The tree property at ℵω+2

2011 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 477-490 ◽  
Sy-David Friedman ◽  
Ajdin Halilović

AbstractAssuming the existence of a weakly compact hypermeasurable cardinal we prove that in some forcing extension ℵω is a strong limit cardinal and ℵω+2 has the tree property. This improves a result of Matthew Foreman (see [2]).

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-222
Alejandro Poveda

AbstractThe dissertation under comment is a contribution to the area of Set Theory concerned with the interactions between the method of Forcing and the so-called Large Cardinal axioms.The dissertation is divided into two thematic blocks. In Block I we analyze the large-cardinal hierarchy between the first supercompact cardinal and Vopěnka’s Principle (Part I). In turn, Block II is devoted to the investigation of some problems arising from Singular Cardinal Combinatorics (Part II and Part III).We commence Part I by investigating the Identity Crisis phenomenon in the region comprised between the first supercompact cardinal and Vopěnka’s Principle. As a result, we generalize Magidor’s classical theorems [2] to this higher region of the large-cardinal hierarchy. Also, our analysis allows to settle all the questions that were left open in [1]. Finally, we conclude Part I by presenting a general theory of preservation of $C^{(n)}$ -extendible cardinals under class forcing iterations. From this analysis we derive several applications. For instance, our arguments are used to show that an extendible cardinal is consistent with “ $(\lambda ^{+\omega })^{\mathrm {HOD}}<\lambda ^+$ , for every regular cardinal $\lambda $ .” In particular, if Woodin’s HOD Conjecture holds, and therefore it is provable in ZFC + “There exists an extendible cardinal” that above the first extendible cardinal every singular cardinal $\lambda $ is singular in HOD and $(\lambda ^+)^{\textrm {{HOD}}}=\lambda ^+$ , there may still be no agreement at all between V and HOD about successors of regular cardinals.In Part II and Part III we analyse the relationship between the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis (SCH) with other relevant combinatorial principles at the level of successors of singular cardinals. Two of these are the Tree Property and the Reflection of Stationary sets, which are central in Infinite Combinatorics.Specifically, Part II is devoted to prove the consistency of the Tree Property at both $\kappa ^+$ and $\kappa ^{++}$ , whenever $\kappa $ is a strong limit singular cardinal witnessing an arbitrary failure of the SCH. This generalizes the main result of [3] in two senses: it allows arbitrary cofinalities for $\kappa $ and arbitrary failures for the SCH.In the last part of the dissertation (Part III) we introduce the notion of $\Sigma $ -Prikry forcing. This new concept allows an abstract and uniform approach to the theory of Prikry-type forcings and encompasses several classical examples of Prikry-type forcing notions, such as the classical Prikry forcing, the Gitik-Sharon poset, or the Extender Based Prikry forcing, among many others.Our motivation in this part of the dissertation is to prove an iteration theorem at the level of the successor of a singular cardinal. Specifically, we aim for a theorem asserting that every $\kappa ^{++}$ -length iteration with support of size $\leq \kappa $ has the $\kappa ^{++}$ -cc, provided the iterates belong to a relevant class of $\kappa ^{++}$ -cc forcings. While there are a myriad of works on this vein for regular cardinals, this contrasts with the dearth of investigations in the parallel context of singular cardinals. Our main contribution is the proof that such a result is available whenever the class of forcings under consideration is the family of $\Sigma $ -Prikry forcings. Finally, and as an application, we prove that it is consistent—modulo large cardinals—the existence of a strong limit cardinal $\kappa $ with countable cofinality such that $\mathrm {SCH}_\kappa $ fails and every finite family of stationary subsets of $\kappa ^+$ reflects simultaneously.

2019 ◽  
Vol 85 (1) ◽  
pp. 467-485

AbstractIn the first part of the article, we show that if $\omega \le \kappa < \lambda$ are cardinals, ${\kappa ^{ < \kappa }} = \kappa$, and λ is weakly compact, then in $V\left[M {\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)} \right]$ the tree property at $$\lambda = \left( {\kappa ^{ + + } } \right)^{V\left[ {\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)} \right]} $$ is indestructible under all ${\kappa ^ + }$-cc forcing notions which live in $V\left[ {{\rm{Add}}\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)} \right]$, where ${\rm{Add}}\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)$ is the Cohen forcing for adding λ-many subsets of κ and $\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)$ is the standard Mitchell forcing for obtaining the tree property at $\lambda = \left( {\kappa ^{ + + } } \right)^{V\left[ {\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)} \right]} $. This result has direct applications to Prikry-type forcing notions and generalized cardinal invariants. In the second part, we assume that λ is supercompact and generalize the construction and obtain a model ${V^{\rm{*}}}$, a generic extension of V, in which the tree property at ${\left( {{\kappa ^{ + + }}} \right)^{{V^{\rm{*}}}}}$ is indestructible under all ${\kappa ^ + }$-cc forcing notions living in $V\left[ {{\rm{Add}}\left( {\kappa ,\lambda } \right)} \right]$, and in addition under all forcing notions living in ${V^{\rm{*}}}$ which are ${\kappa ^ + }$-closed and “liftable” in a prescribed sense (such as ${\kappa ^{ + + }}$-directed closed forcings or well-met forcings which are ${\kappa ^{ + + }}$-closed with the greatest lower bounds).

1972 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-676 ◽  
E. M. Kleinberg ◽  
R. A. Shore

Although there are many characterizations of weakly compact cardinals (e.g. in terms of indescnbability and tree properties as well as compactness) the most interesting set-theoretic (combinatorial) one is in terms of partition relations. To be more precise we define for κ and α cardinals and n an integer the partition relation of Erdös, Hajnal and Rado [2] as follows:For every function F: [κ]n→ α (called a partition of [κ]n, the n-element subsets of κ, into α pieces), there exists a set C⊆ κ (called homogeneous for F) such that card C = κ and F″[C]n≠ α, i.e. some element of the range is omitted when F is restricted to the n-element subsets of C. It is the simplest (nontrivial) of these relations, i.e. , that is the well-known equivalent of weak compactness.1Two directions of inquiry immediately suggest themselves when weak compactness is described in terms of these partition relations: (a) Trying to strengthen the relation by increasing the superscript—e.g., —and (b) trying to weaken the relation by increasing the subscript—e.g., . As it turns out, the strengthening to is only illusory for using the equivalence of to the tree property one quickly sees that implies (and so is equivalent to) for every n. Thus is the strongest of these partition relations. The second question seems much more difficult.

2009 ◽  
Vol 09 (01) ◽  
pp. 139-157 ◽  

The tree property at κ+ states that there are no Aronszajn trees on κ+, or, equivalently, that every κ+ tree has a cofinal branch. For singular strong limit cardinals κ, there is tension between the tree property at κ+ and failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis at κ; the former is typically the result of the presence of strongly compact cardinals in the background, and the latter is impossible above strongly compacts. In this paper, we reconcile the two. We prove from large cardinals that the tree property at κ+ is consistent with failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis at κ.

2018 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 669-682 ◽  

AbstractWe show that from large cardinals it is consistent to have the tree property simultaneously at${\aleph _{{\omega ^2} + 1}}$and${\aleph _{{\omega ^2} + 2}}$with${\aleph _{{\omega ^2}}}$strong limit.

2000 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 1204-1214 ◽  
Amir Leshem

AbstractIn this paper we prove the equiconsistency of “Every ω1 –tree which is first order definable over (, ε) has a cofinal branch” with the existence of a reflecting cardinal. We also prove that the addition of MA to the definable tree property increases the consistency strength to that of a weakly compact cardinal. Finally we comment on the generalization to higher cardinals.

1980 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-66 ◽  
Saharon Shelah

AbstractSilver and subsequently Galvin and Hajnal, got bounds on , for ℵα strong limit cardinal of cofinality > ℵ0. We somewhat improve those results.

1995 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 415-430
Greg Bishop

AbstractLet κ and λ be infinite cardinals, a filter on κ and a set of functions from κ to κ. The filter is generated by if consists of those subsets of κ which contain the range of some element of . The set is <λ-closed if it is closed in the <λ-topology on κκ. (In general, the <λ-topology on IA has basic open sets all such that, for all i ∈ I, Ui ⊆ A and ∣{i ∈ I: Ui ≠ A} ∣<λ.) The primary question considered in this paper asks “Is there a uniform ultrafilter on κ which is generated by a closed set of functions?” (Closed means <ω-closed.) We also establish the independence of two related questions. One is due to Carlson: “Does there exist a regular cardinal κ and a subtree T of <κκ such that the set of branches of T generates a uniform ultrafilter on κ?”; and the other is due to Pouzet: “For all regular cardinals κ, is it true that no uniform ultrafilter on κ is it true that no uniform ultrafilter on κ analytic?”We show that if κ is a singular, strong limit cardinal, then there is a uniform ultrafilter on κ which is generated by a closed set of increasing functions. Also, from the consistency of an almost huge cardinal, we get the consistency of CH + “There is a uniform ultrafilter on ℵ1 which is generated by a closed set of increasing functions”. In contrast with the above results, we show that if Κ is any cardinal, λ is a regular cardinal less than or equal to κ and ℙ is the forcing notion for adding at least (κ<λ)+ generic subsets of λ, then in VP, no uniform ultrafilter on κ is generated by a closed set of functions.

2004 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 255-264
Mirna Džamonja ◽  
Péter Komjáth ◽  
Charles Morgan

AbstractWe prove consistent, assuming there is a supercompact cardinal, that there is a singular strong limit cardinal μ, of cofinality ω, such that every μ+-chromatic graph X on μ+ has an edge colouring c of X into μ colours for which every vertex colouring g of X into at most μ many colours has a g-colour class on which c takes every value.The paper also contains some generalisations of the above statement in which μ+ is replaced by other cardinals > μ.

2018 ◽  
Vol 83 (1) ◽  
pp. 349-371

AbstractThree central combinatorial properties in set theory are the tree property, the approachability property and stationary reflection. We prove the mutual independence of these properties by showing that any of their eight Boolean combinations can be forced to hold at${\kappa ^{ + + }}$, assuming that$\kappa = {\kappa ^{ < \kappa }}$and there is a weakly compact cardinal aboveκ.If in additionκis supercompact then we can forceκto be${\aleph _\omega }$in the extension. The proofs combine the techniques of adding and then destroying a nonreflecting stationary set or a${\kappa ^{ + + }}$-Souslin tree, variants of Mitchell’s forcing to obtain the tree property, together with the Prikry-collapse poset for turning a large cardinal into${\aleph _\omega }$.

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