Semantic Empiricism and Direct Acquaintance in The Philosophy of Logical Atomism

Audre Jean Brokes

<p>In <i>The Philosophy of Logical Atomism</i>, Russell defends a version of semantic empiricism according to which direct acquaintance with logical atoms is the source of our semantic capacities. Previous commentators have construed Russellian acquaintance in one of two ways: either as an act of <i>de re</i> designation involving neither conceptualization nor propositional content, or as a species of belief <i>de re</i>, which does involve conceptualization or classification. I argue that two further, interim possibilities have been overlooked: that direct acquaintance involves purely phenomenal content or that direct acquaintance involves protoconceptual content. I conclude, however, that on none of the four interpretations considered, can direct acquaintance with logical atoms be the source of our semantic capacities.</p>

L.E. Murr ◽  
V. Annamalai

Georgius Agricola in 1556 in his classical book, “De Re Metallica”, mentioned a strange water drawn from a mine shaft near Schmölnitz in Hungary that eroded iron and turned it into copper. This precipitation (or cementation) of copper on iron was employed as a commercial technique for producing copper at the Rio Tinto Mines in Spain in the 16th Century, and it continues today to account for as much as 15 percent of the copper produced by several U.S. copper companies.In addition to the Cu/Fe system, many other similar heterogeneous, electrochemical reactions can occur where ions from solution are reduced to metal on a more electropositive metal surface. In the case of copper precipitation from solution, aluminum is also an interesting system because of economic, environmental (ecological) and energy considerations. In studies of copper cementation on aluminum as an alternative to the historical Cu/Fe system, it was noticed that the two systems (Cu/Fe and Cu/Al) were kinetically very different, and that this difference was due in large part to differences in the structure of the residual, cement-copper deposit.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 293-301
Chantal Krischek

En faisant taire l’histoire familiale, le traumatisme porte atteinte à ce qui fait la spécificité de chaque famille : sa capacité à transmettre. La transmission ne se déroule plus dans ce mouvement incessant entre le récit et son questionnement mais devient un système purement répétitif au sein duquel les croyances évolutives se transforment en dogmes disant le « tout » de l’individu. Dans ce contexte, l’auteure propose une lecture de différents symptômes au regard du traumatisme familial. Elle décrit, au travers d’une élaboration conceptuelle illustrée par des cas cliniques, son chemin thérapeutique qui est un remaillage collectif de l’histoire familiale. Il s’agit de (re)construire l’espace potentiel de la transmission comme un lieu comprenant suffisamment d’indétermination que pour faire surgir, à chaque génération, de l’inédit et de l’inattendu. Le nouveau cadre proposé délimite un espace thérapeutique regroupant plusieurs générations. Grâce à la rencontre dans l’espace partagé et au travail des mémoires individuelles, les générations différentes font l’expérience commune de l’histoire qui les a précédées. La conversation familiale prend forme, rendant possible la construction du récit commun.

2018 ◽  
Arthur Vianna Ferreira ◽  
Adriana de Almeida ◽  
Denize Sepulveda ◽  
José Antonio Sepulveda ◽  
Yuri Sepulveda ◽  

Alejandro Bilbao

El texto presenta una breve reflexión en torno a la relación entre lo comunitario y lo clínico. El autor se detiene en ambas expresiones para argumentar inicialmente que lo comunitario en tanto actividad representacional no posee nunca fundamentos, y que en esa falta de fundamento surge la necesidad de re-inventar sus sentidos. El dispositivo clínico por su parte, comporta una creación una vez que el paciente pone en relato una cierta realidad, relato en el cual eventualmente pueden surgir nuevos sentidos. Sin embargo ese decir sometido a la acción pictural y ficcional también carece de fundamentos. La constante re- invención que reclama la comunidad y el dispositivo clínico hacen surgir la idea de lo político como un cruce que da cuenta de su relación.

Valdênia Brito Monteiro

<div><p>Este artigo problematiza a resistência indígena em tempo de retrocessos de direitos, dando ênfase à realidade das mulheres. A carência de dados sobre as condições de vida de mulheres indígenas dificulta o conhecimento dos reais problemas enfrentados. Os dados estatísticos apresentados têm como fontes a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), a Comissão Econômica para a América e o Caribe (CEPAL) e o Conselho Indigenista Missionario (CIMI). O estudo está fundamentado na ideia da colonialidade do poder e na necessidade de (re)pensar os direitos humanos de forma descolonial. O texto propõe: 1. Um breve estado da arte sobre a mulher indígena e os efeitos da colonialidade; 2. Uma problematização entre identidade e memória no contexto de luta de resistência indígena; e 3. Caminhos contra hegemônicos para vencer os retrocessos.<strong> </strong></p></div><p class="Corpo"> </p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-86
Brigitte Hilmer

Kunst kann dann als reflexiv interpretiert werden, wenn Reflexivität nicht auf propositionalen Gehalt oder sogar sprachliche Artikulation angewiesen ist. Reflexion tritt auf in den Modi der Selbstbeziehung des Lebendigen, des Überlegens und der Selbstreferenz im Symbolischen. Kunst ist ein Reflexionsmedium, das diese Modi beansprucht und miteinander verflicht. Eine spezifisch ästhetische Reflexivität ist von und nach Kant nach dem Vorbild der transzendentalen Reflexion und in Konkurrenz zu ihr etabliert worden. Sie läßt sich als Reflexivität des ästhetischen Urteils, als emphatisches Gemachtsein, als Rückwendung auf Wahrnehmungsvollzüge oder als Begriffsreflexion verstehen. Dabei wird die Unterscheidung von Anschauung und Verstand in deren Zusammenspiel oder Abspaltung vorausgesetzt. Von der Analogie zur transzendentalen Reflexion löst sich aber erst ein Verständnis von ästhetischer Reflexivität, das von den drei Modi und ihrer Verflechtung ausgeht.<br><br>Reflexivity does not presuppose linguistic articulation or even propositional content. If it did, art could not be called reflexive. Reflexivity can be found in the self-contact of the living, in mental reflection or in symbolic self-reference. Art is a medium which claims these different modes of reflexivity and intertwines them. Aesthetic reflexivity as such has been established by Kant and his epigones, following the model of transcendetal reflection. Thus it could be specified as the reflexive structure of aesthetic judgement, or as an emphasis on a work’s being created, or as a reference to perception itself in the process of perceiving, or as a way of reflecting concepts. Aesthetic reflexivity can only be detached from the model of transcendental reflection, if it is seen as oriented towards the interaction among the three modes of reflection mentioned above, leaving aside the difference, interplay or competition between perception and conceptual capacities.

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