the village
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-59

Why curate live arts without the bodily presence of external live audiences? After all, are the latter not the omphalos of live arts? This article responds to the above questions through a case study of the 2018 GAN and GAN International Performance Art Festival that took place on May 1, 2, and 3—an annual off-the-grid festival in the village of Meibei in the Southern Chinese province of Jiangxi. As a festival without an external live audience, GAN and GAN challenges both the central position of the audience in the conceptual framework of live arts curating and established concepts of audiences. I examine the curatorial practice and philosophy of the festival’s two curators, Xiong Yunhao and Xiao Shang and demonstrate how their live arts festival—curated for its artists—not only preserves the endangered genre of Xingwei Yishu (performance/behavioral art from China) but widens the scope of contemporary curatorial practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 07-34
Yile Chen ◽  
Junzhang Chen

This research takes Cuiwei Village located in Qianshan District of Zhuhai City as an example. The village is investigated and analyzed through field research, and the street scale, spatial structure, functional characteristics of streets, internal commercial distribution forms, and functions in the Cuiwei Historic Block are studied and analyzed. Based on the convex space analysis method and the line of sight analysis method in the space syntax theory, with the help of the Depthmap software, the complex street nodes, that is, the space of the two nodes A and B analyzed. Through the establishment of a viewshed model, including the analysis of the viewport integration degree, the viewport agglomeration degree, the viewport connection value and the spatial characteristics of the historical area, the most representative traditional buildings in the village, namely the Sanwang Temple and the Weishi Mansion, are selected. =N and when the radius R=3, observe the changes of the two parameters, the integration of the visual field and the visual depth of the two historical buildings. And with the help of Baidu time machine photos in different periods to observe and record the store's changes and people's behavioural characteristics. The results show that: at the present stage, the coordination of villages is poor, people's recognition in the village space is weak, and people cannot use local perception to reflect the overall space. There are obvious sub-interfaces between the interior of the village and the outside world—good but poor global intelligibility. After an on-the-spot investigation and analysis, it can be seen that although people can walk out of Cuiwei Village, they are always in a state of confusion, and it is difficult to grasp the spatial form of the overall area. Therefore, the space syntax analysis results are consistent with the field survey results, so this research method has good reference value and reference significance in the study of village space.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Asriani Asriani ◽  
Wawan Wawan

This study aims to determine the factors that lead to the occurrence of dynastic politics in village leadership in Wantiworo Village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews (interviews), observation and document studies. Analysis of the data and informants that have been obtained was carried out qualitatively.The results of research on dynastic politics in village leadership (Study of Wantiworo Village, Kabawo District, Muna Regency) where the most influencing the occurrence of dynastic politics in Wantiworo Village are only two factors, including capital strength (economic), the economic ability of a village head is also a consideration in the nomination . Wealth owned by the village head is the basic capital to achieve a goal or victory. Then the power of the network (the family), the family of the village head does have quite a big influence in the community. For example, the former village head of La Ode Gafar is a religious figure and La Ode Kiji is a person who is quite respected in the community besides other important positions in the village that have kinship relations.

Shin'ya Ueda

This article traces the transformation of Huế from an open migrant society to a closed community from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries through an examination of the village documents of Thanh Phước in Thừa Thiên Huế province. In Thanh Phước, the expansion of cultivated land reached its limits around the end of the seventeenth century. Subsequently, continuous population pressure resulted in the emergence of social groups with closed and fixed membership called làng and dòng họ after the eighteenth century. A significant feature of this social development was that the patrilineal kinship favoured by Confucianism was used to protect the vested interests of the earliest inhabitants of the village and their descendants. This indicates that the penetration of Confucianism among the common people and the development and stagnation of agriculture in early modern Vietnam were mutual, complementary phenomena.

Economies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Sugeng Wahyudi ◽  
Tarmizi Achmad ◽  
Imang Dapit Pamungkas

This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the internal control system, appropriate compensation, and the competency of the village apparatus regarding the prevention of village fund fraud with moral sensitivity as a moderating variable. This research is a quantitative method using hypothesis–inference to answer exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and predictive analysis questions. Primary data are mainly used in this study. Data were collected using a survey method in a questionnaire with questions given to respondents to collect information. The sample of this research is the village office in 16 (sixteen) districts in Sumowono, Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, with 289 participants. Data analysis was carried out using Warp-PLS 7.0 application software. The results showed that the village apparatus’s internal control system, appropriate compensation, and competency prevented village fund fraud. Furthermore, the novelty of this research is to add a moderating variable, moral sensitivity, which can strengthen the relationship between the internal control system, appropriate compensation, and competency of the village apparatus regarding the prevention of village fund fraud.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-56
Nina Pamela Sari ◽  
Asep Muksin ◽  
Putri Nur Anjeli ◽  
Haeya Firda Nisa ◽  
Eri Nugraha

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease whose number is still increasing in Indonesia, especially in Mulyasari Village, Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya City. TB incidence in Tamansari as of November 2020 reached 58 people, 3 people died and 1 person experienced drug resistance. Muhammadiyah is an Islamic da'wah movement for amar ma'ruf nahi munkar whose one of its da'wah movements is concerned with social humanitarian movements in the health sector. One of the health services that continues to be developed by Muhammadiyah is service and counseling to the community about TB disease and socialization of the use of TB Comprehensive PMO guidelines which can improve the cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities of TB PMO which have an impact on increasing public awareness of TB disease. This program is implemented through counseling to cadres, religious leaders and PMOs in the work area of ??the Tamansari Health Center about TB disease and socialization of the use of TB Comprehensive PMO guidelines. Tamansari Health Center consists of 4 sub-districts, namely Mulyasari village, Sukahurip village, Setyawargi village and Setyamulya village. The results of this community service are an increase in the knowledge of cadres, PMOs and religious leaders about TB control and the formation of the TB Care Muhammadiyah management where in each disctrict there are 4 Muhammadiyah branch managers who collaborate with the village cadre coordinator to participate in monitoring the treatment of TB patients in the Tamansari area.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Radovan Coufal ◽  
Michal Horsák

The Kalábová (K1) and Kalábová 2 (K2) Nature Monuments are located in the central part of the White Carpathians PLA near the village of Březová. Both monuments protect treeless wet grasslands and tufa forming spring fens, which were originally part of a larger wetland complex. A total of 51 species were recorded in K1 (47 terrestrial and two aquatic gastropods and two bivalves). Of these, 30 species (56%) are woodland dwellers that were recorded during the survey in 2000, shortly after the area was logged. In contrast, none of these species was detected during the recent survey in 2021. However, these species are widespread in the region and Nature Monuments surroundings and some are likely present also in the ecotones of the spring meadow and adjacent forest. Currently, hygrophilous and wetland dwellers dominate (9 spp.; 17%), followed by ubiquitous (7; 15%), open-ground (4; 8%) and aquatic species (4; 8%). At K2, 19 species were recorded, including 15 terrestrial and two aquatic gastropods, and two bivalves. The two most species-rich ecogroups were hygrophilous and wetland dwellers (5; 26%) and woodland dwellers (5; 26%), the latter were prevailing probably due to relatively recent deforestation between 2012–2014. Aquatic species were represented by four species (21%), followed by three ubiquitous (16%) and one open-ground (5%) species. The spring dweller Bythinella austriaca (NT) and the declining wetland umbrella species Vertigo angustior (VU; NATURA 2000) inhabited both localities in high densities. To maintain the favourable habitat conservation status of the reserves, the sites should be managed extensively by grazing or mowing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Efri Syamsul Bahri ◽  
Widya Putri ◽  
Prayogo P. Harto

Zakat funds are a mandate of Allah SWT that must be distributed to mustahiq. This study aims to measure the feasibility of a village to be assisted by using zakat funds. The method used is a qualitative method using the Village Zakat Index (IDZ) model. The IDZ measurement includes five dimensions: economy, health, education, humanity, and dakwah. The research was conducted at Curug Depok. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, questionnaires, and expert judgment consisting of village officials, RT, and the community. The results showed that the IDZ value in Curug was categorized as functional with a score of 0.79. This finding indicates that Cukug is not prioritized to be assisted by zakat funds. The dimensions with the lowest IDZ value are the economic and human dimensions of 0.61 and 0.78. This data shows that zakat institutions can implement empowerment programs focusing on economic and humanitarian programs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 899
Zaida Troya ◽  
Rafael Esteban ◽  
Enrique Herrera-Viedma ◽  
Antonio Peña-García

Nuclear facilities are a main milestone in the long way to sustainable energy. Beyond the well-known fission centrals, the necessity of cleaner, more efficient and almost unlimited energy reducing waste to almost zero is a major challenge in the next decades. This is the case with nuclear fusion. Different experimental installations to definitively control this nuclear power are proliferating in different countries. However, citizens in the surroundings of cities and villages where these installations are going to be settled are frequently reluctant because of doubts about the expected benefits and the potential hazards. In this framework, knowing the opinion of people and their perception of experimental fusion facilities is essential for researchers, administrations and rulemaking bodies planning future fusion plants. This is the case for IFMIF-DONES, a neutron irradiation facility to determine the most suitable materials for the future fusion reactors. The construction of this installation is starting in Escúzar (Granada, Spain), and this work presents a large survey among 311 people living or working in the village. Their perception, fears, hopes and other variables are analyzed, and the conclusions for future installations and their impact on the energy policy are presented.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-20
İsmail Baykara ◽  
M. Akif Sarıkaya ◽  
Serkan Şahin ◽  
Berkay Dinçer ◽  
Esin Ünal

The province of Van in north-eastern Turkey served as a land bridge between Africa and Eurasia during the Palaeolithic. The region is of particular relevance for understanding the movement of hominins between these continents. This study concerns the lithic remains from a locality at Gürgürbaba Hill, named Locality 010, north of the village of Ulupamir (Erciş district). Locality 010 was dated to 311±32 kya by terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides method, which coincides with Marine Isotope Stage 9 (MIS 9), a Middle Pleistocene interglacial period. The assemblage from this site is attributed to the Late Acheulean and resembles that of the southern Caucasus. This similarity indicates that the artefacts from Locality 010 were probably produced by late Lower Palaeolithic technology in a broad sense. These findings suggest local adaptations of late Middle Pleistocene hominins to high plateau environments.

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