economic zone
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Bambang S. Irianto

This research is classified as normative legal research. The approach used is the statute approach, legal principles, legal theories, legal concepts. The juridical approach in this research is a problem approach based on the applicable laws and regulations, while the normative approach is a problem approach that examines the law in law so that conclusions can be drawn that are logical, coherent and systematic. Case Approach with the case approach is done by examining cases related to the issue at hand, and has become a decision that has permanent legal force.The results of the study show that there is still inconsistency in law enforcement in the EEZ for fishery potential by the Indonesian Navy in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Indonesia is based on the United Nations convention regarding the Law of the Sea in 1982 with Law Number 17 of 1985 concerning legalization. on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries. Illegal fishing still occurs in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone by foreign vessels, which is caused by weak patrols in the ZEEI area and is supported by the opening of the ZEEI area, the patrol vessels are less modern to compete with foreign fishing vessels, and the fish resources that are in the ZEEI have not been exploited by Indonesian fishermen according to Law No. 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries is carried out by legal proceedings and is tried in court, and is sentenced to a sentence which is usually a fine. In the event that a prison sentence is allowed.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yanan Zhang ◽  
Jinghong Wei ◽  
Ying Wang ◽  
Sang-Bing Tsai

Facing the new form and situation of the Huaihe Economic Zone, it is of great significance to analyze the sources of growth and the intrinsic mechanism of the green total factor productivity of its economic-ecological system, to grasp the spatial and temporal characteristics of green total factor productivity, and to study the influence of each factor on green total factor productivity to achieve sustainable economic development in the Huaihe Economic Zone. Based on the clarification of economic growth theory, green economy theory, carbon cycle theory, and green total factor productivity theory, this paper identifies and discusses the limitation that the existing research literature often ignores the endogenous role of carbon sinks when measuring green total factor productivity. Then, the green total factor productivity of Huaihe Economic Zone based on carbon cycle from 2004 to 2017 is measured using the superefficient nonradial SBM model. Combined with the GML productivity index, it is decomposed into technical progress and technical efficiency and analyzed in comparison with the green total factor productivity without considering ecological purification capacity (carbon sink) from the perspective of time and space. Finally, the spatial Durbin model is used to analyze the effects of seven variables, including the level of economic development, environmental regulation, R&D level, and openness to the outside world, on green total factor productivity in the Huaihe Economic Zone, and to analyze the direct and indirect effects of each variable on green total factor productivity. TFP based on expected output carbon sink and GDP overall outperforms TFP based on expected output GDP only, mainly because the growth of technical efficiency is underestimated when carbon sink is not considered. Technical efficiency and technological progress are equally important for the growth of TFP in an eco-economic perspective. It is of great practical significance for both the comprehensive understanding of the green total factor productivity level and the improvement path of the ecosystem and the coordinated and sustainable development of the Huaihe Economic Zone.

Tanjung Kelayang is a tourism special economic zones (SEZ) established in Belitung regency, Indonesia, as an alternative and sustainable income to the community after the decline of tin mining. The TSEZ is focusing on rural and heritage tourism although mining activities are actively and continuously conducted. SEZs have been successful in some countries; however, India, China, and African countries have experienced less success in several aspects. The TSEZ offers some benefits but is vulnerable to external shock, since it was not developed based on a comprehensive design, and is associated with horizontal conflicts. This study reviewed Tanjung Kelayang's TSEZ policy based on SEZ implementation in various countries as a comparative study by adjusting the context of the phenomena occurring in Tanjung Kelayang. This research produced a review related to the TSEZ’s design, facilities, rules and regulations, also efforts to overcome horizontal conflicts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Nguyen Thi Quyet

Currently, developing the high-quality human resources to meet the socio-economic development requirements of Vietnam in general and Quang Ngai province in particular is a very urgent need, is a very urgent need. This is a both fundamental and long-term issue  in order to realize the strong and happy national aspirations. Located in the central key economic region with Dung Quat economic zone whose core is Dung Quat oil refinery, Quang Ngai is developing day by day. Presently, Dung Quat economic zone together with industrial clusters of the province have been creating a huge value of industrial output, especially heavy industry - an important spearhead industry in the process of industrialization, modernization, creating momentum to promote the development of industry and service in the whole region, and play an important role in creating the driving force for the development of the central region. Due to the specific requirements of industries with modern technology, Quang Ngai is required to have highly qualified and skilled human resources. Being well aware of this, Quang Ngai province has paid great attention to the development of high-quality human resources and initially achieved certain achievements over the past time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (12) ◽  
pp. 3467-3479
Kamaruzzaman Y.N. ◽  
Mustapha M.A. ◽  
Ghaffar M.A.

The Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) is one of the most commercially crucial epipelagic scombrid where it is caught in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the South China Sea (SCS). High demand for fisheries resources is a challenge for fishers to achieve optimal fish landing targets. By using R. kanagurta catch data, and high resolution satellite data of chl-a and SST (MODIS-Aqua) and SSH (AVISO) from 2018 together with boosted regression tree (BRT) model, this study aims to determine the impact of sea surface temperature (SST) increase on the potential catch of R. kanagurta based on temperature projection of IPCC-AR5-RCPs scenarios. BRT modelling result indicated that during the northeast monsoon (NEM), at elevated temperature of 1.80 and 2.60 ℃ showed that the potential fishing grounds of R. kanagurta increase in the area especially in the northern part of the EEZ. However, at elevated temperature of 3.30 ℃, the potential fishing areas was found to decrease along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Meanwhile, during southwest monsoon (SWM) and inter-monsoon transition, at temperature rise of 1.80, 2.60 and 3.30 °C showed a significant reduction in the potential fishing area of the R. kanagurta potential fishing grounds especially along the coast of the EEZ off SCS. Results indicated that changes in SST influenced suitability of habitat which affected the distribution of R. kanagurta. Understanding the impacts of temperature increase would contribute towards future sustainable fisheries resource management strategies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 118-142
David Bosco

As national claims to ocean space proliferated, diplomats tried to set new rules for the oceans. The idea of the oceans as humanity’s “common heritage” gained support as an alternative to freedom of the seas. The negotiations featured divisions between the leading maritime powers, who were most concerned about preserving open access to the oceans, and many coastal countries more concerned with protecting regional waters. The diplomats eventually crafted an elaborate compromise that expanded the territorial sea to 12 miles and created a large new economic zone within which coastal states would have the right to regulate marine resources. A host of other provisions dealt with questions including passage through international straits, regulation of ice-covered areas, and the ocean rights of archipelagic countries. The United States, the leading maritime power, ultimately turned against the agreement, primarily because of concerns about how the treaty would regulate seabed mining.

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