berencana dan pencurian dengan kekerasan seharusnya mendapat hukuman mati atau qishâsh. Hal tersebut didasarkan kepada salah satu teori yang digunakan dalam memutuskan perkara gabungan tindak pidana yang di dalam kaidah fikih jinâyah dikenal dengan ta’addud al-jarâ’im atau gabungan hukuman, yaitu teori penyerapan (al-jabb). Teori al-jabb atau teori penyerapan adalah penjatuhan satu hukuman terhadap pelaku tindak pidana ganda dengan cara hukuman yang lebih kecil diserap oleh hukuman yang lebih besar, dalam hal ini adalah hukuman mati. Kata Kunci: Perbarengan tindak pidana, pembunuhan berencana, pencurian dengan kekerasan, hukum pidana Islam.

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