Monitoring of aerosols and the state of sea water of the water area of the Karadag natural reserve

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-9
V. V. Goncharuk ◽  
A. O. Samsoni-Todorov ◽  
O. A. Savchenko ◽  
V. A. Yaremenko ◽  
V. A. Lapchenko ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 128-132 ◽  
V. V. Goncharuk ◽  
V. B. Lapshin ◽  
A. O. Samsoni-Todorov ◽  
V. F. Kovalenko ◽  
A. L. Morozova ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 129-133
Е.П. Жарикова ◽  
Я.Ю. Григорьев ◽  
А.Л. Григорьева

Современные задачи, связанные с эксплуатацией морских судов, транспортировкой нефтепродуктов различными способами в морских акваториях связаны с необходимостью контроля мониторинга возможности загрязнения нефтепродуктами вод мирового океана. В статье предлагается подход к решению задач оценки состояния акваторий на основе методов искусственного интеллекта. В исследовании рассматривается модель анализа состояния водной поверхности, основанная на расчете коэффициентов, определяемых отношением значений спектральных каналов. Применение метода обладает рядом недостатков, состоящих в необходимости постоянной экспертной оценки, а результаты имеют значительные погрешности в виду слабой устойчивости к шумам. В качестве альтернативы предлагаются решения вышеуказанной проблемы посредством применения моделей искусственного интеллекта: полносвязные многослойные нейронные сети и ансамблевые методы. Для анализа используется спектральные снимки с видимыми загрязнениями. Сравнение полученных результатов производится общеприменимыми метриками. Modern tasks associated with the operation of sea vessels, transportation of oil products in various ways in sea areas are associated with the need to monitor the monitoring of the possibility of oil pollution in the waters of the oceans. The article proposes an approach to solving the problems of assessing the state of water areas based on artificial intelligence methods. The study considers a model for analyzing the state of the water surface, based on the calculation of the coefficients determined by the ratio of the values of the spectral channels. The application of the method has a number of drawbacks, consisting in the need for constant expert assessment, and the results have significant errors due to the weak resistance to noise. As an alternative, solutions to the above problem are proposed through the use of artificial intelligence models: fully connected multilayer perceptrons and ensemble methods. For the analysis, spectral images of fresh and sea water with visible pollution are used. Comparison of the results obtained is made using generally applicable metrics.

1948 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 270-275

1. The results are given of the poisoning of Nitocra spinipes (Boeck) by copper and mercury salts used together and separately. 2. The state of copper and mercuric salts in sea water is examined using the available physico-chemical data. 3. The results suggest that the two poisons act in a different manner and possible reasons for this are considered. 4. The striking synergic effects obtained when the two metals are used together are considered to support the suggestion in 3 above and various possible explanations, both biological and chemical for this synergism, are examined.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 108-115
Evgeny Arkadyevich Sinichkin ◽  
Gennady Alekseevich Bogdanov ◽  
Alexander Veniaminovich Dimitriev ◽  
Nadezhda Vladimirovna Smirnova ◽  
Peter Nickolaevich Omelchenko

The paper provides information about lichens found on the territory of the state natural reserve Zavolzhsky, which is a specially protected natural area of the Chuvash Republic. It was established for the protection of the unique natural landscape, located on the territory of Cheboksary and Cheboksary District, as well as for rare and endangered animals, plants and other organisms from high anthropogenic activity. As a result of lichen investigations (2011-2016) 134 species belong to 59 genera from 31 families of lichen flora were recorded. It emphasizes a high environmental significance of this territory. The paper shows substrate and biotope confinement for each lichen species. The investigations were conducted in detail-route method using a GPS-navigator. In the paper the locations of rare lichen species are given according to the new quarterly network of the Cheboksary forestry. We examined the lichen diversity in 14 quarters of 3 forest districts: Pihtulynskoe, Severnoe, Sosnovskoe; lichen collections were carried out in 36 habitats. The habitat of rare and endangered lichen Lobaria pulmonaria was found on the territory of the reserve. This species is included to the Red Data Book of Russia. According to the results of the study we recommend to include 15 rare lichen species to the new edition of Red Data Book of the Chuvash Republic: Arthonia cinereoprunosa , Acrocordia gemmata , Bryoria implexa , Bryoria subcana , Bryoria nadvornikiana , Dimerella pineti , Lobaria pulmonaria , Mycobilimbia epixanthoides , Mycobilimbia carneoalbida , Mycobilimbia tetramera , Platismatia glauca , Usnea dasopoga , Usnea lapponica , Usnea subfloridana , Xanthomendoza ulophyllodes.

2021 ◽  
Kepa Solaun ◽  
Gerard Alleng ◽  
Adrián Flores ◽  
Chiquita Resomardono ◽  
Katharina Hess ◽  

Suriname is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Among the factors that exacerbate its vulnerability are its dependency on fossil fuels, the degradation of important ecosystems (e.g., mangroves), and the fact that 87% of the population, and most of the countrys economic activity is located within the low-lying coastal area. Many sectors are at risk of suffering losses and damage caused by gradual changes and extreme events related to climate change. For Suriname to develop sustainably, it should incorporate climate change and its effects into its decision-making process based on scientific- evidence. The State of the Climate Report analyzes Surinames historical climate (1990-2014) and provides climate projections for three time horizons (2020-2044, 2045-2069, 2070-2094) through two emissions scenarios (intermediate/ SSP2-4.5 and severe/ SSP5-8.5). The analysis focuses on changes in sea level, temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and winds for the seven subnational locations of Paramaribo, Albina, Bigi Pan MUMA, Brokopondo, Kwamalasamutu, Tafelberg Natural Reserve, and Upper Tapanahony. The Report also analyzes climate risk for the countrys ten districts by examining the factors which increase their exposure and vulnerability on the four most important sectors affected by climate change: infrastructure, agriculture, water, and forestry, as well as examining the effects across the sectors. The State of the Climate Report provides essential inputs for Suriname to develop and update its climate change policies and targets. These policies and targets should enable an adequate mainstreaming of climate change adaptation and resilience enhancementinto day-to-day government operations. It is expected that the Report will catalyze similar efforts in the future to improve decision-making by providing science-based evidence.

1868 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 162-162

My Lord,—I have the honour to acquaint your Lordship that two shocks of earthquake were felt here at 5 1/2 on the afternoon of the 19th instant, and again on the following morning, after an interval of twelve hours. The latter shock was severe, and lasted about ten seconds. The oscillations were horizontal, and appeared to proceed from east to west. Several houses have been cracked and otherwise damaged, and one of the old Venetian galley-arches fell sideways in a block, killing a Turkish sentry and a hospital attendant. A remarkable phenomenon occurred that morning soon after the earthquake. The sea receded at the rate of about ten inches per minute, until, attaining a maximum depression of some four feet, it gradually rose again above its former level. The water in the wells was affected in the same degree, and on rising it became much agitated. At 5 3/4 a. m. the sea-water was tepid, with a temperature of 87° (Fahr.), being equal to that of the air. The morning was unusually still and sultry, and it was not until the afternoon that the sea subsided into its normal condition, tempered by a cool northerly breeze. A strong eddy had set in, causing much damage to shipping, several of the smaller craft parting their cables and coming into collision with each other. With reference to the state of the sea, it is worthy of note that the copper-bottom of Her Majesty’s Ship ‘Wizard,’ now in this port, became suddenly clean and bright.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-119
Alexandr Nikolayevich Tyurin

This paper presents a chronology of the main events taking place within the framework of the program to resettle Przhewalskys horses to the territory inhabited by their close relatives, the tarpans, to create a new and sustainable population of these animals. The Przewalskis horse population under natural conditions of the State Natural Reserve Orenburgsky will allow having a reserve of healthy, well-developed animals as a guarantee of keeping the species clean for a very long period of time. By the end of the 19th century, not a single Przewalskis wild horse remained in its natural habitat. The paper discusses a gradual reintroduction of Przewalskis horse and presents the first results, taken from open sources, on the restoration of the wild horse population in the Orenburg Region. The first results allow you to look to the future with confidence. 5 healthy foals have already been born in the reserve; PA scientists are optimistic about the spring of 2019 and hope that the stock of wild horses will continue to grow. The Przewalskis horse reintroduction program enjoys a personal support of the Orenburg Region Governor and is among the key projects for the protection of wild animals, personally supervised by the President of the Russian Federation.

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