Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Head and Neck Cancer Inventory

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 847-853 ◽  
Pinelopi Theopisti Memtsa ◽  
Maria Tolia ◽  
Ioannis Tzitzikas ◽  
Ioannis Bizakis ◽  
Kyriaki Pistevou-Gombaki ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Rahmaeni Rahmaeni ◽  
Freddy Kuhuwael ◽  
Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo

Latar Belakang:  Saat ini belum ada alat yang valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur kualitas hidup penderita kanker kepala leher di Indonesia. Tujuan: Menilai validitas dan reliabilitas dari EORTCQLQ-H&N35 sebagai alat ukur kualitas hidup penderita kanker kepala leher di Makassar. Metode: Jenispenelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September–November  2013. Populasi penelitian adalah semua kasus kanker kepala leher  yang datang berobat ke Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL, Rumah Sakit Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar.Sampel sebanyak 60 orang dipilih secara purposive, yakni penderita kanker kepala leher yang belummenjalani terapi, sementara terapi, dan telah selesai terapi. Pengukuran kualitas hidup menggunakanEuropean Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Head and Neck Cancer Quality of LifeQuestionnaire (EORTC QLQ-H&N35) yang sebelumnya sudah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitasterlebih dahulu melalui validasi transcultural menurut WHO (World Health Organzation). Hasil:   Padauji validitas didapatkan korelasi bermakna pada hampir semua skala gejala, sedangkan pada uji reliabilitashasil penilaian EORTC QLQ-H&N35 dengan adaptasi bahasa Indonesia ini mempunyai nilai reliabilitasyang sangat baik dengan nilai Cronbach-a >0,7. Kesimpulan: Instrumen EORTC QLQ-H&N35 denganadaptasi bahasa Indonesia adalah valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur kualitas hidup penderita kankerkepala leher di Bagian THT-KL RS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Kata kunci: validitas, reliabilitas,  EORTC QLQ-H&N35 ABSTRACTBackground: The lack of measurement tools which is valid and reliable for evaluating the quality of life of patients with head neck cancer in Indonesia. Purpose: To assess the validity and reliability ofthe EORTC QLQ-H&N35 as a tool to measure the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancerin Makassar. Methods: This study was an observational analytic cross-sectional approach. This researchwas conducted during September - November 2013. The population was all head and neck cancer caseswho came for treatment to the ENT Department Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital. Sample of 60 peoplewere selected purposively.  Assessment of quality of life used the European Organization for Research andTreatment of Cancer - Head and Neck Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-H&N35) afterthe validity and reliability tests was conducted transcultural validation in Indonesian language adaptationaccording to the WHO. Results:  On the validity of the test, it showed significant correlation in almostall scales of symptoms, while on reliability test results of the EORTC QLQ–H&N35 assessment, it  was excellent   with values   of Cronbach-a >0,7. Conclusion: The Indonesian adaptation EORTC QLQ–H&N35was found as valid and reliable instrument for assessing the quality of life of patients with head and neckcancer in ENT Department, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital in Makassar. Keywords : validity, reliability, EORTC QLQ-H7N35

Rizka Fakhriani ◽  
Agus Surono ◽  
Bambang Udji Djoko Rianto

Abstract Introduction Dysphagia is common in head and neck cancer patients; it is associated with significant morbidity, including quality of life. Several instruments can be used to assess the quality of life of dysphagia patients, including the M.D Anderson dysphagia inventory (MDADI) questionnaire, which is sufficiently valid and reliable to improve the quality of life of patients with neurological disorders and head and neck cancer. Objective The purpose of the present study is to perform adaptation, cultural translation, and validation of the MDADI questionnaire for the Indonesian language. Methods This cross-sectional study assessed the validity and reliability of the MDADI Indonesian adaptation instrument in head and neck cancer patients with swallowing disorders in the Otorhinolaryngology clinic of the Dr. Sardjito hospital, Yogyakarta, from May to August 2019. Results There were 40 study subjects, including 31 men and 9 women. The MDADI instrument adapted to Indonesian is valid and reliable as an instrument for assessing the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer with swallowing disorders, with r-values ranging from 0.314 to 0.939. Internal consistency shows that Cronbach's α is 0.915, and test-retest reliability (intra-class correlation) ranges from 0.919 to 0.985. Conclusion The translation and validation of the Indonesian MDADI instrument were performed as an instrument for assessing the quality of life of head and neck cancer patients with swallowing disorders.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-343 ◽  
G. Brandon Gunn ◽  
Banu Atalar ◽  
Tito R. Mendoza ◽  
Charles S. Cleeland ◽  
Ugur Selek ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 117 (12) ◽  
pp. 919-924 ◽  
Peter C. Belafsky ◽  
Debbie A. Mouadeb ◽  
Catherine J. Rees ◽  
Jan C. Pryor ◽  
Gregory N. Postma ◽  

Objectives: The Eating Assessment Tool is a self-administered, symptom-specific outcome instrument for dysphagia. The purpose of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the 10-item Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10). Methods: The investigation consisted of 4 phases: 1) line-item generation, 2) line-item reduction and reliability, 3) normative data generation, and 4) validity analysis. All data were collected prospectively. Internal consistency was assessed with the Cronbach alpha. Test-retest reliability was evaluated with the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. Normative data were obtained by administering the instrument to a community cohort of healthy volunteers. Validity was assessed by administering the instrument before and after dysphagia treatment and by evaluating survey differences between normal persons and those with known diagnoses. Results: A total of 629 surveys were administered to 482 patients. The internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) of the final instrument was 0.960. The test-retest intra-item correlation coefficients ranged from 0.72 to 0.91. The mean (±SD) EAT-10 score of the normal cohort was 0.40 ± 1.01. The mean EAT-10 score was 23.58 ± 13.18 for patients with esophageal dysphagia, 23.10 ± 12.22 for those with oropharyngeal dysphagia, 9.19 ± 12.60 for those with voice disorders, 22.42 ± 14.06 for those with head and neck cancer, and 11.71 ± 9.61 for those with reflux. The patients with oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia and a history of head and neck cancer had a significantly higher EAT-10 score than did those with reflux or voice disorders (p < 0.001). The mean EAT-10 score of the patients with dysphagia improved from 19.87 ± 10.5 to 5.2 ± 7.4 after treatment (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The EAT-10 has displayed excellent internal consistency, test-retest reproducibility, and criterion-based validity. The normative data suggest that an EAT-10 score of 3 or higher is abnormal. The instrument may be utilized to document the initial dysphagia severity and monitor the treatment response in persons with a wide array of swallowing disorders.

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