scholarly journals Cryopreservation and Micropropagation Methods for Conservation of Genetic Resources of Ulmus laevis and Ulmus glabra

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1121
Sakari Välimäki ◽  
Mari Rusanen ◽  
Daniela Pečínková ◽  
Mikko Tikkinen ◽  
Tuija Aronen

Elms are threatened by Dutch elm disease, and conservation methods are needed to protect their genetic diversity. Cryopreservation of dormant buds allows large numbers of genotypes to be conserved with small space requirements and minimal upkeep. Cryopreservation through slow controlled cooling was tested for both elm species native to Finland, Ulmus glabra and Ulmus laevis. Regeneration of the thawed buds by micropropagation was studied on different basal media and using different growth regulators. Multiple surface sterilisation methods were tried out for bud explants. The multiplication of U. glabra was investigated with Driver and Kuniyuki walnut medium with either 0.5 mg/L meta-topolin or 0.5 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine. Rooting with short indole-6-butyric acid induction in liquid medium and direct transplantation of the shoots to peat ex vitro after induction were tested. For initiation, either Murashige and Skoog or Driver and Kuniyuki walnut medium with 0.02 mg/L gibberellic acid 4 + 7 and 0.5 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine were found to best promote shoot formation. Surface sterilisation remains the most challenging step. No significant differences were found between the multiplication media in either shoot production or rooting success. Rooting by direct transplanting was achieved in both species, but further development is required before application on a larger scale. With further improvements to sterilisation success especially in U. glabra, the method can be applied to the conservation of genetic resources of both U. laevis and U. glabra, and knowledge of regeneration success can be used to design the cryoconservation plan and optimise the sampling.

Genetika ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-227
Jelena Aleksic ◽  
Sasa Orlovic

Principles of the conservation of genetic resources of elms (Ulmus spp) do not differ fundamentally from the general principles accepted for the conservation of genetic resources of other common Noble Hardwoods. Efficient conservation can best be achieved through appropriate combination of in situ and ex situ methods, which have distinct advantages. Besides that, ex situ conservation is employed when emergency measures are needed for rare endangered populations and when populations are too small to be managed in situ (e.g. risks of genetic drift and inbreeding). The aim of our research is ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm {Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall) through establishment of field genebanks. Sampling was conducted in one population of field elm and one population of white elm. Plant material (buds) from 8 trees of field elm and 10 trees of white elm was used for in vitro production of clones. Obtained clones will be used for establishment of field genebanks on the experimental estate of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment.

2004 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-55 ◽  
L Harvengt ◽  
A Meier-Dinkel ◽  
E Dumas ◽  
E Collin

Cryopreservation of a core collection of 444 elm (Ulmus spp.) clones in liquid nitrogen was carried out by two laboratories participating in a European project of conservation of elm genetic resources. Plant material, collected in nine European countries, represented a large sample of the genetic diversity within three European elm species and their hybrids. The cryopreservation technique used in both laboratories involved the stepwise freezing of cryotubes containing dormant buds. Comparisons with fresh buds showed that the cryopreservation treatment had no negative effect on the viability and regrowth potential of frozen buds. Tests on a random sample of 26 clones showed that direct regrowth of cryopreserved buds (i.e., through propagation by microcuttings) of Ulmus minor and Ulmus laevis was possible; conversely, Ulmus glabra could only be regrown through micrografting. Most thawed explants from all 26 clones survived through the whole cultivation phase and were successfully transferred to the field. A calculation of costs indicates that cryopreservation of elm buds is economically competitive to field clonal archives.

1971 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 254-260 ◽  
Helen Newton Turner

During the course of perhaps 10,000 years, man has domesticated for one purpose or another a very large number of animals, mostly mammals and birds. In many cases wild stocks of these animals have been greatly reduced while the domesticated animals themselves have been bred along specific lines to meet current requirements. Future needs may conceivably be somewhat different. What, then, can be done to conserve genetic resources in order to meet these needs ?

Nematology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 301-318
Marek Tomalak ◽  
Anna Filipiak

Summary Bursaphelenchus michalskii sp. n. is described from the bark of the European white elm, Ulmus laevis. All propagative stages of the nematode were found in larval galleries of the large elm bark beetle, Scolytus scolytus, and in overlapping gallery systems of this species and the small European elm bark beetle, S. multistriatus. Dauer juveniles of the new nematode are transmitted to new breeding trees under elytra of adult S. scolytus. Bursaphelenchus michalskii sp. n. is characterised by the female body length of 953 (838-1108) μm and male body length of 893 (811-971) μm, very slender body (a = 53.9 (46.1-58.5) and 60.9 (52.2-72.0) in female and male, respectively), lateral fields with three incisures (two bands), excretory pore usually located anterior to the median bulb, lack of vulval flap, long post-uterine sac, relatively small spicules 12.3 (10.8-13.3) μm long with no cucullus and with distinct, somewhat thorn-like, dorsally bent or reflexed condylus and a conical or digitate rostrum, and the arrangement of the seven male caudal papillae (i.e., a single precloacal ventromedian papilla (P1), one pair of adcloacal ventrosublateral papillae (P2) at or just anterior to cloacal slit, one ventrosublateral, postcloacal pair (P3) located at ca 60% of the tail length, posterior to cloacal slit, and one pair (P4) of ventrosublateral papillae located near the base of the bursa). The newly described species shares most of the key morphological characters with members of the eremus-group (sensu Braasch et al., 2009). However, B. michalskii sp. n. is unique amongst Bursaphelenchus species by a combination of female tail and spicule shape, excretory pore position, and other morphometric characters. These findings were confirmed by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the 18S and 28S rDNA regions and by the unique molecular profile of the ITS region (ITS-RFLP).

Jahangir Ahmad Dar ◽  
Masrat Kareem ◽  
Sajad Majeed Zargar ◽  
Aijaz A. Wani ◽  
Sheezan Rasool ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 142 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 31-32
Igor Poljak ◽  
Joso Vukelić ◽  
Patrik Korijan ◽  
Irena Šapić ◽  
Marilena Idžojtić

Bijela, odnosno siva joha, Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. incana, listopadna je, jednodomna i anemofilna drvenasta vrsta iz porodice Betulaceae. Prirodno je rasprostranjena u sjevernoj, srednjoj i mjestimično južnoj Europi, zapadnom Sibiru i Turskoj, od nizinskoga pojasa do preko 1800 m nadmorske visine u alpskom području. Bijela joha je mezofilna do higrofilna vrsta koja dobro podnosi oštru planinsku i kontinentalnu klimu, a raste na karbonatnim, ali i silikatnim, pjeskovitim, šljunčanim, slabo humusnim tlima. Najčešća je u planinskim dolinama, uz potoke i rijeke gdje na vlažnim staništima s mnogim higrofilnim vrstama tvori guste, fragmentarne sastojine, često obnovljene iz panja. To su povremeno plavljeni lokaliteti uz vodotoke ili okolne padine kroz koje se postrano procjeđuje voda prema glavnom vodotoku. Prisutnost bijele johe u Hrvatskoj vezana je za dva oštro ograničena područja: sjeveroistočno, u nizinskom dijelu Hrvatske (110 do 190 m nadmorske visine) uz tok rijeke Drave; i sjeverozapadno, u alpsko-dinarskom području uz rijeku Kupu i njene pritoke (220 do 550 m nadmorske visine). U sjeveroistočnom području rasprostiru se sastojine definirane kao Equiseto hyemali-Alnetum incanae Moor 1958 (Trinajstić 1964; Franjić et al. 1999), u kojima se u odnosu na sastojine bijele johe u gorskome području kao razlikovne vrste izdvajaju: Ulmus laevis Pall., U. minor Mill., Prunus padus L., Equisetum hyemale L. i druge. Ove sastojine danas su rjeđe nego nekada, manje se koriste, a zbog nekadašnjeg načina sječe vrlo su često panjače. Nekadašnje šumske površine koje je Trinajstić istraživao (1964) danas više nisu pod šumom. Poplavne i vlažne šume u blizini urbanih središta isušuju se, a na njihovim su staništima izgrađena naselja i komunalna infrastruktura tako da su danas šume sive johe uz tok rijeke Drave u velikoj regresiji. U alpsko-dinarskom području istraživane sastojine svrstane su u šumsku zajednicu Lamio orvalae-Alnetum incanae Dakskobler 2010, a opisane su kao geografska varijanta Helleborus dumetorum (Vukelić et al. 2012, 2017). Ona se ističe mnogim vrstama iz dinarske vegetacijske zone, poput Fraxinus excelsior L., Ulmus glabra Huds., Fagus sylvatica L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Lamium orvala L., Lunaria rediviva L., Scopolia carniolica Jacq., Helleborus dumetorum Waldst. et Kit., Knautia drymeia Heuff. subsp. drymeia i druge. Siva joha ovdje raste u kanjonu Kupe i na obalnim terasama koje su uglavnom antropogenizirane, a nekoć su bile korištene u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Glavni ciljevi rada bili su utvrditi morfološku raznolikost i strukturiranost populacija bijele johe u Hrvatskoj te istražiti na koji način ekološki i geografski čimbenici utječu na varijabilnost populacija. Materijal za morfometrijsku analizu sakupljen je iz sedam prirodnih populacija – tri iz kontinentalne i četiri iz alpsko-dinarske regije (slika 1). Svaka populacija predstavljena je s 20 stabala, a svako stablo s 20 zdravih i neoštećenih listova s kratkih fertilnih izbojaka iz vanjskog, osvijetljenog dijela krošnje. Listovi su sakupljeni početkom srpnja 2016. godine, odnosno sredinom vegetacijskog razdoblja, kada su s obzirom na dimenzije i oblik u potpunosti razvijeni. Listovi su skenirani i izmjereni pomoću programa WinFolia. Ukupno je izmjereno devet lisnih značajki (slika 2). Deskriptivnim statističkim metodama utvrđena je visoka varijabilnost listova bijele johe, kao i jasan trend divergencije između kontinentalnih i alpsko-dinarskih populacija (slika 3). Najvarijabilnijim su se pokazale značajke: površina plojke, širina lista mjerena na 90 % dužine plojke i dužina peteljke. Za razliku od toga, najmanji stupanj varijabilnosti zabilježen je za varijable koje opisuju osnovu lisne plojke. Iako je trend variranja pojedinih značajki po populacijama bio sličan, u populacijama alpsko-dinarske regije zabilježena je nešto viša unutar-populacijska raznolikost. Kontinentalne populacije su imale veće vrijednosti svih mjerenih značajki lista u odnosu na populacije iz alpsko-dinarske regije. Analizom varijance, utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između istraživanih regija te između stabla unutar populacija, dok su se populacije unutar regija razlikovale samo za četiri istraživane značajke (tablica 1). Unutarpopulacijska varijabilnost veća je od međupopulacijske varijabilnosti, što je odlika mnogih vrsta drveća. Multivarijatne analize potvrđuju postojanje jasne razlike između kontinentalnih i alpsko-dinarskih populacija bijele johe (slika 1, slika 4, tablica 3), što upućuje na mogućnost da istraživane populacije predstavljaju dva različita ekotipa. Morfološka udaljenost između populacija bila je korelirana s geografskom i ekološkom udaljenošću, što potvrđuje uzorak „isolation by distance“ i „isolation by environmental distance“. Drugim riječima, utvrđeno je da geografska udaljenost i ekološka divergencija imaju važan utjecaj na oblikovanje morfološke strukture populacija te da je ona posljedica njihove moguće lokalne prilagodbe na okolišne uvjete i njihove geografske udaljenosti (tablica 2). Dobivene spoznaje o varijabilnosti populacija mogu doprinijeti razvoju učinkovitijih planova očuvanja i gospodarenja sivom johom u Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se potvrdili dobiveni zaključci o varijabilnosti populacija sive johe dobiveni morfometrijskim metodama, istraživanja je svakako potrebno proširiti i na molekularno-biološke metode.

Fruits ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 279-291 ◽  
Sognigbé N’Danikou ◽  
Enoch G. Achigan-Dako ◽  
Dèdéou A. Tchokponhoué ◽  
Françoise Assogba Komlan ◽  
Jens Gebauer ◽  

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