prunus padus
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Olga Opalko ◽  
Nataliia Derev'ianko ◽  
Anatoly Opalko

Aim. Decorative and confectionery-pharmaceutical value of bird cherry (Prunus padus L.), the complex history of the phytonyms’ formation, the transcendent symbolism and poetics of its image, ideas about bird cherry in different ethnic groups, and the pragmatic need to modernize the traditions they have preserved led to the need for necessitated research. Methods. The authors conducted the retrospective analysis of the formation of the bird cherry’s folklore image; revealed the formation of its modern scientific terminology and botanical nomenclature, attempts to preserve the symbolism of the bird cherry’s folk names in different ethnic groups for future generations and the prospects for introducing P. padus representatives in horticulture. The commonly used methods of theoretical analysis, systematization, comparison, and generalization of specialized literature have been applied (Hurrell et al., 2019). Results. Polyphilia of the subgenus Prunus subg. Padus (Mill.) Peterm. (=Prunus subg. Padus (Moench) Focke), debatable rank and status of P. padus species and the incompleteness of its taxonomy are confirmed. The autochthonous nature of bird cherry in Ukraine is supported by the richness of its dialect folk names. However, the dialect names of bird cherry were not always really motivated. They symbolized the plant in colorful verbal and poetic images and connected it with the oldest sacred traditions. Folk names and symbols of bird cherry in Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian dialects, variants of its nomenclature and symbolism in the traditions of English-speaking ethnic groups, and the Spanish language's onomastic field had been discussed. Works on the bird cherry’s use in folk medicine and modern pharmacy, and prospects for attracting materials from Prunus spp. Collections of NDP “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine and experimental farm “Novokahovske” of the Rice Institute of NAS of Ukraine for gardening, horticulture, and breeding are characterized. Conclusions. The ambiguity of the bird cherry’s folklore image in the ideas of close Slavic ethnic groups, the connection of these ideas with the composition of the local dendrological flora, and the traditional value of P. padus and other representatives of the subgenus Padus for traditional and scientific medicine, the prospects of their introduction into horticulture, and the need to involve ethnobotanical lexemes in enlightenment are proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 848 (1) ◽  
pp. 012152
Grigoriy A Rengarten ◽  
Vladimir N Sorokopudov ◽  
Olga A Sorokopudova ◽  
Ibragim M Bamatov

2021 ◽  
Inga Sīle ◽  

Daudzi Eiropas valstīs veiktie etnobotāniskie pētījumi vērš uzmanību uz ārstniecības augu tradicionālās izmantošanas pieaugošo nozīmi. Eiropā zināšanas par ārstniecības augu lietošanu balstās senā vēsturē un tradīcijās. Arī Latvija ir valsts ar gadsimtos krātām tautas medicīnas tradīcijām un plašu šo zināšanu arhīvu. Promocijas darba mērķis bija apkopot un analizēt latviešu tautas ārstniecības pierakstos pieejamās zināšanas par ārstniecības augu lietošanu un meklēt jaunas idejas šo zināšanu praktiskam lietojumam mūsdienās. Promocijas darbs pirmo reizi starptautiskajai zinātniskajai sabiedrībai atklāj latviešu tautas ārstniecības pierakstos iekļauto informāciju par ārstēšanos ar augiem, kas līdz šim nebija tulkota angļu valodā, tāpēc nebija pieejama citu valstu pētniekiem. Pētījums ietver sarakstu ar Latvijas teritorijā 19. gs. beigās un 20. gs. pirmajā pusē tautas medicīnā izmantotiem augiem, to sugām, ārstniecībā lietotām šo augu daļām un pagatavojumiem no tām, to ievadīšanas veidu un slimībām vai to simptomiem, kas ārstēti ar šiem līdzekļiem. Darbs satur informāciju par 211 augu ģintīm, no kurām lielākā daļa tika izmantotas gremošanas un elpošanas sistēmas traucējumu ārstēšanai. Lai saprastu, vai folkloras materiālos norādītā informācija mūsdienās ir aktuāla, tradicionālais augu lietojums tika salīdzināts ar informāciju, balstītu uz pierādījumiem. Pētījumā secināts, ka 59 augu drogām ir pieejamas oficiālas Eiropas Zāļu aģentūras datubāzē publicētas monogrāfijas, bet lielākajai daļai latviešu tautas ārstniecības pierakstos minēto indikāciju nav zinātniska pierādījuma. Pēc sistemātiskas folkloras materiālu analīzes turpmākam pētījumam tika izvēlēti Pelargonium sidoides DC. un Prunus padus L., lai apstiprinātu šo augu drogu tradicionālo lietojumu iekaisuma stāvokļu ārstēšanai. Šim nolūkam pētījuma gaitā tika noskaidroti to pretiekaisuma aktivitātes molekulārie mehānismi. Iegūtie rezultāti sniedz pierādījumu, ka abu augu drogu ekstraktiem in vitro un ex vivo ir izteikta pretiekaisuma aktivitāte, tā apstiprinot to izmantošanas lietderību latviešu tautas medicīnā par efektīvu līdzekli iekaisuma procesu mazināšanai. Promocijas darba rezultātu nozīmīgums: tie var rosināt jaunas idejas turpmākiem ar Latvijas teritorijā augošu augu izmantošanas iespējām saistītiem pētījumiem un var pavērt jaunas perspektīvas gan nacionāliem, gan starptautiskiem etnobotāniskiem pētījumiem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-249
Larisa Gennadievna Ponomareva ◽  
Roman Valentinovich Gaidamashko

The article deals with fifteen Komi-Permyak names of berries noted at the end of the 18th century: ди́каꙗ ка́лина [díkaya kálina] ‘elderberry (Sambucus racemosa L.)’, е́жевика [ézhevika] ‘European dewberry (Rubus caesius L.) (?)’, же́лнегъ [zhélneg] ‘rose hip (Rosa L.)’, жи́молость [zhímolost'] ‘honeysuckle (Lonicera L.)’, жо́ [zhó] ‘viburnum (Viburnum L.)’, л ѣ ́ мъ [lém] ‘bird cherry (Prunus padus L.)’, мы́рпонъ [mýrpon] ‘cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.)’, на́мыръ [námyr] ‘stone bramble (Rubus saxatilis L.)’, о́зъ [óz] ‘strawberry (Fragaria L.)’, пу́лъ [púl] ‘cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)’, ря́бина [ryábina] ‘rowan (Sorbus L.)’, сэ́тэръ [séhtehr] ‘currant (Ribes L.)’, с ѣ ́ ́ла о̀зъ [séla òz] ‘creamy strawberry (Fragaria viridis (Duch.) Weston)’, ту́ри моль [túri mol'] ‘cranberry (Vaccinium subgen. Oxycoccus (Hill) A. Gray)’, э́мидзь [éhmidz'] ‘raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)’. The research is based on the material of two handwritten Komi-Permyak-Russian dictionaries (alphabetical and thematic) of 1785 authored by the archpriest of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Perm Antony Popov (1748-1788). The purpose of this study is to establish the history, etymology and ethnocultural features of the Komi-Permyak names of berries noted in A. Popov’s manuscripts. Among the methods and approaches used in this study: a) methods of historical knowledge; b) the empirical method; c) methods and techniques of comparative historical and comparative linguistics. The names of berries from A. Popov’s dictionaries are compared with the material of other later sources on the Komi-Permyak language, and are also compared with the data of the Komi-Permyak literary language and modern Komi dialects. The ethnolinguistic data and versions about the origin of all the considered Komi-Permyak words are given. Etymological analysis has shown that the native names of berries originated in ancient times, most of them belong to the pre-Permic (Finno-Permic, Finno-Ugric, Uralic) era; also there is a possible substrate heritage. Some words have lost the ability to be used independently, while others can now be classified as archaisms, dialectisms, and passive vocabulary.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4951 (2) ◽  
pp. 372-380

Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) tetraporus sp. nov., collected on grasses in Crimea, is proposed as a new species for science. The new species can be separated from all known species of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) by the combination of following characters; peritreme extending almost to level of setae j1, four pairs of solenostomes on dorsal shield, two pairs of setae on sternal shield, a sclerotised v-shaped plate posterior to sternal shield, four pairs of pre-anal setae, a pair of small rounded pre-anal solenostomes, differentiated and larger atrium of spermatheca and eight setae on genu II. In addition, T. (A.) montanus Chant & Yoshida-Shaul (Acari: Phytoseiidae), a species only known based on its original description from Canada is reported for the first time in Russia. The new record is redescribed and illustrated based on female specimens collected from Prunus padus L. (Rosaceae) where it was associated with eriophyid mites in Pereval Seminskiy, Altai Republic. This species may be an important predator as a potential biological control agent of eriophyid mites. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3913
Aleksandra Telichowska ◽  
Joanna Kobus-Cisowska ◽  
Piotr Szulc ◽  
Marta Ligaj ◽  
Kinga Stuper-Szablewska ◽  

Prunus padus L., is not very popular plant, it is commonly found due to low soil requirements and easy to settle in various places. As for now, concerning food technology, there is no wide application for P. padus. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of using bird cherry bark as an ingredient in herbal functional teas. In the first step, the conditions for extraction of the bark were electrochemically optimized. It was proven that the highest content of polyphenols could be found in the sample consisting of chamomile, linden flower, and calendula (7939.8 ± 106.6 mg/100 g dm). In the beta-carotene bleaching test, the highest activity could be spotted for calendula tea (16.7 ± 1.1c%) and chamomile tea (15.0 ± 2.0c%) and concerning the test for linden flower tea without added bark (134.4 ± 15.1b μg ascorbic acid /mL). The property of the tested teas to inhibit cholinesterases was proven. What is more, P. padus bark infusion showed the highest activity of 15.8 ± 1.1d μg neostigmine/mL, for acetylcholinesterases (AChE) inhibition and 21.2 ± 1.0c μg neostigmine/mL for butyrylcholinesterases (BChE). The same tea also showed the highest activity to reduce ions of iron (Fe(III)): 25.3 ± 0.9c μg Trolox /mL and glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase inhibition, 87.0 ± 1.1e% and 64.9 ± 2.0d% respectively. The use of P. padus bark may be vital in the preventive care concerning modern-age diseases and allow for the production of a new range of products with distinctive sensory characteristics and functional properties and, at the same time, in combating the spread of P. padus in the farm and forest ecosystem.


Современное развитие городов приводит к изменению сохранившейся на их территории частички природы, изучением которой занимаются на протяжении продолжительного времени. Анализ почв лесопарков города Екатеринбурга Свердловской области проводился на основе изучения морфологических и химических свойств почв. Почвенные разрезы были заложены в лесопарке им. Лесоводов России, в Юго-Западном, Санаторном, Уктусском и Шарташском лесопарках. В составе древостоя лесопарковой зоны Екатеринбурга преобладает сосна обыкновенная (Pinus sylvestris L.), отмечено отсутствие или неравномерное распределение подроста и подлеска. Чаще всего произрастают следующие подлесочные виды: ракитник русский (Суtlsus ruthenicus Fisch. ex Bess.), черемуха обыкновенная (Prunus padus L.), рябина обыкновен- ная (Sorbus aucuparia L.) и роза иглистая (Rosa acicularis Lindl.). В задачи исследования входило изуче- ние почв, на которых произрастают данные подлесочные виды. На бурых лесных почвах состав подлеска разнообразней, чем на дерново-подзолистых. В каждом лесопарке было заложено по 2–3 почвенных раз- реза и взяты образцы почв для определения агрохимических свойств каждого выделенного почвенного горизонта. Были определены скелетность, удельный вес, объемный вес, порозность, обменная кислотность рНКСl, обеспеченность доступными калием и фосфором, гидролитическая кислотность, сумма обменных оснований, емкость поглощения и степень насыщенности основаниями. В изученных лесопарках были выявлены два типа почв: бурые лесные и подзолистые. Бурые лесные почвы представлены двумя подтипами – типичными и оподзоленными, а подзолистые – дерново-подзолистыми. В почвах лесопарков не обнаружено горизонтов урбик, свойственных антропогенно преобразованным почвам, но отмечено присутствие антропогенных включений в поверхностных горизонтах. The modern development of cities leads to a change in the preserved, on their territory, pieces of nature, the study of which is engaged for a long time. The analysis of the soils of forest parks in the city of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, was carried out on the basis of studying the morphological and chemical properties of the soils. Soil sections were laid in forest parks: Forest Park of Foresters of Russia, South-Western. Sanatorium, Uktussky and Shartashsky Forest Park. The stand of the Yekaterinburg forest park zone is dominated by scots Pinus sylvestris, and there is no or uneven distribution of undergrowth and undergrowth. The most common subshrub species are Cytisus ruthenicus, Prunus padus, Sorbus aucuparia, and Rosa acicularis. The objectives of the study were to study the soils on which these undergrowth species grow. On brown forest soils, the composition of the undergrowth is more diverse than on sod-podzolic soils. In each forest park, 2–3 soil sections were laid and soil samples were taken to determine the agrochemical properties of each selected soil horizon. Have been identifi ed skeletality, specifi c gravity, volume weight, porosity, pHKCl, К2О, Р2О5, Н, S, Е, V. In the studied forest parks, two types of soils were identifi ed: brown forest and podzolic. Brown forest soils are represented by two subtypes – typical and landslide, and podzolic – sod-podzolic. In the soils of forest parks, no urbic horizons characteristic of anthropogenically transformed soils were found, but the presence of anthropogenic inclusions in the surface horizons was noted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 268 ◽  
pp. 113678
Inga Sile ◽  
Melita Videja ◽  
Marina Makrecka-Kuka ◽  
Dace Tirzite ◽  
Karlis Pajuste ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1052-1061
Aleksandra Telichowska ◽  
Joanna Kobus-Cisowska ◽  
Piotr Szulc ◽  
Radosław Wilk ◽  
Dominik Szwajgier ◽  

Abstract The study assessed the health-promoting properties and the content of minerals in the bark of bird cherry (Prunus padus L.), which was then used as an ingredient in functional teas. The infusions were made with the use of Matricaria chamomilla L., Tilia cordata Mill., and Calendula officinalis L., and then combined with the bark in various proportions. The prepared infusions were tested for antioxidant activity, ability to reduce copper ions and iron ions, as well as the ability to scavenge hydroxyl radicals. In the next stage, the antimicrobial activity and the ability to inhibit the enzyme cycloxygenase-2 were assessed. Bird cherry bark contains a high potassium content of 19.457 ± 762 mg/kg d.m. In all the tests evaluating the antioxidant activity, infusions from the bark of bird cherry alone and with its 30% addition had the strongest properties. The analyzed infusions also have the ability to reduce Cu(ii) ions; they are active to reduce Fe(iii) ions and scavenge hydroxyl radical. The highest antimicrobial activity was found for teas with 20 and 30% bark, especially against Listeria monocytogenes (25.0–27.0 mm) (±3.0). The bark infusion was also found to have the highest inhibitory activity against cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) – 77.0%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00118
Vladimir Simagin ◽  
Anna Lokteva

The northern regions of Russia are characterized by a relatively poor composition of the cultural dendroflora, that due to harsh climatic conditions. To create resistant varieties, it is necessary to attract local highly winter-resistant forms and on their. The northern regions of Russia are characterized by a relatively poor composition of the cultural dendroflora, that due to harsh climatic conditions. To create resistant varieties, it is necessary to attract local highly winter-resistant forms and on their basis to obtain hybrids with foreign species and new samples of Prunus padus L. with better ornamental characteristic to crossing with them.

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