physical development
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2022 ◽  
Vol 160 ◽  
pp. 107076
Jiming Zhang ◽  
Jianqiu Guo ◽  
Chunhua Wu ◽  
Xiaojuan Qi ◽  
Shuai Jiang ◽  

И.В. Аверьянова ◽  
Е.А. Луговая

Цель работы - определение доли лиц, характеризующихся отклонениями физиологических параметров от нормативных диапазонов, и формирование паттернов функциональных резервов у подростков, юношей, мужчин среднего возраста и лиц пожилого возраста. Впервые проведена оценка динамики функциональных резервов на основе отклонений от нормативных референсов некоторых показателей физического развития, сердечно-сосудистой системы, биохимического и микроэлементного профиля, а также характеристик основного обмена и дыхания в онтогенетическом аспекте на основе построения паттернов степени напряжения анализируемых систем у лиц мужского пола, постоянно проживающих на Севере. Дан прогноз возрастного изменения изученных морфофизиологических параметров у лиц пожилого возраста. Результаты исследования показали, что паттерны отклонения анализируемых параметров свидетельствуют о нарастании напряжения функций систем в возрастном аспекте. Это проявляется в кумуляции отклонений в виде возрастных изменений показателей физического развития (увеличение ИМТ), сердечно-сосудистой системы (увеличение доли лиц с высоким нормальным АД и артериальной гипертензией по САД и ДАД), нарастания степени нарушений углеводного обмена (увеличение индекса инсулинорезистентности и гипергликемии натощак), возрастания степени дислипидемии относительно липидного обмена, трансформации нарушений микроэлементного профиля (усилении степени дефицита и возрастного избытка химических элементов). Это наблюдали на фоне снижения основного обмена веществ и показателей функции внешнего дыхания у современных жителей-северян старшего возраста. This study determined proportion of males whose physiological parameters were out of standard ranges and made patterns of their functional reserves to see dynamics in the row of teenagers, young adults, middle-aged adults, older adults. For the first time, dynamics of functional reserves was evaluated based on deviations from standard values existing for physical development, cardiovascular system, biochemical and trace element pictures, as well as characteristics of basic metabolism and breathing in ontogenetic aspect. The evaluation was performed by creating patterns of tension in subjective body systems under the North extremes to make predictive age-related changes older adults morphophysiological indicators. The results the patterns exhibited increasingly dysregulated functioning in the age aspect. That could be seen in age-related stress observed in physical development variables (accelerated body mass index), cardiovascular system (higher proportion of people with high normal blood pressure and arterial hypertension in systolic and diastolic blood pressure), carbohydrate metabolism disorders (higher index of insulin resistance and fasting hyperglycemia), more pronounced dyslipidemia, microelement disorders such as more severe age-related deficiency or excess. Those deviations existed together with worsening in basic metabolism and external respiration function in modern northerners of working age.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 273-276
Irina Yaroshevich

The article examines the results of physical fitness of first, second and third year students, who are engaged in the group of sports improvement in athletics and volleyball

Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 254
Regina Ewa Wierzejska ◽  
Barbara Katarzyna Wojda

Apart from being associated with a well-documented risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes, maternal deficiency of vitamin D may also negatively affect the physical development of their children. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between maternal as well as umbilical cord blood levels of vitamin D and the weight and height values of two- and four-year-olds. The study was conducted in a group of 52 ‘mother–child’ pairs. On the day of the delivery, total 25(OH)D concentration in blood was measured using immunological tests (LIAISON). Weight and height values were obtained from the database of routine health checks for children aged two and four, which are obligatory in Poland. Multiple regression analysis was used for statistical analysis. No association was detected between maternal-neonatal concentrations of vitamin D and weight and height values of the investigated two- and four-year-olds despite extreme differences in maternal (4.0–37.7 ng/mL) and neonatal (5.9–46.6 ng/mL) concentrations and the fact that vitamin D deficiency was detected in almost 54% of the mothers and 37% of the newborns. Therefore, no relationship between maternal-fetal vitamin D concentrations and the anthropometric parameters of the investigated children up to the age of four was found.

2022 ◽  
pp. 85-91
E. V. Krukovich ◽  
G. O. Momot ◽  
E. A. Osipenko

The article highlights one of the current issues of pediatrics - the study of the dynamics of Physical Development (PD) in children and adolescents. The numerous methods of assessment are used. The methods contain one-dimensional, two-dimensional and / or trimeric indicators. They do not fully give an idea of the level of the child's PD and do not reflect the patterns of his growth and development. In some cases, a pediatrician at the outpatient stage requires a comprehensive assessment of PD including age determination and compliance of biological age with the real age, determination of the PD harmony, somatotype determination, assessment of the direction of growth and development along with the calculation of indexes, functional state assessment, assessment of the degree of fat deposition or bioimpedance measurement, which allows determining the risk group. The assessment of PD indicators must be carried out according to regional tables.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. S4-S5
Judith Harries

The third article in this series on nursery rhymes focusses on physical development, a good way to start the New Year, with lots of ideas to get fit inspired by nursery rhymes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 96-101
O. R. Trutiak ◽  
O. L. Lychkovska ◽  
R. R. Holovyn ◽  
M. I. Dats-Opoka

Bronchial asthma (BA) is a common chronic pathology of the lower respiratory tract in children. The first manifestations of the disease can begin at any age, but the clinical features, of the course, are different in different periods of childhood. Manifestations and course of asthma may disappear or progress with age. Therefore, it is likely that there are differences in the pathophysiology, inflammatory response of the body and the features of the clinic of asthma in children of different ages, which affects the diagnosis and treatment. The aim of the study was to determine the features of clinical symptoms and the influence of risk factors for asthma on its occurrence in children of different ages. Materials and methods. We analyzed the anamnesis and clinical symptoms of 57 children aged 3 to 18 years, who were treated from September 2020 to June 2021 in the Lviv Regional Children's Clinical Hospital “OHMATDYT” and in the Lviv Municipal City Children's Clinical Hospital. The age groups did not differ statistically in the severity of asthma (P> 0.05). Thus, in group 1 was 1 patient (9.09%) with mild form, 1 patient (9.09%) - moderate persistent form, 8 patients (72.73%) - with severe persistent form. Among patients of age group 2 was 1 patient (3.85%) with mild persistent form, 3 children (11.54%) - moderate and 21 children (80.77%) - with severe persistent form. In group 3 was 1 patient (5%) with a mild persistent form, 6 patients (30%) - moderate and 12 children (80%) - with a severe persistent form. The vast majority of patients were boys (84.21 ± 4.83%). All patients underwent general clinical examinations, spirometry, and allergy tests. We used the clinical-anamnestic method to perform the tasks of the work, which consisted in collecting a detailed somatic and genealogical anamnesis during the parents` questionnaire. Physical development of children was assessed using centile tables. Statistics were evaluated by calculating Student's t-test and Pearson's consistency test. Preschool children with asthma were more likely to experience shortness of breath during exercise and a wet low-yielding cough, and children of primary and secondary school age were more characterized by concomitant allergic rhinitis. Autumn was more unfavorable period for the exacerbation of clinical manifestations of asthma in children of Lviv region was period. We did not find correlation of birth weight on the timing of asthma. However, a burdensome obstetric history contributed to the early development of clinical manifestations of asthma. Preschool children were more likely to be exposed to nicotine during the antenatal period and had a shorter duration of breastfeeding, which may be a probable risk factor for asthma in preschool children. In 77% of children from different age groups were burdened with a history of allergies, with 66% of cases more pronounced in the maternal line. An analysis of physical development revealed that most preschool children were overweight. Conclusions. Asthma has features of clinical symptoms in children of different ages - shortness of breath during exercise and whooping cough are characteristic of preschool children, and concomitant chronic persistent rhinitis - for older age groups. Seasonal exacerbations are characteristic of asthma in children; in particular, the autumn period is more unfavorable, common for asthmatics in children of all ages among patients in Lviv region. Maternal smoking during pregnancy has a significant effect on the risk of developing asthma in children. Also, a burdened maternal allergy history and overweight child contributes to the development of asthma in children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-126
Sri Wahyuni

The problem in this research is that in the online learning process the teachercannot monitor the physical development of the child's motor skills, because children studyat home and at home, the children cannot freely leave the house to play or go recreation.As a result, many parents think that playing cellphones is the main solution. The purposeof this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning on motoric physicaldevelopment. The benefits of this research are expected to provide insight, boththeoretically and practically, for researchers in accordance with the focus of the researchbeing carried out. This research is a descriptive study, while the research information is asource of reference as well as previous research. Data collection was carried out by meansof observation, interview and documentation techniques. The instrument used by theresearcher was a physical motor indicator. Data analysts use an interactive analysis modelby collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results ofresearch on children's physical motor development during online learning have decreased.

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