A computer-aided design system geared toward conceptual design in a research environment

Alexis Álvarez Cabrales ◽  
Enrique E. Zayas ◽  
Roberto Pérez ◽  
Rolando E. Simeón ◽  
Carles Riba ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38 ◽  
Víctor H. Torres ◽  
José Ríos ◽  
Antonio Vizán ◽  
Jesús M. Pérez

A. N. Bozhko

Computer-aided design of assembly processes (Computer aided assembly planning, CAAP) of complex products is an important and urgent problem of state-of-the-art information technologies. Intensive research on CAAP has been underway since the 1980s. Meanwhile, specialized design systems were created to provide synthesis of assembly plans and product decompositions into assembly units. Such systems as ASPE, RAPID, XAP / 1, FLAPS, Archimedes, PRELEIDES, HAP, etc. can be given, as an example. These experimental developments did not get widespread use in industry, since they are based on the models of products with limited adequacy and require an expert’s active involvement in preparing initial information. The design tools for the state-of-the-art full-featured CAD/CAM systems (Siemens NX, Dassault CATIA and PTC Creo Elements / Pro), which are designed to provide CAAP, mainly take into account the geometric constraints that the design imposes on design solutions. These systems often synthesize technologically incorrect assembly sequences in which known technological heuristics are violated, for example orderliness in accuracy, consistency with the system of dimension chains, etc.An AssemBL software application package has been developed for a structured analysis of products and a synthesis of assembly plans and decompositions. The AssemBL uses a hyper-graph model of a product that correctly describes coherent and sequential assembly operations and processes. In terms of the hyper-graph model, an assembly operation is described as shrinkage of edge, an assembly plan is a sequence of shrinkages that converts a hyper-graph into the point, and a decomposition of product into assembly units is a hyper-graph partition into sub-graphs.The AssemBL solves the problem of minimizing the number of direct checks for geometric solvability when assembling complex products. This task is posed as a plus-sum two-person game of bicoloured brushing of an ordered set. In the paradigm of this model, the brushing operation is to check a certain structured fragment for solvability by collision detection methods. A rational brushing strategy minimizes the number of such checks.The package is integrated into the Siemens NX 10.0 computer-aided design system. This solution allowed us to combine specialized AssemBL tools with a developed toolkit of one of the most powerful and popular integrated CAD/CAM /CAE systems.

А.И. Гайкович ◽  
С.И. Лукин ◽  
О.Я. Тимофеев

Процесс создания проекта судна или корабля рассматривается как преобразование информации, содержащейся в техническом задании на проектирование, нормативных документах и знаниях проектанта, в информацию, объем которой позволяет реализовать проект. Проектирование может быть представлено как поиск решения в пространстве задач. Построение цепочки последовательно решаемых задач составляет методику проектирования. Проектные задачи могут быть разбиты на две группы. Первая группа ‒ это полностью формализуемые задачи, для решения которых есть известные алгоритмы. Например, построение теоретического чертежа по известным главным размерениям и коэффициентам формы. Ко второй группе задач можно отнести трудно формализуемые или неформализуемые задачи. Например, к задачам этого типа можно отнести разработку общего расположения корабля. Важнейшим инструментом проектирования современного корабля или судна является система ав­томатизированного проектирования (САПР). Решение САПР задач первой группы не представляет проблемы. Введение в состав САПР задач второй группы подразумевает разработку специального ма­тематического аппарата, базой для которого, которым является искусственный интеллект, использующий теорию нечетких множеств. Однако, настройка искусственных нейронных сетей, создание шкал для функций принадлежности элементов нечетких множеств и функций предпочтений лица принимающего решения, требует участие человека. Таким образом, указанные элементы искусственного интеллекта фиксируют качества проек­танта как специалиста и создают его виртуальный портрет. The process of design a project of a ship is considered as the transformation of information contained in the design specification, regulatory documents and the designer's knowledge into information, the volume of which allows the project to be implemented. Designing can be represented as a search for a solution in the space of problems. The construction of a chain of sequentially solved tasks constitutes the design methodology. Design problems can be divided into two groups. The first group is completely formalizable tasks, for the solution of which there are known algorithms. For example, the construction of ship's surface by known main dimensions and shape coefficients. Tasks of the second group may in­clude those which are difficult to formalize or non-formalizable. For example, tasks of this type can include develop­ment of general arrangement of a ship. The most important design tool of a modern ship or vessel is a computer-aided design system (CAD). The solu­tion of CAD problems of the first group is not a problem. Introduction of tasks of the second group into CAD implies development of a special mathematical apparatus, the basis for which is artificial intelligence, which uses the theory of fuzzy sets. However, the adjustment of artificial neural networks, the creation of scales for membership functions of fuzzy sets elements and functions of preferences of decision maker, requires human participation. Thus, the above elements of artificial intelligence fix the qualities of the designer as a specialist and create his virtual portrait.

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