normal condition
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Raúl Sánchez García

World Athletics (formerly known as IAAF) has recently published the eligibility regulations for female classification that apply to running events from 400 meters up to the mile. The regulations have prevented some elite women athletes with DSD (Difference of Sexual Development) to compete or have made some of them to change their preferred running event in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. According to World Athletics, female hyperandrogenism (a biological anomaly that naturally produces a high level of testosterone) must be in some way “compensated” to respect the fair play of the competition. Nonetheless, such argument rests upon a problematic assumption: hyperandrogenic women are not “natural” women —at least when it comes to compete in sports— so their “not-normal” condition must be fixed to meet the standards. Norbert Elias’s process-sociology helps to place the case of hyperandrogenic sportswomen within a broader context of power relations. In this fashion, we see that the case becomes problematic because these women athletes are perceived as a threat/disruption of one of the vertebral categories of sport: sex/gender. The testosterone barrier is to sex/gender what the colour barrier was to race in sports: a disciplinary strategy to maintain what is considered the “natural” sports categories of a certain era.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Xiaoya Qin ◽  
Yue Yin ◽  
Jianhua Zhao ◽  
Wei An ◽  
Yunfang Fan ◽  

Abstract Background High soil salinity often adversely affects plant physiology and agricultural productivity of almost all crops worldwide, such as the crude drug known as wolfberry. However, the mechanism of this action in wolfberry is not fully understood yet. Results Here in this study, we studied different mechanisms potentially in Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinese, LC) and black wolfberry (L. ruthenicum, LR) under salinity stress, by analyzing their transcriptome, metabolome, and hormone changes. The hormone detection analysis revealed that the ABA content was significantly lower in LR than LC under normal condition, and increased sharply under salinity stress in LR but not in LC. The transcriptome analysis showed that the salinity-responsive genes in wolfberry were mainly enriched in MAPK signaling, amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism, carbon metabolism, and plant hormone signal transduction pathways in LC, while mainly related to carbon metabolism and protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum in LR. Metabolome results indicated that LR harbored higher flavone and flavonoid contents than LC under normal condition. However, the flavone and flavonoid contents were hardly changed in LR, but increased substantially in LC when exposed to salinity stress. Conclusions Our results adds ABA and flavone to mechanism understanding of salinity tolerance in wolfberry. In addition, flavone plays a positive role in resistance to salinity stress in wolfberry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Gang Lu ◽  
Jikuan Zhao ◽  
Shaoqi Li ◽  
Yuquan Chen ◽  
Chunfang Li ◽  

Partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) was widely implemented to improve the rheological properties of displacing fluids, but the high temperature and salinity of the reservoir brine limited their applications. Herein, copolymers including HPAM, zwitterion-modified HPAM (z-HPAM), PEG-modified HPAM (p-HPAM), and zwitterion/PEG-modified HPAM (zp-HPAM) were prepared by free radical polymerization in an aqueous solution. The viscosity of these copolymers under different temperature and salinity was measured in aqueous solution. It is found that the viscosity of the HPAM under the harsh condition (90oC, 20 × 104 mg/L salinity) is only 9.6% of that value under the normal condition (25oC, pure water), while the z-HPAM can significantly improve salt resistance by the effects of salting-in effect and intermolecular electrostatic crosslinking, showing a viscosity retention of 22.9% under the harsh condition. The addition of PEG-containing monomer can strengthen hydrogen bonding between the polymer chains and form a sterically ordered structure with improved salinity and temperature resistance. The synergistic effect of zwitterion units and PEG units endows the zp-HPAM with good salinity and temperature resistance; thus, the sample viscosity under the harsh condition remains 170 mPa s, which retains 29% of the value under the normal condition. The enhanced rheology properties of the zp-HPAM under the harsh condition are significant for the enhanced oil recovery of water-soluble polymer flooding.

Acta Poética ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-136
José Carlos Vilchis Fraustro ◽  

Luis Manuel Salcido Arispuro, whose alias gives its name to the novel El Sinaloa, is a policeman with a dual personality: an agent in the service of the Mexican State, which in turn serves the interests of the Sinaloa drug cartel mafia of the late 1990s. Hand in hand with Guillermo Rubio’s narrative, the reader will be introduced to the world of the mafia, with its impunity and self-confidence, where amid parties, excesses and violence, we will discover a charismatic character, with an insatiable hunger and of an exacerbated voracity. Given this, it is valid to ask ourselves if it is a normal condition of a character of its type, or if it is a curse of unsuspected, as well as ancestral dyes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 603-607
Irkhamna Restyani ◽  
I Isytiaroh ◽  
Windha Widyastuti

AbstractPostpartum exercise is a series of movements performed after childbirth so that the muscles that have been stretched during pregnancy and childbirth can return to their normal condition, and the fundal height can decrease well. The purpose of this scientific work was to determine the decreasing fundal height in postpartum mothers doing and not doing postpartum exercise. This was a literature review of three articles taken from Google Shcolar with “postpartum exercise” and “fundal height” as the keywords, in the form of fulltext articles, published in 2013, 2017, and 2019. The respondents of the three articles were 100 postpartum mothers. The result of the analysis showed the decreasing fundal height occured to 43 (83%) respondents doing postpartum exercise and 10 (21%) respondents not doing the exercise. The conclusion was that fundal height could decrease better in respondents who did postpartum exercise than those who did not do the exercise. Therefore, health care providers are expected to be able to teach postpartum exercise to postpartum mothers so that their fundal height can decrease better. Keywords:postpartum mother, postpartum exercise, fundal hight AbstrakSenam nifas adalah serangkaian gerakan yang dilakukan setelah melahirkan supaya otot-otot yang mengalami peregangan selama kehamilan dan persalinan dapat kembali seperti semula diikuti dengan penurunan tinggi fundus uteri. Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk mengetahui penurunan tinggi fundus uteri pada ibu postpartum yang melakukan dan tidak melakukan senam nifas berdasarkan literature review. Desain karya tulis ilmiah berupa literature review dengan jumlah artikel tiga yang diambil dari laman jurnal google scholar dengan kata kunci “senam nifas” dan “tinggi fundus uteri” berupa artikel fulltex,berjumlah 3 arikel yang terbit tahun 2013, 2017 dan 2019. Responden dari ketiga artikel sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil dari literature review ketiga artikel menunjukkan perbedaan penurunan tinggi fundus uteri kategori baik yaitu sejumlah 43 (83%) pada responden yang melakukan senam nifas dan sejumlah 10 (21%) pada responden yang tidak melakukan senam nifas. Simpulannya adalah responden yang melakukan senam nifas penurunan tinggi fundus uterinya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang tidak melakukan senam nifas. Saran bagi tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat mengajarkan senam nifas pada ibu postpartum agar penurunan tinggi fundus uteri lebih baik. Kata kunci: ibu postpartum, senam nifas, tinggi fundus uteri  

2021 ◽  

Abstract Backgroundwater scarcity is one of the most important factors that restricts crop production specially, cotton which must planted in areas without cold temperature limitation. Most of such area in Iran encounters drought events, hot temperatures and high atmospheric evaporative demand. So, understanding of stress severity and cultivar responses will help to better management of crop in stress conditions. Our previous study showed that cultivar responses in view of some physiological and morphological aspects were highly different in water stress condition. In this study we focused on yield formatting traits.Results Three cotton commercial varieties; Khorshid, Khordad and Varamin studied in sever, mild and without water stress. In normal condition zero type cultivar, the khorshid, produced the highest seed cotton yield. Varamin cultivar had more and longer sympodial branches which could raise it’s yield. Also, Varamin cultivar’s seed cotton yield was higher than the others (3617 kg -1 ha compared with 2477 and 3060 for khordad and khorshid, respectively). Khorshid was superior to the others at sever water stress.ConclusionSeed cotton yield showed high correlation whit boll number and boll weight and vegetative aspects such as plant height, node number and sympodial branches number. Management for developing more sympodial branches results in higher bud and flower and will increase the yield. Totally, we recommend Khorshid and Varamin cultivars for normal condition and Khorshid for sever stress conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 1114-1130
Martin Singull ◽  
Denise Uwamariya ◽  
Xiangfeng Yang

AbstractLet $\mathbf{X}$ be a $p\times n$ random matrix whose entries are independent and identically distributed real random variables with zero mean and unit variance. We study the limiting behaviors of the 2-normal condition number k(p,n) of $\mathbf{X}$ in terms of large deviations for large n, with p being fixed or $p=p(n)\rightarrow\infty$ with $p(n)=o(n)$ . We propose two main ingredients: (i) to relate the large-deviation probabilities of k(p,n) to those involving n independent and identically distributed random variables, which enables us to consider a quite general distribution of the entries (namely the sub-Gaussian distribution), and (ii) to control, for standard normal entries, the upper tail of k(p,n) using the upper tails of ratios of two independent $\chi^2$ random variables, which enables us to establish an application in statistical inference.

Danang Sunandar ◽  
Abdi Wahab ◽  
Mudrik Alaydrus

Voice over internet protocol is a communication technology in the world of computer network that can be used for sending voice or video and data transmission over Internet Protocol in real time. VoIP network can be implemented with Asterisk applications as a server to a Private Automatic Branch eXchange applied in a Graphical Network Simulator 3. In this study, VoIP communication using routing OSPF within MPLS will be calculated, the QoS value collected based on impact performance under normal condition and not normal condition (link failure) different varian bandwidth in the network. The results from the simulation show that in normal condition and not normal condition there is average delay value with routing OSPF 4 ms and routing OSPF with MPLS 5 ms, the value of jitter max which same of 6 ms using varian bandwidth from 256 kbps and 512 kbps. All of the QoS parameters, such as delay, jitter and packet loss will be compare to standard ITU-T G.114. This research can be extended with addition of another measurement or another protocol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 910 (1) ◽  
pp. 012035
Seerwan A. Abdullah

Abstract The objectives of this study were to examine microwave oven (MO) and entails conventional heating (CH) under normal condition and difference times to produce popped of popcorn in some parameters of expansion popping volume, un-popped kernels and flake size, as well as the preservation of nutritional value and sensory tests of two types of popcorn (A and B), which were bought from local market and used. The results obtained that the size/shape of samples A and B were 6.31 mm3 (Medium Round (MR)) and 5.95 mm3 (Medium Flat (MF)), respectively. The highest significant of expansion volume was recorded in sample (A) under cooked by (MO) after 4 min (16.55 cm3/g) whereas, sample (B) under cooked by (CH) after six minutes (7.19 cm/g) was recorded lowest expansion volume. The flake size values of both samples (A) and (B) after (MO) were ranged between 1.88-2.18 and 1.72-1.98. The percentage of un-popped kernel was dramatically decreased from 30.67 to 1.67% and 38.67 to 1.66 % by (MO) and 10 to 1% and 7 to 1% by (CH) with increased time from 4 to 6 min of popping in both samples. Otherwise, the highest variation value of carbohydrate, oil and protein were observed (2.72, 1.51 and 0.33) respectively, in sample (A) under (CH) after 6 min, while the lowest variation value of carbohydrate was recorded (0.12,) in sample B under cooked by (MO) after four minutes, as well as the lowest variation values of oil and proteins were investigated (0.15 and 0.03) in sample (A) under cooked by (MO) after 4 min. Regarding the minerals (Fe and Zn) were slightly decreased with increased time of popping. Hence the highest values for each parameters of tenderness, crispiness, adhesives and overall acceptance were observed (8.33, 8.33, 9.0 and 8.55), respectively, in sample (A) by used (MO) for 5 min.

2021 ◽  
Vol 904 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
M A Abdel-Moneam ◽  
M S Sultan ◽  
E S Dehaina

Abstract Six bread wheat varieties representing different traits were crossed in a half-diallel in 2017/2018 season. The 6 parents and its 15 F1 crosses were evaluated under normal and N-stress conditions in 2018/2019 season, to study the mean performance and the combining ability for earliness and morpho-physiological traits and biomass yield of wheat under normal and N-stress conditions. Mean squares of genotypes, parents, crosses, and parents versus crosses were significant or highly significant for most of the studied traits and biological yield under both conditions, reflecting a sort of heterosis for these characters. Mean squares of GCA and SCA were significant or highly significant for most of the studied traits under both conditions, indicating the presence of both additive and non-additive types of genes in the genetic system controlling these traits. The best general combiners were P1 (Giza 168) and P2 (Sakha 94) at both conditions, P3 (Shandweel 1) at N-stress, and P4 (Gemmeiza 11) at normal condition for earliness and P6 (Misr 1) at both conditions and P5 (Sids 12) at N-stress and P3 (Shandweel 1) at normal condition for biomass yield plant-1. The best cross combinations were crosses No.3 (P1xP4), No.5 (P1xP6), No.6 (P2xP3), No.7 (P1xP2), No.8 (P2xP5) and No.11 (P3xP5) under N-stress for earliness; and crosses No.3 (P1xP4), No.7 (P2xP4), No.8 (P2xP5), No.12 (P3xP6), No.14 (P4xP6) and No.15 (P5xP6) at both conditions, and cross No.2 (P1xP3) under N-stress for biomass yield plant-1.

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