database management system
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Semantic Web ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Marlene Goncalves ◽  
David Chaves-Fraga ◽  
Oscar Corcho

With the increase of data volume in heterogeneous datasets that are being published following Open Data initiatives, new operators are necessary to help users to find the subset of data that best satisfies their preference criteria. Quantitative approaches such as top-k queries may not be the most appropriate approaches as they require the user to assign weights that may not be known beforehand to a scoring function. Unlike the quantitative approach, under the qualitative approach, which includes the well-known skyline, preference criteria are more intuitive in certain cases and can be expressed more naturally. In this paper, we address the problem of evaluating SPARQL qualitative preference queries over an Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) approach, which provides uniform access over multiple and heterogeneous data sources. Our main contribution is Morph-Skyline++, a framework for processing SPARQL qualitative preferences by directly querying relational databases. Our framework implements a technique that translates SPARQL qualitative preference queries directly into queries that can be evaluated by a relational database management system. We evaluate our approach over different scenarios, reporting the effects of data distribution, data size, and query complexity on the performance of our proposed technique in comparison with state-of-the-art techniques. Obtained results suggest that the execution time can be reduced by up to two orders of magnitude in comparison to current techniques scaling up to larger datasets while identifying precisely the result set.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Tika Apriani ◽  
Agustina Simangunsong

Kualitas produk menjadi faktor terpenting dalam menjalankan suatu bisnis, kualitas produk menentukan tingkat kepuasan konsumen dan juga masa depan perusahaan. PT Timbang Deli Verdant Bioscience masih belum memanfaatkan teknologi komputer, sehingga menyebabkan waktu yang relatif lama dalam menghitung nilai kualitas getah karet, dibutuhkan teknologi komputer yang dapat mendukung pengambilan keputusan untuk memecahkan masalah yang bersifat terstruktur maupun tidak terstruktur. Diperlukan sistem yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah menentukan kualitas getah Hevea brasiliensis (karet), dengan adanya Sistem Pendukung Keputusan menentukan kualitas getah Hevea brasiliensis (karet) diharapkan dapat membantu dan mempermudah pihak perusahaan dalam memilih jenis bibit unggul kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan  menentukan kualitas getah Hevea brasiliensis karet terbaik pada PT Timbang Deli Indonesia Verdant Bioscience menggunakan metode promethee. Output aplikasi ini berbentuk keputusan alternatif dengan nilai rangking tertingi. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai Database Management System (DBMS). Pengujian sistem menghasilkan Ranking 1 yaitu A2 dengan Leaving Flow = 0,583333, Entering Flow = 0,583333, Net Flow = 0 sedangkan Ranking 2 yaitu A3 dengan Leaving Flow = 0.166667, Entering Flow = -0,208333, Net Flow = 0.75 dan Ranking 3 yaitu A1 dengan Leaving Flow = 0, Entering Flow = 0,75, Net Flow = -0.75.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-91
Bayu Febriadi Bayu Febriadi ◽  
Pandu Pratama Putra

Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) Pekanbaru merupakan Kantor pemerintahan yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan khususnya mengenai lingkungan. Dalam kegiatan dinas luar seperti surveilans kesehatan kapal, surveilans kesehatan masyarakat, bimbingan teknis, pengawasan dokumen kesehatan, surveilans faktor penyakit tidak menular pada kantor cabang kesehatan pelabuhan di provinsi riau seperti Kantor Selat Panjang, Kantor Tanjung Buton, Kantor Siak Sri Indrapura, Kantor Buatan, Kantor Sei. Duku, Kantor Kampung Dalam, kantor KKP Bangkinang dan Kantor Kuantan Singingi. Adapun pengolahan data masih belum teritegrasi dengan baik sehingga susah dalam melakukan pendataan dokumen dan informasi dari hasil kegiatan dinas luar, sementara pengadaan komputer dan sumber daya ada. Dan kegiatan ini selalu dilakukan tiap kegiatan sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat mengontrol data-data kegiatan dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan laporan kegiatan. Hal inilah yang menjadi ketertarikan penulis untuk membantu permasalahan yang dihadapi karyawan di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru supaya lebih efisien dalam menjalankan kegiatan. Relational Database management System (RDBMS) adalah kumpulan data yang disimpan secara sistematis di dalam komputer yang dapat diolah atau dimanipulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak (program aplikasi) untuk menghasilkan informasi. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi RDBMS sehingga aplikasi berbasis online dapat diakses kapan dan dimana saja dari tempat karyawan melakukan kegiatan dinas luar dapat langsung meng-input dan pengolahan data untuk penyajian informasi yang lebih cepat ke kantor pusat pelabuhan pekanbaru dan dengan pendekatan metode System development Life Cycle (SDLC) dalam penyelesaian masalah kegiatan dinas luar, sehingga diharapkan pengolahan data dapat terintegrasi dan lebih efisien dalam pendataan informasi, dengan demikian diharapkan dapat membantu pihak kantor dalam pengolahan data yang lebih efisien dan lebih aman khususnya dalam pengolahan data dinas luar pada kantor kesehatan pelabuhan pekanbaru

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Soon Uk Yoon ◽  
Sung Min Choi ◽  
Joon Hee Lee

Recently, environmental problems due to livestock odor have emerged in Korea, and technologies to solve these problems are being developed. This study developed a livestock odor monitoring system using ICT technology and an ammonia sensor. This system consists of a sensor, communication equipment, server, database management system (DBMS), and user operating program. The requirements for each component were presented and applied to the system. The livestock odor monitoring system is divided into Livestock Odor Management System (LOMS) and Livestock Odor Control System (LOCS). LOMS comprises a sensor that can measure ammonia in livestock farms or treatment facilities and communication equipment that transmits and receives data. LOCS consists of a server that can receive data and a program to check real-time data. This system will be used for trend analysis using livestock odor data and to plan to reduce livestock odor in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Purnama Indah Sari Br Sinurat ◽  
Dini M Hutagalung ◽  
Riah Ukur Ginting ◽  
Burhanuddin Damanik

Penerimaan siswa baru di SMP Swasta Tunas Harapan masih bersifat manual yaitu calon siswa dan orangtua harus datang mendaftar kesekolah.Sementara dimasa pandemic covid-19 seharusnya lebih efektif dilaksanakan secara online guna memutus penyebaran covid-19, sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem informasi penerimaan siswa baru berbasis webpada sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) di Tunas Harapan. Perancangan sistem ini menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dengan pemrograman berbasis objek Hyperlink Text Markup Languange (HTML), Database Management System (DBMS) menggunakan MySQL dan XAMPP serta melakukan pengujian system menggunakan metode Black Box Testing. Setelah melewati tahap uji coba dengan baik, maka hasil yang didapatkan yaitu sebuah media informasi yang dapat membantu sekolah untuk proses penerimaan siswa baru. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa sistem informasi penerimaan siswa baru berbasis web ini membantu memudahkan calon siswa baru untuk memperoleh semua informasi tentang penerimaan siswa baru dan melakukan proses pendaftaran online

S. Salleh ◽  
U. Ujang ◽  
S. Azri

Abstract. The storage of spatial data that consists of spatial and non-spatial properties requires a database management system that possesses spatial functions that can cater to the spatial characteristics of data. These characteristics include the geometrical shape, topological and positional information. Parallel to how geometries describe the shape of an object, topological information is also an important spatial property which describes how the geometries in a space are related to each other. This information describes the connectivity, containment and adjacencies of spatial objects which are the foundation for more complex analysis such as navigation, data reconstruction, spatial queries and others. However, the topological support provided by spatial databases varies. This paper provided an overview on the current implementations of topological support in spatial databases such as ArcGIS, QGIS, PostgreSQL and others. The native topology in most spatial databases was found to be 2D topology maintained by 2D topology rules with limited representation of 3D topological relationships. Consequently, 3D objects represented by 2D topology had to be decomposed into objects of lower dimensions. Approaches to implement additional topological support for spatial databases included the use of topological data models, data structures, operators, and rules. 3D applications such as 3D cadastre required more detailed representations of topological information which required a more comprehensive 3D topological data model. Nonetheless, comprehensive preservation of topological information also mandates voluminous storage and higher computational efficiency. Thus, the appropriate 3D topological support should be provided in spatial databases to accurately represent 3D objects and meet 3D analysis requirements.

А. В. Мищенко ◽  
Е. П. Горбанева ◽  
М. А. Преображенский

Постановка задачи. Предметом исследования являются информационные модели полного жизненного проекта в секторе архитектуры, проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации зданий и сооружений. Цель исследования состоит в оптимизации BIM-технологий путем построения модели, основанной на дискретном векторном описании данных. Результаты. Проанализированы основные препятствия на пути широкого внедрения BIM-технологий и процедур полного жизненного цикла строительного проекта в практику строительного комплекса РФ в течение всего жизненного цикла проекта, включая этапы строительства, эксплуатации и утилизации, а также мировые тенденции этого процесса. Сформулирован метод редукции размерности BIM, основанной на дискретном векторном описании данных. Разработана технология формирования иерархической динамически добавляющейся и обновляющейся информационной основы BIM, учитывающей возможность ее агрегации. Предложенные в работе алгоритмы реализованы в оболочке реляционной системы управления базами данных. Выводы. Редукция размерности BIM, основанная на дискретном векторном описании данных, позволяет полностью решить задачи как создания и актуализации информационной основы BIM, так и ее трансферта между участниками проекта. Форматы данных BIM определяется этапом полного жизненного цикла проекта. Полнофункциональная для этапа определения объемов работ по проекту BIM является одномерной и определяется просто вектором кластеров более низкой степени интеграции, что позволяет полностью преодолеть все препятствия на пути широкого внедрения BIM-технологий и процедур полного жизненного цикла строительного проекта в практику. Оптимальной оболочкой реализации BIM-технологий являются реляционные базы данных. Statement of the problem. The subject of the research is information models of a complete life project in the sector of architecture, design and construction and maintenance of buildings and structures. The purpose of the research is to optimize BIM technologies by means of building a model based on a discrete vector data description. Results. The main obstacles to the widespread introduction of BIM technologies and procedures for the full life cycle of a construction project in the practice of the construction complex of the Russian Federation throughout the entire life cycle of the project, including the stages of construction, operation and disposal, as well as global trends in this process have been analyzed. The method of BIM dimension reduction based on discrete vector data description is formulated. The technology of forming a hierarchical dynamically added and updated information base BIM taking into account the possibility of its aggregation has been developed. The suggested algorithms are implemented in the shell of a relational database management system. Conclusions. BIM dimension reduction based on a discrete vector description of data allows one to completely solve the problems of both designing and updating the BIM information base, and its transfer between project participants. BIM data formats are determined by the stage of the complete project life cycle. Fully functional for the stage of determining the scope of work on a project, BIM is one-dimensional and is simply determined by the vector of clusters of a lower degree of integration, which allows one to completely overcome all of the obstacles to the widespread introduction of BIM technologies and procedures of a full life cycle of a construction project into practice. The optimal shell for the implementation of BIM technologies are relational databases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dennis Przytarski ◽  
Christoph Stach ◽  
Clémentine Gritti ◽  
Bernhard Mitschang

When, in 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned the first distributed database management system that relied on cryptographically secured chain of blocks to store data in an immutable and tamper-resistant manner, his primary use case was the introduction of a digital currency. Owing to this use case, the blockchain system was geared towards efficient storage of data, whereas the processing of complex queries, such as provenance analyses of data history, is out of focus. The increasing use of Internet of Things technologies and the resulting digitization in many domains, however, have led to a plethora of novel use cases for a secure digital ledger. For instance, in the healthcare sector, blockchain systems are used for the secure storage and sharing of electronic health records, while the food industry applies such systems to enable a reliable food-chain traceability, e.g., to prove compliance with cold chains. In these application domains, however, querying the current state is not sufficient—comprehensive history queries are required instead. Due to these altered usage modes involving more complex query types, it is questionable whether today’s blockchain systems are prepared for this type of usage and whether such queries can be processed efficiently by them. In our paper, we therefore investigate novel use cases for blockchain systems and elicit their requirements towards a data store in terms of query capabilities. We reflect the state of the art in terms of query support in blockchain systems and assess whether it is capable of meeting the requirements of such more sophisticated use cases. As a result, we identify future research challenges with regard to query processing in blockchain systems.

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-78
Jagdish Chandra Patni ◽  
Hitesh Kumar Sharma ◽  
Ravi Tomar ◽  
Avita Katal

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