scholarly journals Luminescence Intensity Ratio Thermometry with Er3+: Performance Overview

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Aleksandar Ćirić ◽  
Tamara Gavrilović ◽  
Miroslav D. Dramićanin

The figures of merit of luminescence intensity ratio (LIR) thermometry for Er3+ in 40 different crystals and glasses have been calculated and compared. For calculations, the relevant data has been collected from the literature while the missing data were derived from available absorption and emission spectra. The calculated parameters include Judd–Ofelt parameters, refractive indexes, Slater integrals, spin–orbit coupling parameters, reduced matrix elements (RMEs), energy differences between emitting levels used for LIR, absolute, and relative sensitivities. We found a slight variation of RMEs between hosts because of variations in values of Slater integrals and spin–orbit coupling parameters, and we calculated their average values over 40 hosts. The calculations showed that crystals perform better than glasses in Er3+-based thermometry, and we identified hosts that have large values of both absolute and relative sensitivity.

Aleksandar Ćirić ◽  
Tamara Gavrilović ◽  
Miroslav D. Dramićanin

The figures of merit of luminescence intensity ratio (LIR) thermometry for Er3+ in 40 different crystals and glasses have been calculated and compared. For calculations, the relevant data has been collected from the literature while the missing data were derived from available absorption and emission spectra. The calculated parameters include Judd-Ofelt parameters, refractive indexes, Slater integrals, spin-orbit coupling parameters, reduced matrix elements (RMEs), energy differences between emitting levels used for LIR, absolute and relative sensitivities. We found a slight variation of RMEs between hosts as a result of variations in values of Slater integrals and spin-orbit coupling parameters, and we calculated their average values over 40 hosts. The calculations showed that crystals perform better than glasses in Er3+ based thermometry, and we identified hosts that have large values of both absolute and relative sensitivity.

1974 ◽  
Vol 52 (14) ◽  
pp. 1274-1287 ◽  
J. Rostas ◽  
D. Cossart ◽  
J. R. Bastien

PH and PD radicals have been produced in a Schüler type discharge through PH3 and PD3. Besides the already known (0–0) bands of PH and PD, new bands, namely the (0–1) band of PH and the (1–0) and (1–1) bands of PD have been photographed in emission, under high resolution. Rotational analyses have been performed for these six bands and also for the (1–0) band of PH analyzed earlier by Legay in absorption. The 3Π and 3Σ states fine structure has been interpreted by a simple model, which includes spin–spin, and second-order spin–orbit interactions and also centrifugal distortion effects both on rotational and spin–orbit coupling parameters. The ν dependence of the different molecular parameters has been examined and interpreted where possible.

1975 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-283 ◽  
A. J. Merer ◽  
D. N. Malm ◽  
R. W. Martin ◽  
M. Horani ◽  
J. Rostas

The A3Πi–X3Σ− emission systems of OH+ and OD+ have been reinvestigated in detail. Fourteen bands have been analyzed (of which seven are new), and accurate rotational constants have been obtained for the levels ν = 0–2 in the two states of OH+ and ν = 0–3 in the two states of OD+. Corrected assignments are given for the low J lines in the bands of OH+ (which are important in astrophysical spectra, such as those of H2O containing comets).The perturbations in the A3Π states of both isotopes have been studied quantitatively, and the erratic Λ doubling explained in detail. The position of the perturbing b1Σ+ state has been determined to within a few cm−1, and minor perturbations by the A1Δ state have been characterized. Values of the spin–orbit coupling constant, A, and the spin–spin interaction parameter, α, have been extracted from the data for OD+A3Π ν = 0.

1995 ◽  
Vol 51 (24) ◽  
pp. 17992-17994 ◽  
M. Willatzen ◽  
M. Cardona ◽  
N. E. Christensen

1999 ◽  
Vol 96 (6) ◽  
pp. 955-961 ◽  

1976 ◽  
Vol 37 (C7) ◽  
pp. C7-104-C7-104
K. E. MAUSER ◽  

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