The Location-scale Problem

2014 ◽  
pp. 115-150
2012 ◽  
Vol 126 ◽  
pp. 169-183 ◽  
Kaizhi Zhang ◽  
Jun Ou Yang ◽  
Feng Yang ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Yan Li

Christiane Helling ◽  
Peter Woitke ◽  
Rupert Klein ◽  
Erwin Sedlmayr

1973 ◽  
Vol 16 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 47-54 ◽  
W.M. Schwerdtner

2020 ◽  
Richard Rogers

Ushering in the contemporary ‘fake news’ crisis, Craig Silverman of Buzzfeed News reported that it outperformed mainstream news on Facebook in the three months prior to the 2016 US presidential elections. Here the report’s methods and findings are revisited for 2020. Examining Facebook user engagement of election-related stories, and applying Silverman’s classification of fake news, it was found that the problem has worsened, implying that the measures undertaken to date have not remedied the issue. If, however, one were to classify ‘fake news’ in a stricter fashion, as Facebook as well as certain media organizations do with the notion of ‘false news’, the scale of the problem shrinks. A smaller scale problem could imply a greater role for fact-checkers (rather than deferring to mass-scale content moderation), while a larger one could lead to the further politicisation of source adjudication, where labelling particular sources broadly as ‘fake’, ‘problematic’ and/or ‘junk’ results in backlash.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-53
Irfan Hidayat ◽  
Lukman Hakim ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

Abstrak. ADD di maksudkan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi penyelesaian masalah yang berskala desa secara langsung maupun yang berskala daerah secara tidak langsung. Permasalahan desa bersama masyarakatnya, sangatlah spesifik dan tidak dapat di sama-ratakan untuk setiap desa. Desa Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken Adalah  salah satu desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Bener Meriah yang mendapatkan  anggaran dana desa. Sejak tahun 2015 dana desa yang sudah di terima yaitu  Rp.222.699.900,00. Dan terus mengalami peningkatan  pada tahun 2017 Desa Gelampang Wih  Tenang Uken Sudah menerima anggaran dana  desa sebesar Rp. 973.351.708,00. Hasil penelitian ini adalah realisasi kegiatan  Program ADD yang dilakukan di Desa Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken yaitu pembangunan berbentuk fisik  diantaranya pembangunan rabat beton, drainase, turap kantor desa dan pembanguanan jalan pemukiman/aspal lapen. Implementasi  Program  ADD di Desa  Gelampang Wih  Tenang Uken  terkendala pada kurangnya transfaransi pemerintah desa sehingga informasi yang di berikan terbatas. Realisasi  program  Alokasi Dana Desa  (ADD) di Desa Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken tergolong efektif, hal ini dapat dilihat dari  laporan pertanggung jawaban desa di mulai dari tahun 2015 (222.699.900 : 300.000.000 x 100% = 74,23 %), 2016 (611.174.000 : 750.000.000 x100% = 81,49%) 2017, ( 973.351.708 : x 100% = 97,33%). Namun demikian, pengelolaan ADD di Desa Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken masih perlu perbaikan baik di segi pengelolaan maupun sumberdaya manusia.Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Realisasi, Implementasi, ADDAbstract. ADD is intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of village-scale problem solving directly or indirectly. The village issue with the community is very specific and can not be equally shared for each village. Desa Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken It is one of the villages located in Bener Meriah Regency that get the village budget. Since 2015 the village funds already received are Rp.222.699.900,00. And continue to increase in 2017 Desa Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken It has received budget of village fund equal to Rp. 973.351.708,00. The result of this research is the realization of ADD program activities conducted in Gelampang Wih Tenang Uken Village which is physical development such as construction of concrete rebound, drainage, plastering of village office and construction of residential / asphalt road. The implementation of ADD Program in Gelampang Wih Tenang Village is constrained on the lack of transparency of village government so that the information given is limited. The realization of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) program in Gelampang Wih Tenang Village Uken is effective, this can be seen from the village accountability report starting from 2015 (222.699.900: 300.000.000 x 100% = 74.23%), 2016 (611,174,000: 750,000,000 x100% = 81.49%) 2017, (973,351,708: 1,000,000,000 x 100% = 97.33%). However, the management of ADD in Gelampang Wih Tenang village still needs improvement both in terms of management and human resources.Keywords: Effectiveness, Realization, Implementation, ADD   

1984 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24 ◽  
Jayant V. Deshpandé ◽  
Kalpana Kusum

1977 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 347-363 ◽  
K. I. Kellermann ◽  
D. B. Shaffer

Plusieurs radio sources comme 3C 345 et 3C 120 sont constituées de plusieurs composantes qui semblent se séparer avec une vitesse apparente de 5 ou 10 fois la vitesse de la lumière. Ce phénomène peut être interprété comme une preuve contre l’interprétation cosmologique du décalage vers le rouge. D’autres explications tirées de la physique et de la cosmologie conventionnelles sont abordées mais elles ne sont pas tout à fait satisfaisantes.

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