scholarly journals Pengukuran Quality of Work Life dan Produktivitas pada Masa Pandemi (Studi Kasus: Dosen Wanita Untirta)

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Nuraida Wahyuni ◽  
Evi Febianti ◽  
Roy Satriadi

Quality of Work Life (QWL) merupakan variabel penting bagi sumber daya manusia. Semakin baik QWL diduga dapat meningkatkan pula produktivitas kerja. Masa pendemi yang memaksa beberapa instansi untuk melakukan Work from Home (WfH) membuat dosen wanita di lingkungan Untirta memiliki kegiatan yang multitasking dengan pekerjaan domestik rumah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur seberapa besar QWL dan Produktivitas dosen wanita di lingkungan Untirta semasa pandemi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif. Kedua variabel diuraikan pada beberapa indikator. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas digunakan untuk menguji instrumen penelitian, didapatkan indikator ketiga pada variabel QWL tidak valid, maka tidak diikutsertakan dalam pengukuran skor QWL. Hasil penelitan menyatakan skor pengukuran untuk variabel QWL adalah 169,938 termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Skor hasil pengukuran variabel Produktivitas adalah 159,571 termasuk dalam kategori baik.  Kata kunci (keywords): Pengukuran, QWL, Produktivitas

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 1044-1050
Sulbha Waghmare ◽  

Globally, the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector have grown rapidly over the last two decades, driven by the transfer of processes from companies in developed countries to ones in emerging economies. Work from home (WFH) has been fruitful during Covid-19 lockdown as per Governments mandate. As a result, about 90% of employees worked from home with 65% of them from homes in metros and rest 35% from homes in small towns.The main purpose was to study the benefit of work from home help employees enjoy better quality of work life (QWL) and the influence that productivity and promotions have on employees quality of work life working under work from home model through randomly assigning some employees of BPO companies in Pune. From the study it reported that employees working from home experienced of having a high positive attitude, less stress at work and improved wellbeing were the results of good quality of wok life. They were more likely to be happy with work and were also less likely to quit their job than those in the comparison group, but were less likely to be promoted than similar-performing peers working in the office. Further it also suggested that organisationscanconductvirtual employee training with best quality of work life initiatives in place will be an added advantage to both employees and employers receiving the full merits of improved workplace productivity and flexibility,strengthen team bonds, increase opportunities for upward mobility and retain employees than those who went into the office on a regular basis.

2005 ◽  
Tanya I. Gelsema ◽  
Margot van der Doef ◽  
Stan Maes ◽  
Simone Akerboom ◽  
Chris Verhoeven

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 413-420
Amella Gusty ◽  
Dachriyanus Dachriyanus ◽  
Leni Merdawati

Kinerja perawat merupakan hasil yang dicapai dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit. Terciptanya asuhan keperawatan yang optimal sangat diperlukan dukungan dari pihak rumah sakit salah satunya adalah menciptakan kualitas kehidupan kerja baik bagi perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas kehidupan kerja terhadap kinerja perawat pelaksana di RSUD Teluk Kuantan. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 120 responden yang diperoleh melalui proportionate simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas kehidupan kerja perawat RSUD Teluk Kuantan berada pada kategori sedang, kinerja perawat berada pada kategori kurang baik. Berdasarkan analisis kedua variabel teridentifikasi bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara kualitas kehidupan kerja dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana dengan  p value 0,817. Dimensi work context merupakan komponen yang memiliki hubungan dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana dengan p value 0,008, dimensi work life  tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kinerja perawat. Kesimpulan penelitian diketahui tidak ada hubungan antara kualitas kehidupan kerja dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana. Ada hubungan dimensi work context dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana. Tidak ada hubungan dimensi work life dengan kinerja perawat.   Kata kunci: kualitas kehidupan kerja, kinerja, perawat pelaksana   THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE QUALITY OF WORK LIFE AND THE PERFORMANCE OF IMPLEMENTERS NURSES   ABSTRACT Nurse performance is the result achieved in implementing nursing care in a hospital. The creation of optimal nursing care is very much needed support from the hospital, one of which is to create a good quality of work life for nurses. This study aims to determine the relationship between the quality of work life and the performance of nurses at the Kuantan District Hospital. This type of quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The number of samples of 120 respondents obtained through proportionate simple random sampling. The results showed that the quality of work life of nurses at the Kuantan District Hospital was in the medium category, the nurses' performance was in the unfavorable category. Based on the analysis of the two variables, it was identified that there was no relationship between the quality of work life with the performance of implementing nurses with a p value of 0.817. The work context dimension is a component that has a relationship with the performance of nurses implementing with p value 0.008, the dimension of work life does not significantly correlate with nurse performance. The conclusion of the research is that there is no relationship between the quality of work life and the performance of the implementing nurses. There is a relationship between the dimensions of the work context and the performance of the nurses. There is no relationship between the dimensions of work life and nurse performance.   Keywords: quality of work life, performance, implementers nurse

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