scholarly journals Model View Controller dan Object Relational Mapping Data Borneo Biodiversity Information System

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Edy Budiman ◽  
Novianti Puspitasari

Pergeseran paradigma pengembangan Perangkat Lunak yang berskala enterprise. Permasalahan antara lingkungan Berorientasi Objek (OOP) dengan lingkungan RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) yang sering disebut dengan istilah impedance mismatch (Ketidak-sesuaian pendekatan OOP dan RDBMS). Penelitian ini bertujuan menerapkan konsep Object Relational Mapping (ORM) yang berfungsi menjembatani ketidaksesuaian dan memetakkan database relasional ke model objek, melakukan pengumpulan data tumbuhan (Pohon, Kayu, Tanaman Obat dan Bambu). Metode pengembangan menggunakan konsep design pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC) berbasis Framework. Metode penamaan dan taksonomi tumbuhan mengacu pada International Association for Plant Taxonomy. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan sebuah produk perangkat lunak Sistem Informasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Borneo, telah tersimpan data dalam database sistem 1482 jenis pohon, 233 jenis tumbuhan hutan obat, 86 jenis kayu dan 80 jenis bambu. Relevansi penelitian ini sebagai bentuk sinergitas penelitian yang mengacu pada Pola Ilmiah Pokok (PIP)  Universitas Mulawarman sebagai Center of Excellence for Tropical Studies.


A methodology is introduced for translating from methods in an object-oriented database to routines in a relational database. The approach consists of three steps. The first step is to translate method signature to Persistent Stored Modules signature. The second step is to translate method source language to (function/procedure) routine. The process includes Host Language, OSQL's Qualification, Query Translation, Update Transaction Translation, and Objects inside Object. The third step is to translate method invocation to routine invocation. According to this approach, object-oriented database methods can be translated to relational database routines that can be executed in the relational database environment assisted by a frame model and case statements listing all possible cases of binding conditions and actions. The significance of the finding is adding an open object-oriented interface on top of relational database system for database interoperability and in the development of an object-relational database management system.

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