Impact of Relationship Quality with Customer ( Relationship Marketing ) on Customer Loyalty in Customer - Oriented Strategy : Case Study Agriculture Bank Customers , Tehran , Iran

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-49 ◽  
Hassan Mehr Manesh ◽  
Mojtaba Hadavand ◽  
Nasrin Tahmasbizadeh
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-56
Novita Ekasari ◽  
Nurhasanah Nurhasanah

Dewasa ini perkembangan jasa dirasakan mengalami peningkatan, hal tersebut di iringi oleh berkembangnya berbagai sektor jasa seperti jasa pembiayaan kendaraan (finance) baik untuk kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat.. Kebutuhan akan jasa pembiayaan ini semankin dibutuhkan masyarakat, pentingnya konsumsi akan jasa pembiayaan kendaraan tersebut makin dirasakan memiliki potensi yang besar dalam diri individu maupun dalam  kegiatan usaha, dikarenakan  jasa pembiayaan (finance)  saat ini merupakan  suatu  pilihan  yang baik dalam menghadapi berbagai resiko terutama dari sisi proses yang relatif lebih cepat dan mudah dibandingkan perbankan. Dalam penelitian ini perusahaan jasa pembiayaan yang akan diangkat untuk diteliti yaitu PT. BFI Finance Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari Customer Relationship Marketing terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Pada PT.BFI Finance Jambi. Sumber data dalam penelitian  ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan kuisioner yang di susun penulis menegenai customer relationship marketing terhadap customer loyalty. Sedangkan Data sekunder adalah data yang di peroleh dari PT. BFI Finance dan diperoleh pula melalui literatur buku dan internet. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh relationship marketing ((People  (X1), Knowledge and Insight (X2), Process (X3), Technology (X4)) terhadap Customer Loyalty. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. BFI Finance Jambi. Jumlah sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-228
Runita Kartika Sari Girsang ◽  
Sumiati Sumiati ◽  
Achmad Helmy Djawahir ◽  

The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of self-service technology and customer relationship marketing on customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction. This research is quantitative research with an explanatory research approach. This research was conducted on customers who have an account at PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk Tulungagung Branch, a minimum of three years is 82 respondents. Data collection uses questionnaires, documentation, and interviews with SmartPLS version 3.0 analysis tools. The result of the research shows that the direct influence of self-service technology influence on customer satisfaction and the influence of self-service technology on customer loyalty has a significant influence. The influence of customer relationship marketing on customer satisfaction and the influence of customer relationship marketing on customer loyalty has a significant influence. And, the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty has a significant influence. The results of research for indirect influence, namely the influence of self-service technology on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction and influence customer relationship marketing to customer loyalty through customer satisfaction has mediation relationship. The next researcher needs to re-analyze self-service technology, customer relationship marketing as a variable that can increase customer loyalty in other companies that show different characteristics of the subjects of this study. Besides, it needs to be done on government bank customers who have certain characteristics, so that research can be generalized, namely to private companies or government companies.

Sudirman Zaid ◽  
Juharsah Juharsah ◽  
Hayat Yusuf ◽  
Nursaban Rommy Suleman

This study aims to determine the implementation of the Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) strategy in increasing Bank Bahteramas Customer Loyalty (CL) in Southeast Sulawesi. This research was conducted at 10 Bahteramas Bank Branch Offices in Southeast Sulawesi, namely; Kendari, Unaaha, Kolaka, Lasusua, Baubau, Raha, Wanci, Kasipute, Andoolo, Wanggudu. The sample in this study was 200 respondents who were distributed in all existing branch offices, where each branch office was taken, 20 respondents. The technique of determining the sample refers to the technique of accident sampling. This study uses multivariate regression. The results found that simultaneously CRM variables consisting of Bonding, Empathy, Reciprocity, Trust, and Commitment simultaneously had a significant effect on CL at Bahteramas Bank in Southeast Sulawesi. Then the partial test results (t-test) showed that: (1) Bonding as CRM strategy significantly influences on CL; (2) Empathy as CRM strategy has an insignificant effect on CL; (3) Reciprocal as CRM strategy has no significant effect on CL; (4) Trust as CRM strategy has a significant effect on CL; (5) Commitment as CRM strategy has a significant effect on CL.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Diah Yulisetiarini ◽  
Rizal Syahrial Riadi ◽  
Gusti Ayu Wulandari

This research is aimed to analyse the influence of customer relationship marketing and customer value to customer loyalty in Bank Jatim Jember. This reserach using explanatory research aproach, the population are those customers who of bank jatim jember with obtained 110 respondents as sample using ferdinand formulas .The analyse method in this research using path analyse .The result of this research is customer relationship marketing significantly influenced customer value, customer relationship marketing significantly influenced customer loyalty, customer value significantly influenced customer loyalty . Keywords: Instability of exports, instability indexes, non-oil, export

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